Old Friends

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"Fuck, that hurts" he hissed as he shook his hand. 

I pulled his hand towards myself and turned it over, a nasty cut had formed and i shook my head at him, "you had one job".

I stood up and got some antiseptic, pouring it onto the wound. "Its your fault" he said and i scoffed, " my fault?" he nods. "You made the floor wet and i slipped" i stared at him in shock, "the floor isn't wet, just admit it, you're embarrassed you fell so you are blaming me" he scoffed then, "don't be so cocky, admit its your fault" i ignored him and stood up, grabbing his good arm to help him up. I went to the shower and turned it on, "take your c- oh wait, you can't do that either" i walked back to him, sat him down on the toilet lid and crouched down, unbuttoning his shirt. I carefully took it off, admiring his gold skin as i did. I kissed him where his jaw met his neck. I took the rest of his clothes off and raised my brow at him, hinting at his flaccid cock. 

"Trust me, you don't want me to get horny" he said and i shrugged my shoulders, "maybe you just have erectile dysfunction". He grabbed my arm, "do you want to find out?" i shook my head, "yeah, i don't think so" i said and he bit his lip, i could tell i was bothering him. I helped him into the shower, keeping his leg and arm out of the water. I took my own clothes off and got in with him. I washed his hair and then his body, rubbing his skin with my soap lathered hands. Once i was done, i stood up and cleaned my own body. I shut my eyes as i washed the soap from hair, i turned around to face Rune and rubbed the soap from my eyes. He stared back at me, his eyes raking my body and i got down on my knees. I kissed along his neck and down his chest. I teased his erection which only grew in my hands, moving back, i licked from his knee to his inner thigh. His skin felt hot as my lips approached his cock. I slid him into my mouth, allowing my teeth to just barely rub against his shaft. I knew he loved it. 

His hand dug into my hair as i slowly bopped my head along his shaft using my hand to twist along it, my other hand teasing his hard nipples. His thighs clenched on either side of my head, his moans clear over the loud patters of the shower. The heat of the shower making his breathing heavy. I pulled away and used my hand to take him to his orgasm. I watched him as his eyes shut and his head fell back, his Adams apple bopping as he neared his high, his chest rising and falling as water droplets streamed down his muscled chest. Then he came and there was no better sight. I stared at him as i licked him off my fingers.

We got out of the shower and somehow i managed to get rid of my own erection. 

knock knock knock

I looked at Rune and handed him a shirt and went to open the door to find Pete and some of my other friends. "We brought alcohol" Pete said and walked in, "wheres Rune?" Pete asked and i gestured towards the bathroom. After a few seconds i realized that Rune wasn't able to dress himself so how on earth was he going to get out of the bathroom if i didn't go in there? i didn't need them to know i was gay. But that didn't really matter right now. I went into the bathroom and closed it behind me, i helped Rune into his clothes. We both walked out together and they all stared at us, i ignored them and helped Rune take a seat. 

"So what are we waiting for?" i asked them and they all looked away. Not long after, they were all mostly drunk. 

I checked my phone to find 10 missed calls from my father, i quickly called him back, panic in my heart. "Whats wrong dad?" 

"it's your grandmother, she has passed away" i stood frozen as i comprehend his words, "what happened?" i managed to ask and he didn't respond. "Just come over and stay with us for a few days" he said, "okay, i'll be there in 2 hours" i quickly said and i hang up. I rushed back to the dorm and grabbed a duffel back, stuffing it with everything i'd need. "Where are you going?" Rune asked and i froze, Rune. I walked over to him and sat down beside him, "my grandmother passed...i'm going to stay with my family for a few days, you can take care of yourself right?" he instantly nodded, "don't let me stop you, its your family" he said but when i looked up and met his eyes, i could tell he was lying. He didn't want me to leave but i had no choice. I pecked his lips quickly but it wasn't enough, i knew i was going to miss him-a lot. I needed more. I caught his lips in mine once more, savoring him for the few moments i had. I dug my fingers into his hair and grasped a fistful of his soft strands. 

I pulled away first and burrowed my face into his neck inhaling his familiar scent, "i'm not going to be gone for long, so you better take care of yourself for me, i left the medicine in the cabinet, make sure to take them before you eat, twice a day. Understand?" he nodded against me. I needed to leave but my body remained in its position. 

"Tan, don't worr-" 

"I love you" the words left my lips before my mind could process it. I got up, taking everything else i needed and i rushed out of the door. I sat on the bus for one hour yet it felt like 20. On top of all the sadness i felt for my grandmother, i also thought about Rune and whether what i'd said was true or not. Maybe it was on impulse, i didn't know. Did i love him? I knew i cared for him a lot and that when i was around him, i felt comfortable and happy. I didn't want to feel these things, i didn't want to complicate things. thinking about it now, i shouldn't have said i loved him in the first place.

I got off the bus and rushed into my mothers arms.

