08 | Liberosis

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I decided to use this new day only for myself. As I was successful in setting up the furniture the apartment just needed a few more things. For the more important stuff like shelves I would wait for the weekend so that my father would be able to help choose which ones. But I had nothing to do today so I decided to check out the shops around here and maybe find some cute decorations or additional things for the apartment and my own room.

At 10 AM I closed and locked my front door, making my way to town. On my way I stopped at the café that Jungkook showed me and got myself an iced coffee. Sitting on a small table outside I watched other people walking by, going about their day. One thing I loved about living in Korea was that everyone had their very own style and no one got judged for wearing something that wasn't 'trendy' or 'ordinary'.

After visiting some small shops and not finding anything I decided to head to the main street where there were more options. I soon found some beautiful plants and pots that I had to get for my room. I also got a fuzzy blanket for our living room and a basket for our dirty laundry. It was almost 4 PM already and besides my scrambled eggs and the iced coffee I had earlier I didn't eat anything. I heard my stomach growl right when I walked along the smaller street again, on my way back. The bags were getting heavy and I needed to get some food into my system, that's why I stopped at the nearest convenience store. As I entered, I realized that it was also a café, having some tables at the window. The store was empty and I decided to look around.

"Hey! Sorry, can I place my bags down here as long as I'm looking around? My arms are getting tired." I asked the guy who was standing behind the counter, organizing some snacks. He turned around, looking at my smiling face.

"Of course." He gave me a smile back.

"Thank you!"

"Oh, have you seen our new concept? There's a station over there where you can cook the food you just bought." He pointed over to the other side of the store at some machines that were standing next to a fridge.

"Ah, really? I've never seen it before, that's so cool!"

"Yes, look." He came over from behind the counter and lead me to the machines. He got a packet of ramen noodles from the shelf and placed them into a bowl. He then pressed a button on the machine that looked like a coffee machine and hot water came running out, filling the bowl up with the perfect amount of water.

"Woah, that's awesome!"

"Right? It's one of the first shops to have it!" He beamed at me, clearly being very excited. "And the best thing about it is that you can enjoy it right here."

"I might have to try this out now! Do many people come here?"

"Uhm... it depends. We just opened so there weren't too many costumers yet."

"I'm sure there will be in the future!"

"Thanks! Do you want to look around?"

"Yes, thank you. I'll ask if I need something!"

Now that I knew about the concept I was really excited to eat here. I went through the shelves and chose a packet of ramen that I was going to prepare with this machine. I also grabbed some jelly for dessert and a bottle of water. With all the things in my hand I went up to the register and payed for it.

After having prepared the ramen I sat down at one of the tables looking out on the small shopping street. The employee came up to my table and asked if I needed anything else.

"No, thank you!"

"No problem. Do you mind if I sit down with you? I need a break from standing, I'm not used to being on my feet for this long yet."

"Of course not. Sit down! Are you the owner?"

"Yes, I am!"

"Woah, you're pretty young and already have an own business?"

He laughed at my words. "Actually this is not my main income. I'm a model as well but just wanted to have something that feels consistent and I can always come back to. As a model you're constantly in new locations, sometimes even different countries and it can get tiring quickly."

"That's so cool." I was carefully eating my still hot ramen, trying not to splash the sauce on my shirt. "What are you a model for?"

"I'm not that big, I mostly do work for some smaller brands, but that's fun as well. Honestly, I don't mind being not too popular, I have more time for my store that way."

"That's right. Models have almost no free time at all, I imagine it being a stressful job."

"And what do you do?"

"I just recently moved here a couple of days ago. When summer is over I'll go to school here for a year before graduating. After that, I don't really know what I want to do but I luckily have some time left before having to decide."

"Oh, so you're completely new to this area?"

"Yes, I mean I lived in Korea my whole life, it's just that I now moved here."

"Did you already find some friends? Or do you know people here?"

"Actually I've been getting along with my neighbor very well and we have spent some time together. I also got to know his friends and I now know about 7 people here!"

"Hey, that's a success for only living here a couple of days!" We both laughed. He was nice to talk to, I liked people that were open and didn't care what others think. I wanted to be more like him.

"I'm Minkyu by the way!"

