Waiting For You - 63

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Red's cozy cabin is suffused with warmth, the fireplace casting flickering shadows that dance upon the stone floor. Seated on a fur-clad armchair, Red pokes at the flames with a metal rod, the fiery sparks painting patterns before him. My arrival doesn't take him by surprise; he senses my presence with uncanny swiftness.

"You know, knocking is a polite way of announcing your arrival," he mutters, his words accompanied by the captivating play of light and shadow.

Positioned directly behind him, I respond through gritted teeth, "Just like respecting the boundaries of another man's woman."

His fire-poking stops for a moment and silence falls between us like a heavy smothering blanket, only the crackling wood filling the small cabin and its depressive atmosphere. Eventually, Red lets out a sigh and resumes his fire-poking. "So, you found her."

"I did." 

Red keeps his focus solely on the fireplace, not daring to turn around or even stand up. I step forward and plant my ass on the chair next to him, the flame glowing in my eyes. More minutes of silence pass before Red finally mumbles, "I assume you still wanna keep her, huh?" 

"I do," I reply, my tone concise and resolute.

Slowly, Red turns his gaze to me, the fiery light casting an eerie glow upon his features. "The board won't take kindly to that," he warns, setting aside the rod. His eyes darken as his voice grows louder, determination etched into his words. "I won't let you be hanged for that woman. You're the closest thing to family I've ever known, Kylo."

I know how Red feels about me and this is exactly why I'm not here to kill him. The rules prohibit it anyway. But I'm still a hell of mad that his attempt to save my neck nearly cost Clarice's life. 

"Just keep your hairy hand away from her," I roll out slowly.

Red's gaze returns to the flames, a slight nod acknowledging my words, "I will. But the board won't." He takes a deep breath and adds, "She is still against all the rules." 

"Clarice may not be the one who reflects all the traditional requirements but she has everything and more to stay by my side," I say calmly, creeping my chin and the fire is slowly starting to burn my face. 

The old man by my side picks up the metal rod again and starts to poke the fire while I continue, "And if the board refuses to recognize that then I have no choice but to burn the ground under their feet and send them straight to the underworld." 

Startled, Red turns his head to me and mutters, "She really must be a hell of a woman to start a war because of her." 

"She is," I reply, "And once I'm done with her, she'll be as formidable as I am."


Clarice Mary Spencer 

"Bunny! How come you didn't give us a heads-up about your return?" my mom's voice rings through the phone, so enthusiastic that I have to hold it slightly away from my ear.

Wrapped in a thick blanket, I sink into the couch, still waiting for the house to warm up. The air feels damp and uncomfortable.

"Well... I didn't know I was coming either," I smile placing the phone back on my ear. 

"Isn't your place freezing?" Concern tinges on her words. "We could have gone over and turned up the heat."

Her worry warms my heart, and I reassure her, "I'm managing just fine, don't worry."

And it's true.

I'm counting down the hours until the promised 10 p.m., looking forward to the movie night ahead. That thought reminds me that my fridge is bare as a desert, so a grocery trip is in order. After ending the call with my mom on a cheerful note, I waste no time heading out.

Driving along, I decided to initiate a video call in our group chat, hoping both Christina and Ellie would pick up. Christina, wrapped in a towel and looking freshly showered, is the first to respond, her voice a mix of excitement and disbelief, "Clarice! You sneaky bitch! Don't even think about denying that it's your car."

I can't help but laugh as I confirm, "You caught me. I'm back."

As Christina's exuberance threatens to burst through the screen, Ellie finally answers the call and almost pops her eyes out, "What on earth?" 

Christina's voice soars, overtaking the ambient traffic noise, "We need to hang out tonight!"

Waiting at a red light, I tease them, "Sorry, not tonight. I've got a movie date lined up."

Both friends groan, Christina, takes the lead with a finger wagging in front of the camera, "You're picking a dude over us?"

Ah, the familiar sass of Christina. How I've missed it.

Ellie, chuckling in the background, adds, "Is this the same mysterious guy?"

Before I can confirm, Christina chimes in again, playfully disappointed, "Oh, come on! When do we finally meet Mr. Mystery?"

Pausing at another set of lights, I give them a sly look, "That all depends on how well the movie night goes. No high expectations, okay?"

I truly feel that tonight plays an important role in my relationship with Kylo and how it would determine our possible future together.  It's a fresh start after all the tangled beginnings. Not that everything so far has been wrong, but it definitely doesn't define 'normal', and normal is just what I need in my life right now. 

Just a little bit of ordinary vibes among the death.


The house is slowly warming up but the irritating dampness in the air is not leaving so soon I guess. With my heart nervously tickling inside me, I make preparations for the movie night with Kylo. 

I've gathered all the essentials - chips, drinks, a few sweets. Now, I just need my enigmatic neighbor to walk through that front door.

It's a tad early, only 9 p.m., but it's my way of coping with jitters, along with tidying up the month's worth of accumulated dust. I've also popped a few blankets into the dryer, hoping to render them warm and cozy.

Sitting in front of the TV and browsing the movie shelf to find possible film candidates to watch tonight, I soon notice it's just one minute separating 10 p.m. A jolting fire courses through my intestines when it strikes the hour. 


No sign of him coming home, even though he assured me he'd be here by ten. Could our watches be out of sync?

