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"Did you find anything?" i asked Cheng De, one of my father's investigators.

"I went to the crime scene and i met one of our connections at the police department, you were right, Wayne is behind her murder. The cops are writing it off as a suicide, i assume that they were paid of by his boss. Do you need me to do anything else?" 

"So i was right...did you find out his address?"

"No, i didn't. There aren't any properties listed under his name either, unless we know his real name, we can't find out anything else...I used our facial recognition program but we didn't get anything, unless we can manage to get a better picture of him". I ran my hand through my hair, tugging at it. He wasn't invincible, i just had to find a way to get his identity. That way, i have something and i can properly attack him. Then it hit me.

"Is there any place that he often goes to? We won't be able to get close to him, but if we can hack into the local security cameras, we can probably get a good enough picture to use" 

"That's a good idea, do you still think you can identify him? Even after all these years?" 

"Of course" i answered before hanging up. Aside from 11 years ago, i'd encountered him 3 years ago at a crime scene, covered in blood. I'd finally get the revenge i needed, i wont be a disappointment to myself or my father and maybe, he might just accept me instead of loathing me. 

I stepped out of the dark balcony and fell down onto the bed, i will win this time.

"What are you thinking about?" Tan asked as he jumped onto the space beside me, "nothing" i responded. I burrowed my face into his neck and splayed my arm and leg on his sides, "let's just stay like this" i breathed as i inhaled his familiar scent. He nodded and i relaxed, "tell me about yourself?" he asked, taking me by surprise. "What do you want to know? there isn't much" i answered and he chuckled, "bullshit, you aren't an empty human being". 

"Well uh, i was born in xxxx, i'm 19, a male, bisexual, i like the color grey, i hate romance movies and i have a dad"

"That's a start, but that's basic information i could've found from your ID card, i want to know you" he said, my stomach jumped as i thought of what he'd said. No one had ever asked me that, had ever said they wanted to know me or even cared enough to. I felt something i'd never felt for so long and it frightened me. Wouldn't it be better if we didn't really know each other? If we were just in a relationship for momentary affection? Getting attached would only hurt me. 

But maybe this time it would be different or was that just wishful thinking? 

In the end, my mouth had a mind of its own.

"I lost my mother 10 years ago, she meant the world to me. Especially since i had no siblings and i was never able to play with other children. She always told me loved me, she was there for me...whenever i needed her, without her i was alone" i started, "but then she was murdered, i heard her scream in the middle of the night and i ran downstairs to only find her...she was gone" i continued, "you don't have to-" 

"its fine" i interrupted before taking a deep breath before i could continue.

"After my mom died, my dad hated me for it... he always said it was because i had failed to protect her, that if i loved her enough, i would've been able to do something" i said, feeling tears brim in my eyes, blurring my vision. "Did he give you those scars on your back?" he blurted and i nodded, "yes" i admitted for the first time. I felt a huge weight lifted off my chest, i told him something i'd never ever shared before, never cared or bothered to. I held my breath as i realized i'd told him what i'd hidden for so long and for the first time, i was afraid of what someone-what he, would think of me. His silence ate at me, did he blame me too? 

"Do you really think it's my fault?" i whispered, instantly he lifted my chin. His glossy hazel eyes staring back at me, "why would i blame you? Are you an idiot?" he asks and i stuff my face back into his neck, "i failed my family" i told him. "You were only 8 or 9 years old! How could you fight a murderer?" he yelled and i squeezed his waist, "you don't hate me for it?" i asked, afraid of what he'd answer.

"Of course not, i'm just sorry" he muttered and i looked up, "you're sorry?"

"That i couldn't protect you from your dad or people who hurt you" he muttered and for a second, my heart skipped a beat. Without knowing it, tears flowed down my cheeks and i hugged him more tightly. "Wait, why the fuck are you crying?! i wasn't trying to be rude" he shouted and i chuckled, "it's just that no one ever said that to me before, no one's ever cared about me in that way" i sniffled. "You don't need anyone to care about you anymore, you have me now", i brought his face down to mine and kissed him, at first it was soft and serene. I slid my hand down his neck, shoulders, then at his waist, i pulled him closer to me. I parted his mouth, my tongue, licking, tasting, exploring his mouth, trying to satisfy my insatiable addiction to him. 

