Where Were You?

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"I was ambushed by loan sharks yesterday; do you have anything to tell me?" i said, my tone conveying how irritated and angry i was.

"You were ambushed!!!" he shouts back

"i thought you stopped gambling, what does mom have to say about this?" i questioned, i knew bringing in my mom would allow him to see some sense.

"i didn't tell her...i intended to pay it back, you had college to get to and i didn't have money. But they kept charging me more and i couldn't pay anything back, i didn't think they'd go this far Tan, i'm sorry"

"i didn't need to go then, i could've went to work" i sympathized

"i couldn't fail you, i already did with your sister" he said, his voice cracking. 

I immediately took the seat beside him, "that wasn't your fault! You know that right?" 

My dad simply nodded, "i know, but i..." 

"its Okay dad" i said, even though i was torn apart on the inside. I still missed her even though it had happened 3 years ago; the thought of it was like tearing an old wound that just hadn't healed enough. She was my older sister by 4 years, even though we fought more often than not; i loved her more than myself. She was my everything and then just like that, she was gone. Nothing left of her but ashes and cold sheets of a bed that wouldn't be touched by her ever again. I still remember the day they told me she'd died of stage 4 cancer; they hadn't found it in time. She breathed her last breath on her own, in a cold hospital where i didn't even get to say goodbye. I hadn't even talked to her for a month after she left for her trip, only to find out she was just...gone. It hadn't hit me for a few days and when it did, i'd never felt worse. 

I blinked back tears, "what are we going to do?"

"You're going to do nothing, i did this, i'm not going to drag you down with me"

"No, i don't care -"

"No means no, if you have anything to say, i'm not going to listen" he stated, i couldn't say anything. I stood up, stretching my body, "i have to get back" i said.

"Stay with us tonight, we miss you here" i nodded without hesitation. I woke up the next day feeling refreshed, the talk will my dad last night lifted a huge weight off my chest that i hadn't even realized i was carrying. "Come eat Tan" my mother said from the kitchen, i felt nostalgic as i headed in its direction. 

"i should get going, i have classes tomorrow so i have work to catch up on" i told my parents even though all i wanted was to go back and see Rune, but i wasn't going to say that. They didn't know i was gay. I took the bus home and pulled out my phone, i turned it on but nothing happened. I guess i'd forgotten to charge it, as usual. I rested my head against the bus window and stared outside, soon the skies started to cry and they lulled me to sleep. 

I woke up an hour later luckily; i had reached my stop. I got off and stretched, my ass had a weird feeling you got from sitting down on those hard bus chairs for so long and my head slightly pounded from the constant contact my head made with the cold bus window. I bought a coffee for both myself and Rune who was probably sleeping at this time, and headed to my dorm room.

I went in and found the room empty, i felt heart drop but i ignored it as i left Rune's coffee at the table, plopped down onto the couch, and turned on Netflix. Shortly after, the door swung open and i looked to see Rune standing there all disheveled. "What happened to you?" i asked, quickly sitting up "you look like hell".

"And you're fine" he said all too quietly, within a blink of an eye i was engulfed in a hug that almost knocked all the air out of my chest. I pat Rune on the back, what had gotten into him?

"Where the fuck were you?!" he asked, the anger and frustration was evident as he pulled out of the hug. "i was-"

"Were you with that fucker? i asked him and he said you weren't there, he was lying wasn't he? i thought something happened to you, i thought they had come aft- why didn't you answer my calls and texts? i-"

"Rune! Calm the fuck down, i was just at my parents' house and i didn't answer because my phone died, why are you acting like the world has ended?" i was both annoyed and somewhat touched that he worried about me like that. Rune looked at me in anger and relief, "did you miss me that much?" i asked, mocking him. Unexpectedly he nodded, "you were gone for a day barely and i was already wondering if you were dead in a ditch somewhere", i couldn't tell if he was joking or not. I chose to believe the former. "If you missed me that much, let me fuck you" i said, staring at him with a smirk on my lips. Looking at him now, he looked so delicious, like a slice of mouth watering cake. Sex was all i thought about last night. Rune gave me a skeptical look, "i didn't know you wanted me that badly" he said innocently and i leaned over, kissing the curve of his mouth. 

"Of course i do" i said as our eyes met, mindlessly i scanned the features of his face. I never really realized how good looking he was, he also had really nice lips, i'd know. A sudden rush went through my body and suddenly my heart was hammering, my breathing was inaudibly labored and i wanted to kiss him. And i did, i pressed my lips against his, the gentleness and softness of it was unlike anything we'd shared before. The kiss was fragile and longing, my lips moved against his and there was a tightening in my heart, a squeeze and a growing knot in my stomach. My hand on his shoulder pulled him closer to me. He was like a breath of fresh air i didn't know i wanted nor even needed, i found it cliche, how i always laughed at the 'it felt like we were the only ones in the world ', and yet, it perfectly described what i felt. 

I took advantage of his parted lips to deepen the kiss, his hand on my neck tugging at the strands of my hair. I didn't realize i was falling for Rune and that maybe, i really liked him even more than i thought.


