The Sin Next Door - 7

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I plop down on my bed, my eyes scanning the room as I contemplate the best way to rearrange my furniture. I want him to have a clear view of my bed, currently tucked out of sight.

The bed, all cozy with soft linens and fluffy pillows, commands attention at the room's center. A tiny bedside table, topped with a lamp, hangs out beside it, casting a warm light. On the opposite side of the bed, there's a dresser.

Behind sliding doors, my walk-in closet stores my clothes in abundance. The walls are painted in a soothing pink, creating a calming and feminine vibe. A plush white carpet cushions the floor, tempting me to wiggle my toes in its cozy depths.

On a mission to make it just right, I slide the bed to the opposite wall. Thank heavens my bed isn't a heavyweight. Even if the new setup isn't perfect, I don't really care at this point.

My heart pounds as I rush to the window, pulling back the curtains to reveal a full view. I gasp as I see the dim light coming from his window.

With a mix of eagerness and a smidge of nerves, I stroll to my mirror and start wiping off my makeup, secretly hoping to catch his attention.

Finally, from the corner of my eye, I notice him moving closer to his window. A shiver of excitement runs through me, and my breath quickens. I realize that tonight, I'll fulfill all my secret desires, and a wide grin spreads across my face.

My fingers trace through my hair and down my neck, my arousal heightening. Slowly and sensually, I undo my dress, one button at a time. I give my yellow dress a graceful flick, letting it flow down my curves and gently rest on the floor.

I stand by the window, flashing him a mischievous smile as my eyes twinkle in the moonlight as if inviting him closer. I trace my fingertips along the curves and contours of my body, relishing the sensation of the lace against my skin. 

With a single motion, the lacy bra straps slide off my shoulders and let it slip down my arms.

The bra drops to the floor, leaving me in just my panties. My fingers graze my pert nipples, the heat between my legs simmering. With a playful sway of my hips, I gradually peel off my panties, inch by inch, until they pool around my feet.

Turning away, I give him one more seductive glance over my shoulder as I caress my ass with my hands. I move at a tantalizing pace as I make my way to the bed, my mind filled with a whirlwind of desire. 

Bending down, I lower myself onto the bed in one fluid motion, granting him a flawless view from behind before finally facing him.

Spreading my legs and gliding my hands along the insides of my thighs, I shamelessly tremble as I expose myself to his gaze. I want him to feast his eyes on every inch of my body.

Widening my legs even more, waves of pleasure threaten to engulf me. As my fingers slide along my moist pussy, the sensation becomes nearly overwhelming. However, I resist touching my clit despite my fiery arousal. I'm determined to tease and explore myself, to savor every moment.

Yet, the mere thought of his eyes on me almost brings me to climax without even a touch. Unable to hold back any longer, I surrender to the pleasure and cry out as waves of ecstasy wash over me, my body convulsing in a blissful release.

It is the most intense orgasm I've ever experienced, and as I lay here, spent and satisfied, I know that I'm screwed. The lack of guilt I feel about my sinful and reckless behavior is irreversible.


"Hey, Clarice, could you toss me that roll of paper towels?" my mom asks, her voice cheerful and light.

Just another typical Saturday spent at my parents' place.

I hand over the roll with a casual grin, and she takes it, her smile knowing. "You seem a bit distracted. Everything okay?"

No, I'm far from being okay.

She glances at my hands with a slightly tense expression, then tilts her head thoughtfully. "How did your date night go?"

"It was alright. The Blue Diamond was amazing," I casually reply.

My mother narrows her eyes and creeps her chin, "Was that everything that happened last night?"

At the same time, my father is engrossed in the football game, his eyes glued to the screen, and his body slouched on the couch. The sounds of the crowd's boisterous cheers and the commentator's voice echo throughout the entire first floor.

I shrug, giving my mother a brief response. "Yep, pretty much."

Yet, she looks puzzled, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "I'm not getting it... he was supposed to..."

Her words trail off as she turns her attention away from me. Picking up on her uneasiness, I squint a little and ask, "Supposed to do what?"

But she turns her back to me and begins washing apples in the sink, muttering, "Oh, nothing."

Ryan breezes into the kitchen, tosses some paper plates into the trash, and announces, "Hey, I'm meeting Kelly."

He snags an apple from the counter, takes a big bite, and backtracks, adding, "Oh, and nice seeing you, sis."

Great, my nineteen-year-old brother has another girlfriend, and I'm still a virgin who is stripping naked for her neighbor.

Once Ryan's gone, my mom switches topics and inquires, "By the way, are you keeping up with your bills?"

I sigh and roll my eyes, "Mom, we already talked about that."

She shrugs, raising her eyebrows. "I know, Bunny, but running a household isn't cheap. Especially at your age."

"Mom, I make a good living. Being a graphic designer brings in more money than you could ever imagine," I mutter.

My father, who has obviously overheard our conversation from the living room, yells, "Tina, leave her alone."

Mom gives him a sassy retort, hands on her hips, "Oh come on, Harry, you were the one crying when Clarice moved out."

Ignoring Dad's dismissive "yeah, yeah," she flashes me a delighted smile and tilts her head. "Bunny, you could've saved so much money if you'd stayed with us."