I kissed along his neck, nibbling at his sweet skin. His heavy breathing and deep moans making me go haywire, i grabbed his hands and pressed them down onto the bed. I bit the hem of his shirt and lifted it, kissing up his abdomen, taking my time to savor every kiss. I teased his hard nipples with my teeth and tongue, loving how he arched against me. "Rune..." i kissed his lips once more, letting his wrists go to caress his chest and down his sides. "And you have me" i said before meeting his lips once more.

I slipped out of the bed, lifting Tan's arms off of me. I got dressed and looked back at Tan who was in a deep sleep. I couldn't stop the thundering of my heart as i admired how beautiful he looked with his bare skin glowing from under the moonlight. Yet beautiful wasn't a word you could use to explain him or his personality, i chuckled as i pulled on my jacket. There weren't any words you could use to explain him, he was just Tan and that was what made him special. I left the room and pulled out my phone, searching the address Cheng De had sent. It was about time that i got something that would lead me to that mother fucker. 

I pulled off the helmet, tucking it under my arm; i headed into the black van Cheng De drove. I silently crept inside, surprising Cheng De who quickly turned back to the laptop. "It is going to be a long night, isn't it" he stated as he scrolled through the live footage. Only five minutes had gone by when i spotted the familiar man, my fingers tightened into a fist as he went toward the club door "that's him" i said as i pointed towards the screen. I ached to go outside and beat the life out of him, torture him for what he did to me and my my mother. Cheng De squeezed my shoulder, bringing back to reality, "you'll get him don't worry" he said and i nodded. I would get him, no matter how much i hated him; i knew i couldn't be reckless as i was last time.

"Did you get a good shot?" i asked and he nodded, "we have enough to run through the system...don't worry, we will find out who he really is". I felt reassured. I stepped out of the van and walked to my bike, avoiding the prying stares of the gangsters. I kept my head down as i scurried to the bike, the last thing i needed was to be recognized by these fools. I finally got to my bike "Hey Wayne".

I stopped dead in my tracks, quickly hiding behind in the alleyway. 

"What do you want?" Wayne answered him. Hearing his sickening voice triggered me, i felt hot, blinded with what could only be hate and anger. I dug my hands into my pocket, taking deep breaths, it wasn't time. He was in Viper Gang territory; i would never make it out. I couldn't die before i got back at him. "Boss wants to know if you finished the job"

"You mean that girl? Didn't you see the news" he joked, my teeth dug into my lower lip, the familiar copper taste taking over my senses. I was right, he had done it. "Way-" 


My ears rung and my heart began to pound in my chest. "Get rid of him, he just wouldn't shut up" Wayne said and i felt the urge to puke, i quickly pulled on the helmet and got onto my bike. I'd get him; i had to, not just for me, but those innocent people who didn't deserve to die. 

I entered the dorm building, taking the 25 flights of stairs to get to my room. Maybe if i felt terribly exhausted my mind would calm down, maybe i'd stop thinking at a mile a second, my head felt like it would explode any second. I got to my floor yet my mind and heart were still racing uncontrollably, i pushed the stairwell door open and headed to my room. Maybe seeing Tan would calm me down. I stuck my key into the lock and twisted, my hand froze. It was unlocked.

I pressed my hand against the door to open it and stopped, "you let me in for a reason didn't you?" a female voice said, Kanya.

"You came in on your own, you can leave now" Tan said, somehow hearing his voice made me hold my breath. What was he doing in there? I wanted to intervene yet my limbs remained frozen in place. "You want me don't you? You're not really gay are you?", i felt the need to vomit for the nth time today. "Can you leave? i don't know what you expected by coming here" i heard receding footsteps ,"touch me" she said.

"Put your clothes on Kanya, stop this bullshit"


"Ka-" muffled noises came from the room and i pushed the door open, for a second i felt nothing but confusion. It all came at once, she and him, kissing, naked. Even if she was the only one naked he might as well have been, he was only dressed in his pants. Tan shoved her off and then his eyes met mine, they widened in surprise. I walked out, shutting the door behind me. I guess i was wrong, to trust him, to think there was something between us, and that maybe this time things would be different. This was for the better in some way, now i could focus on my revenge without any burdens.


The door slammed shut and i quickly pulled on a shirt, why did seeing that pained expression in his eyes hurt me as much as it did?