We pulled away breathless, i rested my forehead on his shoulder, grabbing a fistful of his hair. I inhaled his familiar scent; maybe i really did feel more for Tan. I didn't know why this kiss scared me; it could be that i'd never had one like that, where it was both sensual yet held so much emotion. I guess actions did speak louder than words. 

"I really like you Rune" 

I looked up and smiled, "why wouldn't you?". I sat up and pecked his lips; i leaned against the couch and pulled Tan into my arms. I smiled when i was sure he wasn't looking and watched the movie he'd had chosen while my fingers brushed through his hair. "i like you too" i said after a while, he intertwined our fingers "i know".

"i'm hungry" i said after class, "let's go eat at the cafeteria" Tan answered. "We'll join you guys" Pete said, with him, were a few other people i hadn't ever talked with, but clearly they knew Tan. We all ended up at the cafeteria. 

"What do you want?" i asked Tan once we sat down, he pursed his pink lips "shrimp pad Thai". "Hey Rune" Kevin called, "can you get me-" "No" i answered before he could continue any further. I came back with the food and sat across from Tan. 

"We were just talking about if you want to come to the movies with us" one of the girls, Chaya, said. I turned to Tan, "are you going?" i asked. 

"I don't know-"

"Yes he is" Chaya quickly said. 

"Okay" i answered before stuffing a fry in my mouth, "see, i told you he'd only go if you were going to" Ice said, causing Tan to start coughing violently, i quickly handed him my water and glared at Ice. He immediately retreated and continued to eat. I ate in silence as i normally did; i couldn't help my mind wandering to my old friend. The only person i could have regular conversations with was James. But he'd moved to the states 6 months ago for some business. 

"So how are your classes going Rune?" Chaya asked, i shrugged "it's okay". 

"Are you an athlete?" she asked, her hand somehow resting on my forearm at this point. "No" i said and looked up at Tan who did a terrible job of hiding his evident annoyance; i pulled my arm out of her hold and immediately he lit up, i couldn't help but smirk. 

"Why are you so muscular then?" she pried, i gave her a look, was she really dumb? "The gym" i answered anyway, swallowing the irritation. "When are we leaving?" Tan asked before Chaya could say anything else stupid. Pete checked his phone, "right now".

We got up and left for the movies.

I couldn't help but realize what a foodie Tan was as we passed the many street vendors on our way, i never really ate anything from street vendors, we always had a chef cook for us or we'd go to some luxurious restaurant, the only time i'd ever had some of these foods was with my mother. "Want something?" i asked him as we walked side by side, he shook his head, as expected. One thing i knew about Tan, was that he didn't like to have others buy things for him, unless it was food of course and even then. I walked to one of the vendors and bought one of the desserts, i caught up with him and handed him a cup of some mung bean candies. His eyes lit up like a child at a carnival, "how'd you know i like these?" he asked and i shrugged, "i know you like weird things" i responded and he smiled as he ate the candies. 

"Have you tasted these before?" he asked and i shook my head. "Here, taste it" he said and held one up near my mouth. I ate it from his hand, licking his fingers in the process. His eyes shot to mine and i raised a brow, letting his finger go with a pop. "Delicious" i said causing his cheeks to redden, "i really want to kiss you right now" i whispered beside his ear. He squeezed my shoulder and pushed me away, i chuckled. He leaned over, his lips beside my ear, his tone sultry, "i want to fuck you" he said before catching up with the rest of the group, leaving me here sexually flustered.

"Let's watch Child's Play" David said and we all nodded, i bought mine and Tan's ticket much to Tan's dismay. We went inside and i made sure to secure a seat for me and him in the back, away from everyone else. "Why are we sitting all the way here?" he asked as he took his seat, "because i said so".


The movie began and i dug into the popcorn. I looked over at Rune who watched the movie attentively. I turned back and watched the movie, waiting for the jump scares which i so loved. As i watched, i felt Rune's hand on my thigh. I looked at him sideways but he stared ahead, his hand worked to professionally unzip my jeans. I quickly grab his wrist, "what are you doing?" i whisper-yell and then it hit me; he wanted us to sit here because he wanted to do this. Knowing Rune, i should have seen this coming a mile away. 

His hand went up my shirt, gliding over my chest to pinch my nipples. What if someone saw us? Panic arose in my chest. I swallowed the lump in my throat; my heart began to pound in my chest, as his hand slipped under the elastic of my boxers to graze over my hard cock. I bit back a moan and gripped Rune's arm instead, he took my cock out and proceeded to tease the head. His hand twisting along the hard length, i stuffed my face into his shoulder, releasing a muffled moan. The intensity increased and i found it increasingly hard to contain my moans, i threw my head back, squeezing my eyes shut. Suddenly Rune's warm, wet mouth hugged my cock. Sucking me to my climax, i gripped his hair and bit my shirt. "Rune" i whispered and he licked along my shaft, he hummed in response. "i-i..." i felt unable to form words as his mouth continued to pleasure me, the buildup of my orgasm reached its pinnacle. 

