The Harbor

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It was midnight when we pulled over at the deserted harbor. I took a deep breath as i opened the door only to have my father hold me back, i looked down as i felt a cold object pressed into my palm. My eyes widened once i realized that it was a gun of all things, "i don't need it" but my father ignored me as he stepped out. The foreign object felt heavy and odd in my hands, what would i do with it? I didn't even know how to use it except from those action movies.

I copied one of my fathers men and stuffed the gun cautiously into the back of my jeans, into the waistband. The metal pressed against my hot skin sends chills up my back, i admit i'm nervous that it would accidentally go off and i'd end up with a bullet in my ass. The worst case scenario would be that i'd have to use it. No way. There is no way i'd use it-ever. Quietly my fathers men took their positions on the field, crates piled on top of each other ran for miles around the ship loading zone. I found a good spot that gave me a good view of the exchange. My heart beat quickened as 3 black BMW's pulled up and from them emerged at least 20 men in black suit, Rune and his father also appeared among the group, both dressed lavishly in their own suits. I couldn't help but admire how good Rune looked in it. 

I immediately looked away to the group of men that had arrived from the trucks, they carried two cases while Rune's side carried many more. I was surprised to see that the men bringing the drugs weren't hippies, all of them looked pretty average. I looked back at Rune, from where he stood, he wouldn't be able to see me from my spot in the dark. I climbed the crate and looked around the perimeter, hoping that the police were here, i sat down, my legs dangling off the side. I felt fear and panic as Rune beckoned his men to give the money while the drugs were brought to their side. Then there were lights and suddenly guns went off, "Its an ambush" someone yelled. People were running and bullets were flying, i stood up staring down at the chaos, frozen, not knowing what to do. I didn't know if it was because of fear or shock but i had never felt so out of place than i did then. 

Police ran from behind the crates and were leaping onto the criminals, slowly my conscious returned to me and i searched through the chaos for Rune. I climbed down and without realizing it, i had taken my gun out. Where was he? He wasn't gone, his cars were still here... i then spotted Rune's father run through the crates with 5 cops on his tail and i turned around, seeing that my father had done the same thing. I ran after my father, trying my best to keep put of the line of fire. I ran between the crates, i finally spotted my father and i chased after him. "Dad!" i yelled and he stopped, turning to face me. He looked me dead in the eye and something must have clicked. Then his fist connected with my face and for a second i was shocked that he'd hit me, then i remembered who he was-what he was. 

"You set us up", he spat and i smirked "did you think i was like you? Ready to kill on command? like a dog?" 

"I shouldn't have trusted you" 

"Turn yourself in" i stated and he laughed, "why would i do that?"

"guilt? don't you think you've hurt enough people?"

"I don't care about those people"

"If you don't, i'll have to force you"

"You can try" i pointed my gun at him, my finger at the trigger, the safety off. I held tightly not wanting to show him that i was afraid. "You wont be able to shoot me" he said, calling my bluff. "You're right, i just needed to keep you here long enough" then 4 cops came from each side, each holding a gun to him. Within seconds he was slammed against the crate, his arms cuffed behind him. He cussed at me, i could feel the anger and loathing in his eyes. I looked away, i wouldn't acknowledge someone like him as my father. He doesn't deserve my pity. 

I ran back to the clearing, through the crates where Runes father had ran through. I stopped as i approached through the small passage, finding the cops dead on the ground, blood pooling out of them. In the center stood Runes father, his gun pointed at his own son. I held my breath, he wouldn't shoot him, right? My heart sped up, the knot in my stomach only tightening. I couldn't let Anurak get away. I gripped the gun in my hand tightly, i wouldn't be able to shoot him from here...this would be my first time using one. "I should've known you were lying" Anurak said to Rune, "you shouldn't have hurt him then" he replied. I could only watch as Rune took careful steps towards Anurak, the fear in my chest only increasing. "

You're weak," Anurak laughed, "i have nothing to say to you, turn yourself in" Rune said.

"Try to remember on which side of the gun you are on" no..."Put the gun down!" another cop shouted to Anurak but he stood firm, clearly he wouldn't comply.

"Put it down!" they shouted again, i stared at Rune who made no effort to move from Anuraks line of fire. Why was he making no effort? The police had Anurak now, if he did anything, they'd shoot him down. I stared at him from afar, my heart aching. Could it be...did he want to get shot? My eyes zeroed in on Anurak, he was going to shoot him. There was no time, i wouldn't be able to get there in time. I held my gun up and pulled the trigger, the bang seemed to multiply, the sound blowing up in my ears. The gun recoiled in my hand, it felt to the ground. My ears were ringing and people were running and shouting. Anurak fell to the ground and i ran towards Rune, he'd only shot his shoulder i  realized as i stopped in front of him. Tears threatened to fall but i held them back, "you shot him" were his first words. I nodded, "he would've killed you...besides, he isn't dead, it was only the leg" i said.

"You're shoulder.." he looked down, only then noticing he'd been shot, he grimaced as he pressed his palm against the wound. Sirens went off as police cars and ambulance trucks pulled over. 

Rune sat down on the edge of the ambulance truck, thanking the doctor who'd wrapped his shoulder before they rushed off to help the others. "Are you sure you're not hurt?" he asked for the thousandth time, i nodded, "i'm fine, you're the one who was shot" i said before sitting down beside him. I looked up at the night sky, for only a second i forgot all about the past few hours. 

"We need to ask you some questions" a cop said as he approached us, "okay" i answered.

"How are you involved?"

"The guy you captured, Wayne, is my father...after i found out about who he really was...i left a message about tonight's drug exchange"

"That was you?" i nodded, he turned to Rune, who despite his disheveled appearance, looked menacing. 

"Anurak is my father"

The investigations had gone on for a week, we'd told them everything, leaving out the part where Rune was now the leader of his fathers gang and of my near death experience at Anuraks hands over a year ago. Aside from the police station, i hadn't seen Rune at all and it was killing me. I'd called him once a few days ago and he wouldn't answer, he hadn't even called back. If he wanted to go back to ignoring me, that was up to him. I wouldn't try to go after him. I know now that he didn't feel the same for me, but that didn't mean he couldn't say goodbye at least.

What an asshole.


One more chapter and this book is finished, thank you guys for taking time to read my book and voting! 

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