Testing Courage (Preview)

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𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞: 𝐓𝐁𝐀

This story is being completed offline before publishing for a better reading experience.


Death was all around, and yet a force unseen. Life was a girl in an earthen coffin, blinded by the dark. There was no room to move. No more air to breathe. Trapped in the ground with her arms locked to her sides, she screamed at her captor for release.

A ghostly trespasser, I laid down in the dirt beside her, guided by lights that only I could see. All I could do was watch as she made her final, futile attempt to claw her way free. But the pain was too much and her strength, too little. Her fingernails broke. Her skin began to bleed. Tears ran down her face, and her struggles went still.

It felt like an eternity – waiting for Death to make its move. Her breaths grew short and shallow, until her painted red lips turned cold and blue. With one last shuddering breath, away Life's spirit flew.

This was the future.

This was reality.

Or was it all just an illusion that the Voice designed for me to see?


All content and illustrations ©2020 Jax L. P. (@JaxCreation) on WattPad. Please contact the author if you are reading this on another site.

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