As if he knew i was about to cum, he took my cock out of his mouth, i whimper at the loss of contact. I was close; i needed to cum so badly. "Hold it" he said and pecked my lips, resuming watching the movie. I didn't dare to touch Rune, i knew if i saw his hard cock, throbbing and pulsing in my mouth, i'd cum right there and then. After what felt like a millennium, the credits finally began to roll and i stood up, pulling Rune up with me. "I'm not done with you" i said and he smirked, "what are going to do?" he asked and i leaned over, brushing my lips against his neck, "make you scream my name". Instantly his hand gripped my forearm, he tried to say something but i'd clearly rendered him speechless. 


I stepped out of the dark theater, flinching at the sudden brightness. "Why do you look all red and sweaty?" Pete asked Tan, i bit back a laugh. "It was really hot in there, didn't you notice?" Tan asked casually, but only i knew how nervous he was. They all shook their heads in unison, "i thought it was pretty cold actually" i said earning a glare from Tan.

Me and Tan ended up walking back to our dorm, the cool night breeze felt refreshing against my skin. "I realized i never took you out for an actual date before" Tan said from beside me, "i guess i'll have to take you out somewhere" i responded. He turned to look at me, "i'm the one who is going to take you out". I instantly shook my head, "i'm taking you out " 

"What makes you think i'm the girl in the relationship?" he asked, staring at me with daggers shooting at me "why do you think?" i retorted. 

"If you want a girl, why are you dating me?" he asks, i run my hand through my hair "i don't want a girl, i want you". He scoffed at my response, grabbing my wrist and the next thing i knew i was pressed against the wall. I looked at him in amusement, i really wanted to know what he intended to do to me out here. He leaned in beside my face, his soft lips brushing against my cheek, he whispered, "take your pants off". "Out here?" i ask and he grabs my hair to move my head to the side, his lips met my skin to leave wet kisses down my neck; i instantly undid my jeans. He pulled me into an alleyway and pressed his lips onto mine, i instantly deepened it whilst kicking off my jeans. He grinds against me even more, his hands at the hem of my shirt pull it off. His cool hand resumed to roam my body, i grabbed his wrist to turn us over, but his hands intertwined with mine instead and he pressed them against the wall. 

"I want you so badly" i moaned as he nibbled on my neck, he chuckled and kissed my cheek. He pulled away and within a second, before my mind could even register any of it, he grabbed my clothes and ran off. What the fuck was going on? i ran out of the alleyway, the cold air sending a shiver up my spine. I ran down the road and without a second to spare, Tan jumped into a cab and he was gone. As he passed by me, i saw him erupt in laughter and i looked down at myself, i was basically naked. He got me pretty good, i should've known he'd do this, he was never the spontaneous type. I walked back to my dorm, it seemed no one wanted to give a ride to the half naked guy on the street. 

I must admit, in the beginning it was okay, hilarious even, but now i was freezing my ass off and i had blue balls, it really couldn't get worse than this. Until i was splashed by an old man on his scooter, so now i was drenched in dirty water that i'd probably contract a disease from, i was freezing cold, and i had blue balls. Now, nothing could be worse. I sighed in relief as the building came into sight, the whole journey had taken me an hour or two. I went into my room despite the numerous questioning and prying stares i had gotten. The first thing i needed was a shower and to my dismay, once i ran the shower, only cold water came out. Nonetheless, i got in and was out within a minute, i was shivering as i put my clothes on. 

I collapsed onto the couch and turned on the TV, where was Tan anyway? i'd expected him to be here laughing at my misery. Despite the misfortunes i'd faced in the past two hours, i couldn't bring myself to be angry at him. "Wow Rune, you look like shit...i can't even laugh at you" Tan said as he entered the room,"thanks to you" i retorted. He sat beside me and i moved away from him, i wanted him to feel bad, i wanted to see him apologize. 

"C'mon, it was just a joke" he pleads, "apologize" i stated. His worry filled eyes almost immediately turned into cold glares aimed in my direction, i remained nonchalant. "You know i am, i don't need to say it" he responds and i lean in close to his face, my lips brushing against his, his eyes flutter shut. I was momentarily motionless as i stared at his handsome face, it pulled at my heart to move away from his lips. "No apology, then no kisses for you" i said before standing up, falling onto my bed and falling asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my phone ringing endlessly, "pick up the fucking phone" Tan growled from the other side of the room. I felt around the nightstand for my phone and answered it in a half-awake state. 

"Who is this?" i asked, "you failed, again" said the person i recognized as my father. I sat up abruptly, my eyes shooting open, how had he known? i gulped as i answered, "i'm sor-" "you failed your mother and now me too, you have one job, if you can't complete it, i have no use for you" and just like that, he hung up. I stared at the bright screen for a good five minutes before my thoughts could catch up with me. I slipped back into my covers and stared at the ceiling, "who was it?" Tan asked. 

"Wrong number" i replied before i fell back to sleep.


Thank you for getting this far! 

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