Minutes stretch into agonizing lengths. Curled up on the couch, wrapped in the warm embrace of a just-dried blanket, I feel its heat seep into my bones. Yet, it does little to ease the gnawing sensation that something might be amiss.

As the clock chimes 11 p.m., a tinge of panic begins to creep in. Has he really forgotten about our plans? It's hard to believe, but with him, nothing is beyond the realm of possibility.

Disappointed and worried at the same time I just start a random movie to pass the time in this lonely house, not even having Momo to keep in my company. And so, the clock strikes midnight. With that, I start to hear a quiet rustle on my windows. 

It's raining. 

It's my favorite time of year, yet here I am, feeling close to tears after waiting for Kylo for two hours. In a final bid to let him know I'm still here, I send a text message to the unknown number that's my sole contact with him.

"Where are you?" 

However, it appears that my message has fallen on blind eyes because, after over half an hour of waiting, the only response I get is an oppressive silence.

Nibbling my nails in a state of disarray, I'm increasingly convinced that something is genuinely wrong. I've battled to suppress this uneasy feeling for the past two hours, yet its grip on me grows stronger with each passing minute.

My eyes land on his house, the only place to possibly find some answers. A crazy idea crosses my mind and in a swift of my wrist, I toss my blanket aside, march upstairs and dress in all black. The only item left to grab is a flashlight.

I'm going to break into his house! 

Slipping through my back door, I notice the drizzle gradually morphing into wet snow. It doesn't accumulate; instead, it swiftly melts on the damp grass, creating a slushy mess.

I struggle a lot to get over the fence, especially with my still painful ankle but I finally manage to do so. 

His back door, its small windows shrouded in endless darkness, greets me. I'm unsure of the breaking-into-a-house procedure, but I venture a guess—breaking the glass and prying open the door. However, it's the Ghost of Braxton's house and I still remember very clearly what he did to his mansion. 

It was like a fortress. 

Stepping back, I direct the flashlight toward the small glass pane. To my surprise, it doesn't shatter at all. Repeated attempts yield only a dull thudding sound as the flashlight bounces off like a rubber ball.


A surge of anger courses through me. Frustration borders on fury, and I'm on the brink of yelling at the door. Just as I'm about to abandon my plan, I seize the doorknob, giving it a shaky, forceful twist.

My gasp has never been bigger when the door suddenly swings open with me falling right over the doorstep on the floor. I'm lucky the flashlight didn't hit my glasses. 

Holy cow! The door was actually open this whole time? 

Stumbling back to my feet, I hastily switch on the flashlight. Like a thief, I'm sneaking around, seeing nothing much but an ordinary living room and the open-floor kitchen. Before long, I find myself on the second floor and the first door I open baffles me. 

It's his bedroom, yet it's unlike anything I've seen before. The intense glow of my flashlight reveals an array of computers and towering stacks of papers. My steps carry me to the table near the window. As I approach, I notice the very same window he once used to observe me.

It sends shivers down my toes but  I move on. 

Everything is meticulously arranged, almost obsessively neat. Sorting through piles of paper, strange gadgets, and boxes yields no answers. However, the first drawer I open commands my attention—it contains two plastic passcards. One bears the logo of the towering skyscraper that houses Kylo's safehouse, while the other features an odd golden emblem: "XV."

Beneath the cards, a series of rolled-up papers beckon. I extract one and wrestle to unfurl it on the table, juggling the flashlight with a single hand. The more I unravel it, the clearer it becomes—it's a floor plan.

But of what?

The enigmatic "Lab2" symbol, coupled with the "XV," confounds me until realization dawns—it must be the secret department Kylo mentioned.


My phone's sudden vibrational jolt startles me, and I practically leap off the ground, nearly dropping the flashlight. I hasten to unlock the screen, hoping it's Kylo.

Unknown: "Same question for you, Dolly."

What the hell? 

I only asked where he was and Kylo knows more than well that I'm at home. Well... technically I'm at his house but still. 

A sudden flicker of light at the corner of my eye freezes me in my tracks. Swiftly turning off the flashlight, I observe flashing lights in my own bedroom.


Somebody has broken in my home again and this only confirms my deep feeling that something is wrong. Very wrong.

Almost holding my breath I witness two dark figures moving in my living room after leaving my bedroom. Reacting on instinct, I grab the passcards and, maintaining my composure, make my way downstairs. I pray that they won't attempt to infiltrate Kylo's home as well. In pitch-darkness, I rely solely on the faint light filtering through the windows of this unfamiliar environment.

But I finally manage to reach the back door of Kylo's house and lock it. Only moments later I hear somebody behind the door, picking the very same lock. Carefully peeking out, I see those same two dark figures trying to get in.

Acting fast, I rush to the front door and escape Kylo's house.

In a heartbeat, I dart back into my own house, solely to snatch my car keys. Within seconds, I'm seated in my car, the engine roaring to life.

I can't determine if the two shadowy figures are still wrestling with Kylo's back door lock or if they've already gained entry, but I'm not taking any chances. With a screech of tires, I bolt out of my driveway.

For all I know, no one is tailing me, and that's a hopeful sign. Regardless, I don't hold back on the accelerator, hurtling through my tranquil neighborhood like a maniac. It wouldn't surprise me if someone's already phoning the police.

At this moment, I couldn't care less. My only mission is to reach Kylo's safe house. I might not be entirely sure how to gain access, but at least I'm familiar with the route.



//Author// Here we go again.

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