The Clueless Girl and The Fight or Flight

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When i came out of the steaming bathroom, i expected to see Rune but there was no sign of the idiot. My heart dropped at the sight of the empty room but i decided not to call him, even though my hand irked to grab the phone and call him to see if he was fine. It could be that Rune was angry at me for shutting the door but i don't think that Rune was like that. I would most definitely not be the playing the clingy girlfriend, now that i thought about it, i didn't want to be the inferior one, i wanted to dominate and i could only assume Rune was that type as well. I had sex with one other guy before; he was the first guy i'd slept with. In that relationship, i'd be the one who was mostly on top, now that was going to be difficult with Rune considering his persona. 

Was i thinking too far at this point, what if we never got to that stage?

For now, i was okay with just being close with Rune, considering how much i wanted him to feel for me what i felt for him. I really might be thinking too far, but that doesn't mean that i didn't want to, because i really did, especially tonight, i would've fucked Rune with or without any protection, but i would never want to hurt him like that. I felt hot just by thinking of Rune's naked body under me as i fucked the living daylight out of him. I felt my cock enlarge, pressing against the fabric of my underwear. As i reached down into my pants, my phone rung. I answered it without reading the caller ID.

"Hello?" he called, "hey Tan, there's this party downtown, i'll text you the address," my friend, Pete, yelled into the phone so loudly i had to remove the phone from my ear. Pete hung up and within a second, my phone beeped with a text from him. I guess i'm going to a party.

I sighed as i got ready. 

Once i got to the house party, my ears were filled with blaring music, almost deafening me. The smell of alcohol and sweat permeating through the room, everyone lost in their own fantasy as they danced and moved their bodies against strangers. I pushed through the crowd and found the cooler, taking a bottle of Mekhong. I ended up finding Pete among some other guys, half of whom i knew. I sat with them, "meet Achara," Pete yelled and as he did, a pink haired girl came into my view. She sat on my lap and i couldn't exactly shove her off of me, i did consider it after a while when i felt the girl rub her ass against my cock. Instead i engrossed myself in the conversation which the guys were in, the girl turned to me then, her body completely straddling me on the couch. She leaned near my ear, "let's go upstairs" she purred. Just my luck, i felt like peeing-badly. The few bottles of alcohol i drank made it very hard to control, my bladder was literally bulging. "Okay" i said to the girl, not thinking twice about her suggestion. I moved the girl off of myself and almost ran upstairs, the clueless girl following me endlessly. When i finally found the restroom, i entered and slammed the door shut in the girl's surprised face.

When i finished my business, i returned to the guys and felt relieved, the girl was gone. I sat down, refreshed. "We all thought you were fucking that Achara girl, i guess not" one of the guys said and i scoffed, "no way, i'm not into that" i admitted. "What are into then?" Pete asked and i shrugged, "anything that's not her" i said instead of admitting my sexuality. "Even men?" James asked jokingly, "why the hell not?" i responded and downed the rest of my bottle. "So are you fucking gay?" Kiet blurted and i didn't respond, somehow they all forgot what we were talking about and the next thing i knew, i was arm wrestling a bunch of drunken guys.


I grabbed the man by the collar, throwing him against the brick wall. I approached him threateningly; making sure the man knew what i wouldn't hesitate to do if i didn't get my answer, "where the fuck is Wayne? If i have to ask again, there'll be nothing left of you" i growled. The man stared up at me in horror, my patience gone as my fist connected with the man's jaw relentlessly before i gripped the man at his throat, tightening my hold as the seconds flew by answer-less. The man's face reddening; he clawed at my hand, ''h-he i-is..." i let go. The man's hands flew to his neck as he caught his breath, "he's at club arrow, please don't tell him i snitched, you don't know what they would do to me, please" the man begged, i held no remorse for the man. I absentmindedly stabbed the man in the stomach, twisting the blade in its place. The man froze for a second before all the pain came at once; he held his stomach tightly as he collapsed to the floor. His eyes moved to stare at me in pain and anger and fury, but i could only smile coldly. I wouldn't tolerate any of Wayne's friends. I didn't kill people, i did, however, inflict pain that was so intolerable that even death was better than it. I had let the man off easy considering i got what i wanted, if i hadn't, it would've been a different story.

