11 | Confusion

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I was awakened by the sound of someone ringing at my door. Wriggling my arm free from under Y/n, the memories from last night filled my thoughts. I had to bring her back from the bar because she was so smashed and I let her sleep with me in my bed. Why had I done that? I looked at the clock on my nightstand, to find out that it was only 9 AM in the morning. Who wanted something from me this early on a Saturday? The doorbell rang a second time, signaling that the person ringing it was obviously not patient. I got up out of bed and quickly ruffled through my hair to make it more presentable and then made my way to the door.

"I'm coming!" I half shouted, not wanting the person to ring even more and possibly wake up Y/n. As I opened the door I found a man standing in front of me that I have never seen before. He looked distressed.

"Uhm.. Hi, can I help you?" I straightened out my shirt that was crumpled from sleeping.

"Yes. I was wondering if you might've seen my daughter? Or know where she is?" The stranger scratched his beard that must've been growing for a week now.

"No, I don't think so. Why would I know where she is? No offense, but I don't know you so the chances of knowing your daughter are slim."

"Well, I'm your neighbor, I live in apartment 1. My daughter 's name is Y/n."

Before I could say anything, a small voice behind me spoke first. "Dad?"

What? So she was living with her dad? I mean, she had said it before but I was sure that she just said it because she was drunk and didn't want to upset me or talk further about it.

"Y/n, thank god." The stranger stepped forward a little and hugged her tightly. I noticed that she had changed back into her outfit from the night before. Her hair was still a little messy in the back from sleeping but I couldn't make out if she still looked drunk, as I couldn't really get a good look from the front. "I got home so late yesterday and I found your note and thought you were still out but then when I woke up this morning and you still weren't in your bed I panicked." He was still holding her, but she slowly retreated.

"Dad, but I'm right here. I spent the night at Jungkook's." She turned around and shyly smiled at me, introducing me to her father. I straightened out my hand for him to shake it.

"So, you two...?" He started.

"NO! Uhm.. I mean, no, we're not a thing." Y/n awkwardly laughed, a little too loud.

"I just helped her out, I mean she wa-"

"Yes, he just helped me order some stuff online and it got late and I just fell asleep and he let me." I didn't know why she wasn't stating the truth, not even letting me finish my sentence. She clearly didn't want this conversation to go on, she was now tugging at her dad's sleeve to get him to the other side of the hallway. "Dad, come on now. I have a lot to tell you and you probably have too, right? Let's eat some breakfast."

I was standing there in my door frame, not knowing what was going on. They reached their front door and Y/n turned around one last time making eye contact but breaking it off quickly. Not one sign of a smile or at least a thank you.

I went back to bed to sleep some more, not wanting to let my weekend go to waste. Weekends were my time for sleeping in and doing nothing. My shirt that I gave her to wear was neatly laid out on the left side of her bed and I lifted it up to my nose, to see if it smelled of her. It did, but there was also the obvious smell of a night out.

Later in the day, when I had slept a few hours more and just gotten up to finally make some late breakfast for myself, the doorbell rang again. "Ugh, what now?" I mumbled to myself, placing the carton of milk on the counter and making my way towards the door.

I opened it, only to find Y/n's dad again.

"Hi. Can I help you?" I asked the same thing I asked this morning.

"Yes. Or no. Well, maybe... I just wanted to ask you why Y/n really slept over..." He didn't seem like he was angry, he just seemed tired and like he didn't have energy anymore. I shouldn't let Y/n down though, I should just stick to her story. He seemed to notice that I was thinking about it and he spoke first. "You know, I'm the only one she has at the moment... And it disappoints me that she would lie to me about something like that... I know that she's lying, when she does she always avoids looking at my eyes... I'm not angry at all, I just want to know what happened last night. Did you two...?"

"Oh god, no. I'm sorry, but we didn't.... we weren't.... uhm, nothing happened last night." I scratched the back of my head, I was getting nervous. Was he really implying that we  had sex last night? Right now, I felt the need to clear things up. Yes, I should've probably backed up Y/n's story but her dad clearly had a false impression of us, and this was concerning me too, not just her.

"Look, Sir... Y/n and me have been spending some time together and she also got to know my friends. So last night, she went to a bar with some new friends that she made. In the middle of the night I got a phone call from my friend, who was coincidentally also at that same bar, saying that she needed to be brought home because she wasn't feeling well. So I drove there, picked her up and I let her sleep at my place, just to keep an eye on her during the night." I stated every event from last night as shortly as possible.

"Oh.. Thank you, then... Why wasn't she feeling well?"

"Well... uhm.. maybe she ate something she shouldn't have or she might've had a drink too much..." I didn't really want to throw her under the bus like that so I tried to make it sound less harmful.

"Oh, right.. Ok. Well, thank you.. And I'm sorry that I bothered you." He walked backwards to his door and turned around half way.

"No problem, Sir." I quickly waved at him and then closed the door behind me, hoping that no one would disturb my unfortunately not so peaceful Saturday anymore.

"That was awkward."

In the late afternoon I got a text message from Y/n.


Did you tell my dad why I really slept over?


I did, why?

I didn't feel the need to lie to her about this, she would find out either way eventually. As soon as I sent my message I heard a loud knock at my front door. Y/n was standing there in a more casual outfit than this morning, looking cute as ever.

