05 | Drifting Off

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Your POV

"Jimin, I dare you to kiss Y/n."

Did I hear my name and kiss in the same sentence? I definitely didn't expect to kiss someone tonight. Honestly, I didn't even think about kissing someone at all for the next time, my mind was too caught up with different things. I was feeling so good tonight, why wouldn't I have some fun? After all, it was a dare and you can't avoid doing it, that's the rules.

"Y/n? Do you want to do it?" Jungkook looked at me, seeming as if he had asked the question for the second or third time.

Tucking a strand of hair behind my back I challenged him. "It's Jimin's dare, I can't avoid it."

"That's if you decide not to do it?" I looked at him with raised eyebrows, clearly noticing that he wasn't going to back down.

"Do it!" Hoseok chanted on the other side of the room.

"I'll do it", Jimin boldly stated before he gestured for me to go over by patting the empty space next to him.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to, Y/n." Jungkook looked at me again. What was wrong with him? It was cute that he was looking out for me but right now I felt like an independent woman who could conquer the world and I wasn't going to stop because of some cute neighbor.

"Who said I didn't want to do it?" I ruffled Jungkook's hair on my way over to Jimin, positioning myself right in front of him, ready for what's to come. I felt Jungkook staring at my back, probably irritated because of my behavior right now.

"Ready?" Jimin scooted closer to me and placed one of his hand on my upper thigh. I nodded and started leaning in. Jimin did the same and soon our lips were softly touching. At first he went slow, I was letting him take the lead in this, as it was his dare. He gingerly pecked my lips over and over again, before leaning in more and cupping my face with his other hand. He started going faster and more swiftly, causing tingles down my whole body. Clasping my lower lip with his plump and soft lips led me to forget about my surroundings. I blended out the Oh's coming from the other guys in the room, only concentrating on the unusual but intriguing situation I was in. Feeling like it was getting too much, I lightly pressed my hands against Jimin's chest, signaling to pull away. He did. He also licked his lips and unexpectedly came closer again, only to whisper something into my ear: "We could take this to your place afterwards, just let me know."

I backed off and stood up, returning to my previous spot while ignoring the glances I received from Jungkook himself and his Hyungs.

"Uhm... returning to the game.. Jimin, it's your turn to ask the question." Jin tried to loosen up the tenseness that was now in the air.

"Jungkook, you're the last person having to answer a truth or complete a dare. What do you pick?" I wondered if the other people in the room also noticed Jimin's slight smirk on his lips while talking to Jungkook. As if he got something that he knew Jungkook wanted instead.

"I pick truth."

"Is Y/n your type?" Wow, what a banger of a last question. Why had so many questions have to be about me? I took a big gulp of the red wine that was still in my glass. I quickly grabbed the whole bottle and poured myself some more. It had been a while since I last drank something and I enjoyed it.

"Jungkook, answer the question. Am I your type?" The alcohol got me feeling bold tonight, I usually wasn't one to challenge someone else. I could see him starting to get nervous, he laced his fingers in his lap and started fidgeting with them.

"Uhm, I mean... Y-yes, she's pretty... but I mean, I don't know if she's my type... I can't judge that only after a day of knowing her..." He was clearly struggling to find an answer to this question. I honestly didn't even care too much about his answer, it was just fun to see his reaction when he was in a situation he couldn't control.

"So.. You're saying that I'm not attractive enough for me to be your type?" I leaned over at him, looking up at his eyes and placing my hand on his thigh, just like Jimin did to me earlier.

"No! You're really pretty, I-i..."

"I'm kidding Jungkook!" I laughed out, immediately seeing the relief in his eyes when he heard my words.

"You didn't exactly answer my question though." Jimin decided to come back to his question.

"Jimin, drop it. He's clearly not too comfortable with it." Taehyung warned him.

"Ah, it's getting late anyway. Don't you think we should get going slowly?" Jin stood up, grabbing some glasses and the empty popcorn dishes. Yoongi and Namjoon followed, also helping to clean up.

As I was feeling very tired all of a sudden I laid down on my back, resting my head on Jungkook's thighs. "You can just place the things on the counter, I will put it away later, don't worry!" I shouted in the direction that the three helpers were going.

Jungkook's POV

The situation couldn't possibly get more uncomfortable earlier. On top of Jimin mocking me, Y/n had to add to it by teasing me. And now she just laid her head on my thighs, looking cute as always.

"You can just place the things on the counter, I will put them away later, don't worry!" She shouted at Jin who just brought some dirty glasses to the kitchen.

"You don't have to clean up anything at all." While softly stroking my fingers through her full hair and playing with it I lowered my voice so that only Y/n could hear what I was saying. With her glossy eyes she looked up at me, fiddling with her fingers. "Why not?" She pouted.

"You've done enough tonight. Look at us, we all had a great evening and that was possible because of you. You cooked and managed the whole thing as if it was your apartment."