"You better be gone when i come back" i said to her, making sure she felt the disgust in my tone. I rushed out of the dorm and ran down the hall, i went downstairs and looked everywhere for him. Where could the idiot be? I can only imagine what the whole situation looked like. I dishearteningly walked outside, barely feeling the cold. I pulled out my phone and called him, leaving voicemail after voicemail with no reply. I ran around the area, yet there was no sign of him. I went back to the dorms and sat outside on the bench, stuffing my frozen hands into my pockets. I'd die of hypothermia at this rate. This fucker is really making me chase him like a lost puppy. I sat for a good hour when it hit me, the only other place i hadn't checked was the bar.

I got up and called an Uber.

I walked into the bar that was already full, i felt relief as i spotted Rune sitting at the table. I walked towards him to only be stopped by the sight of another guy joining him, my ex boyfriend, Timon. 

He placed his arms over his shoulders and then i felt hot with anger, i was furious. Who the fuck was he to be placing his hands on my boyfriend? I bit down hard on my tongue, drawing blood. I curled my fingers into a fist to contain myself and grabbed Rune's wrist, he looked up, tearing his hand out of my hold. I flinched at the action. "Well if it isn't Tan" i avoid eye contact with my ex, "lets go" i told Rune who ignored me. 

"Why should i listen to you?" 

"Get your petty ass up before i punch the fuck out of you"

"Back off, he doesn't want you" Timon interrupted and placed his hand on Rune's shoulder, i could tell Rune wasn't shoving him away on purpose. He wanted to piss me off and it was working. I felt stupid myself yet i wasn't going to back off and let Timon have him.

"Fuck off" i said and grabbed Rune by the collar, "lets go".

"No" he said, his soft lips brushing against mine. A whirlwind of emotions ran through me in that moment. "He's my boyfriend" i said to Timon without looking at him, then i pressed my lips against Rune's. Savoring his addicting lips, licking his tongue as it slid into my mouth.

Rune pushed me away but i grabbed his wrist just in time and pulled him up,"he doesn't want to" Timon said, his voice like an annoying alarm that i couldn't hit snooze on "fuck off" i said. 

"Where do you think you are going Tan? i know you were just jealous of him, fuck him and let me make you feel good as i always have, we were together before weren't we? Lets relive that" his words disgusted me and angered me, if it was anyone giving the pleasure, it was me. I suddenly wanted to punch him.


The sound exploded in my ears, within a second, Timon fell back and stared in horror at Rune whose face was riddled with anger and malice. He grabbed my arm, grabbed his glass, downed it, then walked out with me.

We awkwardly walked back to the dorm, "don't think we are together again" he said and i looked at him in shock but quickly looked away from him in annoyance. "I didn't know we broke up in the first place" i responded as we entered our room, "do you think i want to date someone like you?" he said.

"Someone like me?"

"Yes, someone who gives his body up to everyone he pleases and betrays others, i hate two-faced motherfuckers like you"

"so i guess you hate yourself as well"

"you fucking-"

"don't be such a hypocrite"

"excuse me?"

"you heard me, you are the one who sneaks out at night sleeping with whomever you want"

"you're just like everybody else, i don't betray people like you, don't act all innocent when i caught you naked with some random person"

"i'm not acting innocent, you assumed that all on your own, just believe what you want like you always do, you never bother to hear me out unless i force you to, if anything, you are the one constantly looking for an excuse to fight, if you want to break up then sure, lets break up, just stop bothering me" i finished and turned away from him. He grabbed my arm and i turned back to him, "what now?".

"Did you actually cheat on me?"

"What do you think?"

"i'm sorry i overreacted"

"Stop assuming the worst in me" i added before i pecked his lips.

"So that guy is your ex? What did he mean by he can pleasure you better than i can?"

"why don't you ask him?" i joked

"Can he?"

"Honestly he was terrible, it was more like the other way around"Rune smirked, he leaned over beside my ear, pulling the silver earring between his teeth.

"I want you to fuck me" he whispered.

My fingers traveled down his bare spine as he lay on his stomach. I grazed over the physically healed scars, kissing each one before resting my head on his back that rose and fell with his every breath. "You should trust me more" i muttered, Rune shifted and i got up as he turned to lay on his back. Ii trust you enough to fuck me" he answered and i looked away, thankful that the dark room hid my expression. "You don't when it matters" i quickly said before falling back to lie down. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You think about it, i'm tired" i answered before pushing him to lay on his side so that i could spoon him. I buried my face into his back, yet sleep wouldn't come to me even though i was tired. Instead, i wrote my name on his back with my finger repeatedly until sleep dragged me into its arms.


Thank you for reading my book, i hope you are enjoying it so far.

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