I left the knife in the man and walked out of the alleyway, taking my motorcycle, i went to the club. As i'd expected, it was crawling with members of the Viper gang. I made it to the door, the bouncers let him me in, the pungent scent of sweat in the air merged with the strong odor of alcohol immediately hit my nose. I ordered a drink, i'd need it. Leaning over the counter, i called over the bartender. "Where can i find Wayne?'' i asked and the bartender scoffed at me, i kept my expression neutral. "Who the fuck do i look like? How am i supposed to know who he is?" he responded, i finished my glass and stared at him nonchalant, i expected this. They always resisted until i got physical, looking around the room, i realized these drunken fools wouldn't stand a chance against me.

"Don't bother trying something with me, know whose territory you are in" the bartender threatened. I ignored him, i grabbed his collar and pulled him, so his upper half was pressed against the counter, whilst my other hand smashed the cup on the table and held the largest shard against the man's throat. "Reconsider" i stated.

"He's in the fucking VIP room" he answered and i immediately let go. I shoved through the crowd and found the place which was guarded by three Viper members.


"Ugh, i need to throw up, fuck" i exclaimed and i instantly curled over and hurled. I wiped my mouth with my shirt and stumbled down the pavement with Pete and Kiet following suit. "Taxi!" i called, flailing my hands up and down to get the attention of someone but it seemed they all ignored the drunken bunch. After another five minutes another Taxi passed me by and i ran after the car, "fuck you!" i swore before going back to my friends. Finally, a taxi stopped for us and we three jumped in, literally.

We got back to the dorms in one piece, thankfully, and we went our separate ways. I finally found my room; i fumbled with the keys for a good 10 minutes before making it into the room. I stumbled to my bed, collapsing onto it and falling asleep without a seconds delay.

When i opened my eyes, pain erupted in my head as i'd expected. I took some pills before taking a shower, once i was done; i finally realized why the room felt so empty. Rune wasn't here yet and it was already 12 in the afternoon. He was probably fine, right? He was probably... i really didn't know and i didn't want to assume the worst. Ergo, i shut my phone off to stop myself from calling Rune. I most definitely was not going to be the girl in this relationship or friendship, not that girls couldn't be the dominant one in a relationship.

I ended up in my late afternoon lecture shortly after and headed to the McDonald's down the road. Once i got there, i turned on my phone which was filled with missed calls from an unknown number, none of which were from Rune. I sighed before ordering some food. The unknown number called again, twice more, before i decided to answer, "quit spamming me! i'll block this number" i barked into the phone. "Tan" the person said, their tone low, almost like a whisper. "How the fuck do you know my name?" i questioned, "for fucks sake Tan, it's me Rune" he responded a little louder. I stopped breathing for a second, "where the fuck are you? And why are you whispering?" i said loudly, earning a couple of stares. "I'm dying" Rune answered, his words knocked the air right out of my chest. "What?!? Where the fuck are you? i'm coming" i yelled, "club arrow" Rune answered before the line went dead.

What the hell is club arrow? I could always rely on my trusty phone for this. I searched it up and found it, i ran out of the restaurant, forgetting all about my hunger. I called for an Uber and i was off.

The driver ended up stopping 5 minutes away from the club, by the time i got there it was already 7 pm. Why the hell was Rune this far? I leaped out of the car and ran to the club, where could he be? I dialed the same number Rune called from, "this line has been disconnec-". I managed to get entrance into the club and maneuvered through the club room that was already full, i recognized majority of the people in there as Viper gang members. I hated them, i didn't even want to think of what they'd done to him, to my...i forced back the painful thoughts and focused on my task. I went to the bartender, but stopped myself. For all i knew, these guys were the ones who were hurting my Rune. My Rune? What was i thinking? I traveled to the back and found only the VIP room, could Rune be there? There's only one way to find out.

"Someone is attacking the VIP out front" i told them and the three men looked at each other, "what are you waiting for? Should i tell him you buffoons weren't doing your job?" i threatened. The three were out of my sight within a second. I smiled at my work, giving myself a mental pat on the back. I knew i'd never win against the three, especially with their friends in the entire club; i'd be finished before i could say 'help'.

I quickly entered through the hallway. No one paid me any attention; no one would assume i managed to screw the guards, not literally of course. I checked every room but there was no sign of Rune, i started to worry. What if he was dead already? I avoided such thoughts, there was no way Rune of all people would die here of all places, why was he here anyway?