"But I like doing things like this. They make others happy so I enjoy doing them." She was so precious, always putting others first.

"I know, but tonight, let's just go to sleep, ok? We can wash up tomorrow, I'm too tired to do anything."

"Okay, if you think so."

"I do."

"Then that's fine with me." She smiled at me again, making my heart melt. Seeing her make out with Jimin caused some weird feelings inside of me. Of course I didn't like watching it but knowing that it was Y/n it made me feel even stranger. I couldn't explain what I was feeling, for the past couple of hours I was struggling to sort out my thoughts anyways. Y/n averted her gaze and now focused on the rest of my Hyungs getting up.

"We should get up too, they're leaving! We have to say goodbye." Y/n supported herself by leaning on her elbows before slowly getting up, me noticing that she was a little wobbly on her feet, I quickly got up to support her.

"What are you doing, silly!" She removed my hand from her arm while laughing out loud. "I can walk just fine, you know. I'm not thaaat drunk." I followed her through the living room to the front door, where the guys were already in jackets and putting on their shoes, ready to say goodbye and make their way home.

"It was so nice seeing you again, thanks for coming over!" I hugged all of my dear Hyungs goodbye.

"Thank you for hosting! And thank you Y/n for your absolutely delicious pasta!" Yoongi winked at Y/n with a promising look. I laughed, knowing that it was a joke.

"For you I'll always cook pasta, don't worry!" Y/n was now leaning on my shoulder, holding on to my arm. She let go to say goodbye but then quickly came back again. I could sense that she was getting really tired, the alcohol probably having this effect on her.


Y/n was sleeping soundly on my couch, she was even too tired to go back to her place and on top of that, she didn't want to be alone. I could understand it. Being surrounded by so many people at once and then having to go back to an empty apartment created a feeling of being even more alone.

I was catching up on cleaning the dishes and the kitchen. It was too late for me to get enough sleep for work tomorrow, so I had actually called in earlier in the evening and told my boss that I was having a headache and fever, which stopped me from being able to go to work. I knew that the night would be long, anytime my Hyungs and I hang out, time flies because we have so much to tell each other. And I wouldn't want to rush through our dinner just because I had to get enough sleep.

After cleaning up I quickly headed to my bathroom and stood under the shower, just to freshen myself up and feel better before going to sleep. Afterwards, I stepped into my PJ's and went into the living room to turn off all the lights and make sure that Y/n had enough blankets for the night.

As I wanted to be able to check up on her from time to time I left the door to my bedroom open and got myself into bed. Snuggling up in my cool blanket felt like an amazing end to a very fun day. I haven't had as much fun as today in a very long time, most of it thanks to Y/n. 

I knew it from the start but I thought of it over and over again. She would be the death of me.


I woke up to a shuffling sound and a light being turned on in the living room. Rubbing my eyes I reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone, wanting to see what time it was. It was almost 3 in the morning, Y/n surely got up to grab some water or to go to the toilet.

It would be an understatement to say that I was surprised when she suddenly stood in my doorframe in nothing but her hoodie.

"What's up? Couldn't you sleep?" I asked her, worried that she might've had a nightmare or was confused as to why she woke up in an unfamiliar apartment.


"What's it then?"

"I don't know. I just missed you." Y/n was slurring her words, clearly still having a lot of alcohol in her system.

"I'm right here though and we spent the whole evening together." I chuckled, not having expected such an answer from her but not thinking too much of it.

"Why are you laughing? Didn't you miss me?" She pouted while slowly coming closer to my bed where I was laying.

"I mean.. I did... But at the moment we see each other all the time so I haven't given it much thought..." I once again didn't know how to explain myself. Truth is, Y/n was driving me crazy. She was standing there in her big hoodie, exposing her naked legs, doing things to my body I wouldn't want to explain. It wasn't the right time though. She came even closer, now standing directly in front of my bed.



"Don't you want to touch me?" I gulped at her sudden bold question, not knowing what to feel or to say. I knew I had to restrict myself. If I only listened to my instinct or in other words to my current growing bulge, I would've touched Y/n a long time ago. But I had decided that I would wait until I found out about her partner or friend or whoever was living with her. Speaking of which: "Y/n, don't you have a boyfriend?"

"What?" She laughed, but quickly got herself together again. "You only want to change the topic, don't you?" She sluggishly stroked her hair out of her face, she was completely out of it.

"Y/n I don't think it's the right time to talk about this. You're not in a clear state of mind."

"Do you mean my dad? I live here with my father, you know?" Her father? I haven't seen him around though...

"Either way, I think we should resume with sleeping now, don't you think? It's very late."


"Why not?" I was getting frustrated at her not wanting to cooperate. It was late and I wasn't in the mood for games. I really, really wanted to sleep.

"I want you to touch me first."

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