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In recent decades, low cost airfare has made international travel easier and many countries have, therefore, developed their tourism industries into key sectors of their economies. While it is clear tourism brings obvious benefits to the countries that host tourists, it is also true to say it may bring disadvantages as well. 

Undoubtedly, there are significant benefits that tourism brings to a country. First, a thriving tourist industry implies an increasing need for a variety of services such as hotels, transport, restaurants, and entertainment. This results in a considerable number of jobs being created for people who lack a college education and also the development of the infrastructure needed to accommodate visitors. Moreover, tourism is a "green" industry that, unlike factories, generates a low level of pollution. In fact, because beautiful natural landscapes are often places that tourists come to see, a country will often be sure to maintain the landscape in order to keep it attractive for tourists. 

Despite the benefits, there are aspects of tourism that may prove harmful to a country. For instance, a country may suffer from the loss of their traditional culture. This is caused by people in a country changing their lifestyle, customs, and language in order to more effectively serve visitors or because they become influenced by foreign countries. This can cause stress in a traditional society and could even lead to animosity towards tourists. In addition, because tourists often carry expensive objects like cameras and are unaware of their surroundings, they make good targets for theft. Crime also increases as a result of the increases in drugs and prostitution that caters to some vacationers. 

In summary, global tourism is greatly beneficial to an economy and environment of a country. However, it can be detrimental in several ways. To my way of thinking, a country should seek to develop its tourism industry because it can bring steady jobs to many people without their need for higher education and without the risk of environmental damages. 


A person who born in the late twentieth century has seen a lot of changes taken place in almost all areas of human life. There has been seen a significant decrease of the travel abroad expenses, which encourages more people travel more and more. In this essay, I would like to mention some benefits and demerits of the growth of tourism.

First of all, one of the most crucial advantages is that the tourist trade is vital for some economies. a number of countries consider tourism as a key sector of their economy, which mean these receive a lot of benefits of tourism income. For example, Singapore is known as one of the most visited countries in the world attracts millions of travelers every year.  Secondly, the increase of tourism activity may help to improve the standard of living in these countries. If countries want to attract more visitors, they have to enhance simultaneously the quality of accommodation, transport and entertainment such as building well-qualified resorts, advanced health-care centers and so on. Therefore, the locals will probably take advantage of these. Last but not least, it is no dubious that tourists can experience different cultures when they visit those countries. People always want to find out the particular customs and learn different languages as well.

However, having said that, there are some major drawbacks of the growth of tourism activity. Firstly, the building of facilities and infrastructure can destroy the wildlife environment.  This development would damage the animal’s native habitat in well-travelled place. In the past, numerous forest lands have been cut down and they have been replaced by high-class edifice. Secondly, tourism creates pollution and waste. If the percentage of tourists increases, they will produce ever greater quantities of waste and car exhaust. These may have a devastating effect on the local surrounding environment. Finally, the arrivals of a group of tourists may break the local habit. The locals may have to working late at night in high season and they will probably take threats of different kind of emerging crime such as drugs and infectious diseases.

In conclusion, the increase of tourism activity brings considerable benefits to countries, but not all of the outcomes of this growth have been positive.


The costs of international travel are decreasing and tourism is growing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of increasing tourism activity in different countries?

Nowadays more and more people are becoming aware of the decrease in the expenses of travelling and hence tourism is booming. Although many may see this as a positive phenomenon, it is not a trend without drawbacks. Both the pros and cons of the rapidly growing tourism activity will be discussed in this essay.

It is believed that tourism is playing an important part in the economy of different countries and it also helps to open the minds of both visitors as well as domestic people. Firstly, a host country will receive a huge amount of foreign currency in form of the money visitors bring to this country. Actually, many of today societies, especially those of developing countries, have to depend on tourism to develop. Secondly, international travelling is a way to exchange cultures between different countries and bring news to many places. For example, in rural areas and mountainous regions of Cambodia, not so far from now, people used to be self-sufficient and their lives so relied on agriculture. If the rice grows well, they have enough food to eat and to store; but if the rice does not grow well due to bad weather, then the people may starve to death. Thing is not hard as it used to now because the people can have another source of income which comes from tourism. Locals started making souvenirs and sell them to visitors and have money to buy food and other necessary stuff that they can not produce. Also, from the activity the local people do in their everyday life, tourists can learn a lot about their culture which is the greatest benefit from tourism.

However, many people often criticize tourism for its negative impacts on the environment and on the nature of the places. Take my hometown for instance, it used to be well-known for its beautiful and extensive beaches and people like to go swimming in the sea and enjoy seafood at some restaurants near the beaches. However, because many tourists carelessly throw rubbishes like plastic bags into the sea, many jellyfishes and other marine creatures have died and the place is not as clean as it used to be. We have lost our beautiful coastlines and also have less amount of tourist each year. This clearly shows that tourism can cause many bad effects on the environment and on the value of the places.

In conclusion, tourism could be very important for the development of many countries, however, the increasing tourism activities could damage the environment and cause the value or the nature of different places to be vanished.


ourism is often touted as an industry that will never shrink in size. In other words, as the world develops, more and more people will be able to travel. Although many may see this as a positive phenomenon, it is not a trend without drawbacks. Both the advantages and disadvantages of this topic will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion is reached.

On the one hand, the reduction in travel fare and the increasing of global tourism can be seen as a positive event as it promotes intercultural understanding and global harmony. For example, many Middle Eastern states have opened their doors and embraced tourism over the last twenty years and this has helped shed prejudiced views internationally that all Middle Eastern countries are dangerous. This development clearly shows the benefits of an increasing international tourism industry.

In addition to this, tourism creates new opportunities for trade. For example, many Chinese tourists are bringing back products from foreign countries that are currently unavailable in China. These new trade ties are great for the health of the entire global economy and can be seen as yet another positive ramification resulting from increased tourism.

On the other hand, the international tourism industry does pose some disadvantages. For one, money travelling into countries through tourism can lead to the establishment of some morally questionable activity. To name a few, tourist hotspots in developing countries are often rife with theft problems, maimed beggars and prostitution. The inflaming of these issues as a result of increased tourism is an obvious disadvantage to the growing global travel industry.

Following this analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism and the falling travel prices that are making it more possible, it is felt tourism has more benefits than drawbacks. It is hoped the growth in global intercultural understanding continues uninterrupted as tourism increases.

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