"Hi! Decided to wear something more comfortable?" I gave her a big smile, showing how happy I was to see her again. She didn't reciprocate and just barged in, sitting down on my couch with her arms crossed.

"Why did you tell my dad about what happened last night?" Was she confronting me?

"He.. I just thought that it would clear things up.."

"Well, it just made everything more complicated."

"Listen, he thought we were having sex last night, so I decided to tell him the truth."

"But why? Couldn't you just stick to my story?"

"No. I'm sorry, but you're not the only one involved in this. Maybe it sounds dumb that I want my neighbor and father of my friend to like me and not think of me that I'm the guy fucking his daughter."

"He's not your dad though! He confronted me about it and asked if I really ate something bad or drank too much.."

"Did you tell him the truth?"

"Yes, I did. Well, no. I just told him I probably ate something bad."

"Is he angry now?" Despite her being angry at me, I obviously still cared for her.

"No." She avoided making eye contact at all costs, turning her head away even when I purposefully sat right in front of her.

"Why are you mad at me then?" I placed my hand on her thigh and tapped my finger on it to get her attention.

"I'm not. But I need to go now... Dad wants me to show him around a little, he's never been out before."


"I'll tell you another time, ok?" She seemed to have calmed down a little and now smiled at me while placing her hand on top of mine.

"Yes, ok." I stood up, she following after me. When we arrived at the door she looked back before going into the hallway.

"When will we see each other again? I'm free the whole next week, my dad's gone again and I don't have school until a couple more weeks."

"Let's just text and see when it fits us both." I smiled back at her, being excited thinking about seeing her again.


It was now almost time for me to sleep when my door rang once again. What was up with this Saturday, was it cursed? Who could it be at this time of the day?

"Hey!" Jimin gave me a big smile when I opened the door.

"I honestly wasn't expecting you to be at my door." I let him in.

"Were you expecting someone different?"

"No, it's just that today my doorbell rang so many times."

"Who was it?"

"Well first it was Y/n's dad because he was looking for her, then her dad again and then Y/n herself and now you."

"Why was her dad even looking for her?" We were getting comfortable on the couch after I poured Jimin a glass of water.

"I don't really know but it seems that he's only home on weekends and when he woke up today, Y/n wasn't in her bed so he came looking for her here."

"And? Did he find her here?"

"Uhm.. yes.."

"So she slept here? Why?"

"She didn't want to be alone but it really wasn't my intention. And then she just fell asleep in my bed and I didn't have the guts to move her to the couch because I was afraid that she might wake up agai-"

"She slept in your bed?"

"Yes. But nothing happened, Jimin. Why?"

"Don't know. You just don't seem like the type of guy to move forward this fast."

"I already told you, nothing happened. Why are you bitter about this?"

He laughed out and took a big gulp of his water. "I'm not bitter." And then he mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't understand.

"What did you say?" I genuinely didn't understand it and was curious as to what he said.

"Oh.. nothing.." I threw a couch pillow over at him.

"Jimin, come on! I want to know!" I whined, laughing at the same time.

"It's not a big deal. I just said that you might be bitter if you get to know what happened at the bar."

I wasn't laughing anymore. What was he even talking about?

"What happened then?"

"Nothing important."

"Come on, Jimin!" I was really getting impatient. What could be so important that he didn't want to tell me? I was starting to believe that it was interesting, otherwise he wouldn't have made it such a big deal right now.

"Ok, ok. I'll tell you. But please don't be angry at me."

"I promise. I don't know what you think could make me angry about you visiting the bar last night, but ok."

"Ok, so you know how Y/n was pretty drunk last night. And she noticed me sitting at the bar and told me that she needed to tell me something important and then she pulled me to the small hallway that leads to the washing rooms. Turns out she didn't really want to talk about anything but she wanted to continue what we started that evening here at yours and honestly I kinda wanted it too, in fact I was first to talk to it about her. And so we ended up making out for about 15 minutes straight..." After telling me this story as quickly as he could, just to get it over with, he caught his breath.


"And then I said we have to stop because our friends are surely looking for us but I guess she was mad about it so then later she spotted me talking to an old friend and got really jealous. I think she wanted to make me jealous too so I guess she just grabbed the next best guy and started making out with him too, but keeping eye contact with me all the time to make sure that I was watching her. That's when I called you."

"Oh god. She was really drunk then." I didn't know what to say. Maybe it was that Y/n didn't struck me as a person who would go out and have fun like THAT, not that I was judging anyone who was. But I guess after seeing her play truth or dare the other night, I could've guessed it a little. I would lie if I said that it didn't bother me. It even stung a little, thinking about her with another guy while I was desperately trying to hold back my feelings or desires for her.

"Yes, she definitely was."

Then another thought hit me. "Why did you make out with her?"

"She indirectly asked me to. Who would I be to turn such an offer down? Besides, I wanted it too."

"But she was drunk. She probably wasn't thinking straight."

"But I had her approval and consent. You're just bitter about it because it wasn't you."

"That's not true!"

"Yes, it is."

"Whatever." I scoffed, not wanting to discuss this topic even more. It was true that I was bitter about it and that I would have wanted it to be me. But even so, I wouldn't have done it either way, not wanting our first kiss to be in a drunken state. If there was even going to be one..

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A/n: this was the original artwork for the book i made!

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