"I'm Y/n."

"Y/n, would you like to get to know the area a little better? We could meet with some of my friends on friday, that way you are immediately confronted with the way of living here."

I thought about it for a second. I didn't really have anything planned for this week and I really wanted to get to know some new people. Spending time with locals seemed the most fun to me, as you get included and don't feel like a tourist.

"Sure, I'd love to." I smiled at him reassuringly, watching him take out his phone out of his pocket.

"Can you put in your number? That way I can contact you about the details." I grabbed his phone and along with my number also saved my name in his contacts.

"Thank you. Also, the food was delicious! But I slowly have to get going, I need to put away all of the things I bought." We both stood up and I put away the trash that I made, making sure I didn't forget anything on the table. I put the water and the jellies to my other stuff and lifted the bags up, ready to make my way home. Minkyu lead me to the door and even opened it for me.

"See you later this week!" He waved at me and smiled brightly while closing the door again. I waved back and started walking home.


As I was getting out of the shower I heard my phone going off on the bathroom counter. I looked on the screen I saw that it was a message from what I assumed was Minkyu.


Hey Y/n! What about meeting at a local bar tonight?


That sounds nice! Which one?


It's called Ocean's. I'll come and get you at 9 PM and then we can go there together, what do you think?


Perfect! See you then. Here's my address: xxxx

I've never really been to a bar before so I didn't know what to wear. To be on the safe side I just decided on some plain jeans and a crop top – an outfit I would normally wear as well but was suitable for an evening with friends as well. Also, I wasn't really the type of girl to go for a dress with heels if it wasn't a special occasion, so the outfit I chose seemed just fine to me. I had half an hour left until Minkyu would pick me up. I grabbed a small bag and put my wallet and phone in there and quickly freshened up my makeup in the hallway mirror. I made sure to have enough money, not wanting to run into an uncomfortable situation.

Jungkook's POV

I was getting home from work and got out of my car that I had just parked on my spot, retrieving my bag from the backseat of the car. As I was getting my keys out of my pocket I noticed a guy standing in front of the building, one hand in his jeans and one holding his phone, reading something. I opened the front door and got in, keeping the door open.

"Do you need to get in?" I asked, looking at the stranger, waiting for him to look at me as well.

"No, no, thanks. I'm just waiting for someone."

"Ah, okay. Good evening then." I let the door go and turned to the stairs, making my way up.

I loved getting home from work to a clean apartment, even though I wasn't the best at keeping up with the household. I got out of my clothes from that day and changed into some comfier ones, this always being the first thing I do when I get home. I was standing by the window in my living room with a cup of steaming tea in my hand when I suddenly spotted the guy from earlier walking through the parking lot. By his side was a girl that I immediately identified as Y/n. The way she threw her head back while laughing and this resulting in me seeing her face gave it away. Who was this guy? She was only in town for a couple of days, I didn't think she would find friends this soon. Not to be mean, it's just that usually it would take people longer to find friends in a new place.


Even when I was already lying in bed I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n with this guy from our front door. It was currently 1 AM and I wasn't able to fall asleep at all, thoughts about Y/n keeping me awake. I was just about to get up to get a glass of water when my phone started going off, signaling an incoming call. Who would call me at this hour of the night? I looked at the screen to find Jimin's name on it.


Hello, Jimin?


Jungkook, I'm at a bar.


And? It's the middle of the night, did you only need to tell me that?


No, I wanted to call to let you know that Y/n's here as well. It seems that she's here with some friends.


Okay, well that's normal. She doesn't have any work or school tomorrow.


I know, but it's getting out of hand. She's completely out of it, Jungkook.


Is she drunk?


Yes, and not just a little.


Why did you call me? What do you suggest I do?


I didn't know who to call, she needs someone to take care of her. You're the one closest to her, living right next to her. I need you to come here now.


I'm on my way. Where are you?


I'm at Ocean's.

I felt myself getting nervous. Why would Jimin call me? But more importantly, why was Y/n so completely drunk? Did she have to go that hard on her first night out with new friends? Why did Y/n make me care so much about her? Why did I feel like I needed to protect her? 

Not caring about what I was wearing I grabbed my car keys and headed out.

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