I jogged down to the last room, i opened it to find another hall. I walked down the empty corridor until i heard voices and i quickly ducked behind a wall. "That fucker thought he could beat us" one of the two voices said. I could only assume this fucker was Rune, i only wondered what stupid thing he'd done to get himself almost killed. Once the footsteps faded, i peaked behind the wall and made my way through the same place the men had come from. My heart was hammering in my chest, all the worst possible scenarios played in my head like a never ending playlist on auto-play.

I entered the first room on my left and walked in, there in the center was Rune. He was tied to the chair with a gag in his mouth, beaten to a bloody pulp. I never thought i'd ever see Rune of all people, beaten up; he was usually the giver not the receiver. Pain erupted in my chest, seeing him hurt felt as if i was the one experiencing it all. I barely even noticed the eyes of 4 men turn to me in shock. I gulped. RUN.NO.FIGHT.RUN.FIGHT. I braced myself, curling my fists; there was no way on earth i'd be leaving without the idiot. Rune lifted his head, his handsome face, scarred with bruises and cuts. I knew the look Rune was giving me; do you really think you can take them on? I sure as hell could, i smirked at Rune.

"Who the fuck are you?" the one with a knife said, clearly he was about to do unspeakable things to Rune had i not interrupted. "Get the fuck away from him" i threatened, i was ignored. As expected. "Get this fucker and kill him" the obvious leader of the four ordered. They approached me, malice in their eyes. Rune screamed against the gag, i gave him a reassuring look. I could handle myself. Rune stopped struggling. Maybe i was pushing my luck, hi couldn't actually just take on these buff guys, i wasn't fucking Jackie Chan.

"Don't worry about me, worry about the cops outside, i don't come out with him, they are coming in here and cutting you off by the balls" i bluffed instead. The leader scoffed, "i'll take my chances". The leader eyed me, looking for a sign that i was lying. "That's up to you, but do you really want to risk it on two idiots like us?" i continued, the leader thought for a second before nodding. "Let them go" the leader said before standing up, my eyes saw the glint of silver but i couldn't do anything. Two men held me back and i watched the leader stab Rune in the shoulder, adding to the many other wounds on his body. "Fuck you!" i spat and the men let him go, "take him or what's left of him". I quickly rushed to him, taking the ropes off of him. I lifted his face gently, "Rune, i'm here okay," his eyes fluttered to me, he forced a smile and i turned and pulled him onto my back before running out through the back exit i'd seen earlier.

I found Rune's bike, i had no choice. There was no way we'd be leaving alive when they found out there were no cops. I helped Rune on and got on, "you better hold on, unless you want to fucking die" i warned, Rune's arms wrapped around my waist with more strength than i thought Rune had. He really was strong. "We're going to the hospital" i said, "no, i need Doctor Malee" Rune forced out. "Our college doctor?" i questioned, i took Rune's silence as my answer. I chose to drive back to our dorm, i knew there was no arguing with Rune. He was awfully stubborn that sometimes i felt like punching him to death. But clearly someone else had beat me to it.

When i got to the dorms, i took Rune to our room, giving him a cloth to put pressure on his wound with. It was already to struggle to get him there; i couldn't imagine hiding him from a thousand other people at the college building. I ran to the infirmary. "Doctor Malee! i need your help" i yelled and she ignored me, "can't you see i'm tending to someone, take the medicine you need" she said. "It's Rune" i said, there must be a reason why Rune needed her specifically. As i thought, she took her bag and pulled mt out, "take me to him" she said in worry. I couldn't help but wonder what their relationship was; she wasn't old, maybe in her 20's. This wasn't the time for this. I quickly took her to my room and she basically ran inside.

Finding Rune on the bed, bleeding out, i was in so much pain myself. "You better save him" I stated, giving her a hard look. "I can't let him die anyway" she said, before i could question her, she was already hard at work with Rune. I stood beside the doctor, watching Rune painfully. "I need space, i'll call you in when i'm done" Malee said, i hesitated; i didn't want to leave Rune. As i turned, a hand was on my wrist, Rune's. "I need him" Rune forced out, the doctor glared at me, but i was too focused on Rune to care. Rune then went unconscious from the anesthetic.

After 20 minutes that felt like a millennium, the doctor stood up. "Keep the wound clean" she told me, with a last look at Rune, she left. I lay down beside Rune, "i'd kill you if you died, fucking asshole" i whispered to Rune's sleeping self. "You scared the shit out of me, you owe me for saving your life now" i said more to myself before falling asleep.


This was a pretty long chapter, i think. Thanks for reading this far!

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