She throws up her hands, surrendering with a playful smile. "Just saying."

I shake my head, "Yeah, but I already own the house. It's not like I'm going to move back in and still be paying the mortgage."

She just rolls her eyes and starts unloading the dishwasher. As she does, my phone starts buzzing uncontrollably and I already know what that means. Opening my phone, I see more than 99+ unread messages from the group chat I've been added to.

It's hard to catch up with everything, so I simply ask my girls, "Hey, what's with that group chat?"

Ellie immediately types a reply, "We're going out tonight, remember? And not just the three of us. Chris got us some company."

Me: "Some company?"

Ellie: "Yeah, a couple of her coworkers ;)"

Ellie: "Oh, and I've got the perfect dress for you, Clarice."


7 hours later

Standing in front of my bedroom mirror, I keep peeking at my neighbor's windows and wondering if he saw me changing into the dress Ellie got for me. There isn't a single light on in his house and it almost seems like he's not home tonight.

That's a shame because I actually like this white sequin dress. It's a bit short, but it hugs my little curves in a way I never thought it would.

My body is nowhere near as luscious as for example Chrisina's. She has a full Brazilian butt and hips going on and it's hard to compete with something like that.

Maybe it's the way the sequins are reflecting the light or maybe it's the cut of the dress, but I swear I look more voluptuous than usual.

Ellie storms into my bedroom with a pair of matching shoes in hand. She snaps her fingers and yells, "Yes girl! Slay!"

She is followed by Christina, who lets out an even bigger howl, her voice amplifying throughout the house, "Bich! You look freaking eatable." But then she rolls her eyes, "Too bad Owen couldn't come."

With a hard expression on my face, I reply to her stoically, "Yeah, there was some emergency at the ER."

Ellie chuckles in the background, "When's the ER not in an emergency?"

Christina prompts me, "You never told us how your date night went."

I sigh deeply and give her a knowing look.

She crosses her arms, tilting her head and mouthing silently, "Red flags."

Ellie chimes in enthusiastically, clapping her hands, "Alright, time for hair and makeup! We're running late."

While Ellie gets busy painting my face, Christina leans in casually, her chin propped up. "What's the hair situation?"

Ellie shrugs, murmuring, "Keeping it as is. She's already rocking that shoulder-length straight cut. Totally in vogue right now."

Christina nods, making a little circular motion with her index finger. "Maybe tuck a few strands behind the ears and let some frame the face?"

I'm all ears, staying quiet as they talk. They're both pros at this stuff, and I'm smart enough not to argue. Besides, I know I wouldn't look half as good tonight without their expertise.


The Ethernal Eight

The Ethernal Eight is a legendary venue known for its exclusivity and glamour. It is the epitome of luxury nightlife in this city, a place where only the crème de la crème are granted access.

Honestly, I'm still surprised Christina managed to score us a spot on the guest list. The music is pumping and every beat seems to be in perfect sync with the crowd's energy.

Everyone here is dressed to impress, showing off their finest threads and oozing confidence and class.

Dancing like there's no tomorrow as the night progresses, we're fully in the mood for partying. I can't deny the allure and thrill of the Ethernal Eight even as someone who doesn't usually go to nightclubs.

Mid-dance, Ellie jumps in and shouts, "There's a free table. Let's have a seat."

And I'm totally on board with that idea. My feet have been crying out for a break for a while now, and a pause in the dancing sounds like a dream. Plus, it's a chance to have a proper chat with my pals.

As soon as we reach the table, I immediately ditch my sky-high heels. They're not exactly my daily go-to footwear, but I was all in for getting dolled up and making an entrance tonight.

Ellie nudges me with her elbow, "Seriously, these killer heels got the best of you?"

"Yeah, killer in every sense," I roll my eyes and let out.

"Oh, come on, tonight you're like a life-sized doll. Tall and drop-dead gorgeous," Ellie chuckles as she ruffles her black hair.

Christina springs up and shouts, "Put those shoes back on, restroom break!"

I emit an internal groan as I reluctantly squeeze back into my foot torture devices and join Chris and Ellie, who are already poised for the bathroom expedition.

Once in the restroom, I find out the real reason why Christina wanted to come here - to gossip.

I chuckle softly as I retreat into one of the fancy restroom stalls, locking the door behind me. The girls are right there on standby because that's the only way to guarantee your spot in line.

When I'm done with my business, I tell the girls I'll wait for them outside.

After finally exiting the bathroom, I take a few steps away from the door, relieved to be out of the cramped and stuffy space.

I lean my back against the narrow piece of the wall, feeling the coolness of the concrete against my skin. One foot is propped up against the wall, while the other is planted firmly on the ground.

Despite the late hour, the nightclub is still bustling with activity, the sound of music and laughter filling the air. Drunk people weave their way through the crowd, some stumbling and slurring their words, while others are more composed and elegant.

Out of nowhere, a pair of strong hands grip me, pulling me away from the wall and enveloping me from behind.

My heart races as I hear a familiar voice growl deep in my ear, "Hello Clarice."



//Author// The next chapter... omg... Comment and vote. //

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