Two days had already gone by and i missed Rune so much, i felt like i was missing something. I wanted to call him but i couldn't bring myself to hit the call button. I didn't know what to say to him after i told him what i did two days ago. I was completely frustrated. I couldn't sleep either, it was 4 am and i was wide awake. I heard footsteps then, i looked out into the hallway to find my father and mother talking. 

"You need to pay back the loan honey, its too dangerous now" my mother said to my father. I quickly hid. "I know, i just wanted to help Tan, he's all we have now" my father responded and i felt sorrow, i was the only child he had left. 

"Dao's death-" 

"it wasn't your fault, she was killed by those pigs" i froze. Killed? i thought she'd died of cancer. I couldn't move, i couldn't think, i couldn't bring myself to confront them. I was helpless. 

Mindlessly i went back to my bed and collapsed onto it. My sister was killed, she was taken from me because some stupid fucker wanted to ruin our family and i didn't even know. I didn't know anything. Why wasn't there some police investigation? Why hadn't they found the perpetrator? 


I stretched my arm and legs, finally the cast was gone and i was fine. Three days had gone by since Tan had left, since he'd told me he loved me. I was surprised then and i still wonder if it was all my imagination. I didn't think anyone could love me and yet he did. For now at least, soon he'd find out what i am and he'd hate me. Even if i did actually love him back, it was pointless, i couldn't throw away my revenge. I couldn't let Wayne get away after he killed so many people, after he killed my mother. There would be no mercy.

I pushed aside the heaviness in my heart and drove away to Wayne's house, i'd kill him today, no matter what it took. It was night time when i'd arrived. I made sure to park a few blocks away before i walked to his house, the roads were silent and there was not a soul in sight. It seemed like everything was in place and it was, after so long of hunting and tracking and endless circles, i'd finally found the motherfucker. I gripped the knife in my pocket, its heaviness keeping me at bay. 

I found the house and broke into the silent home. I crept inside, the floorboards creaking from my weight. After checking the first floor i quietly went upstairs, i checked the rooms-i heard footsteps. I quickly rushed into one of the rooms, my heart pounded in my chest, my blood ran hot and the ever present guilt and nervousness settled in the pit of my stomach. He was here, i was sure of it. 

"Return it to us, your daughter died when you denied me the first time, do you want to repeat your mistakes?" father? Why was he here?

"i won't give it to you, you need to give me something first"

"What do you want?"

"Three million baht"

"i don't have that"

"i don't believe that, you aren't the biggest gang in Thailand for nothing"

"Give me the flash drive and i'll wire you the money"

"i want cash"

"You fucker...Okay, i'll give you cash, now, the flash drive"if my dad was here, it meant that he wasn't here to kill Wayne. He wanted something from him and it was whatever was in that flash drive. That meant that all of this wasn't to get revenge for my mom, it was all for himself, all because he wanted that stupid flash drive. He didn't care about us, he never did. Why did that hurt so much? i always knew he hated me but i didn't think he felt nothing for my mom. I pushed my emotions aside and took the knife in my hand, i pushed open the door and i took a step inside, "what are you here for dad?" i asked my father who was at a loss for words, "you never wanted me to find him to kill him, you only cared about yourself this entire time" i said, hiding the hurt i felt. 

"Dad? whats going on?" i looked at the door,

it was Tan.

"Why are you here Rune?" he asked and then all the emotions i pushed away punched me in the face. I felt it all. I felt so betrayed as i stared at him, "how could you?" i spat, tears fought to escape my eyes but i wouldn't let them fall. "You were working together weren't you?" he didn't say anything and i couldn't believe any of it, it couldn't be true. It all couldn't have been a lie. What we had couldn't have been fake.

"You wanted to kill me" 

"No! i-"

"don't lie to me! i trusted you, you told me you loved me! But all you wanted was to get close so that you could kill me, i guess its father like son, you going to follow in his footsteps, killing people, tearing families apart?" 

"what are you talking about? We didn't kill anyone"

"You're a good liar, no wonder i actually believed you and your lies. I never want to see your fucking face again" i said and i meant it. 

"I will make sure you all wish you never fucked with me" i spotted the flash drive in Wayne's hand. I punched him and grabbed it, i ran to the door "Rune, son, give it to me". I turned around and smirked, "you mean this?" i said waving it in the air. I dropped it to the ground and crushed it under my shoe, "you can have it now" i kicked its remains towards him. I turned to Wayne, ignoring Tan, and threw the knife at Wayne, it all happened at once. Tan intervened and the metal connected with him, sliding into his shoulder. My heart hurt, i wanted to apologize, i wanted to help him, i wanted to care for him like he did for me except he didn't. I didn't want to feel anymore. 

I turned away and left the room, this didn't change anything, i'd still kill Wayne and Tan, if he got in my way again. I went back to the dorm and took all of my things, i never wanted to see that shit again, i'd kill him if i did.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and i answered it, "who is this?" 

"you don't remember me?" i felt my heart lighten as i recognized his voice. 

"James, you're back".


Hope you guys like the book so far, thank you for reading it this far!

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