A plea for your thoughts, advice, help, etc.

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So I'm revising this section since a lot of the questions I had originally posted have now been answered to my satisfaction.  But I could still use your help.  

First and foremost if you enjoyed this story, please consider recommending it to a friend.  Or even better two friends.  Word of mouth is my best promotional tool since I'm not really able to afford some sort of big marketing campaign.  

Another thing that would be really helpful (if you have the time and if you don't mind doing it) is posting a review of Toursit Trap over on Amazon.com.  That would be highly appreciated.

I'm always curious to know who's reading this.  I wasn't sure at first if this story would have a very broad appeal.  I wondered if maybe only stoned college kids would like it.  But since then I've had people of all ages leave nice comments and that has been very cool.  So once again, only if you feel like it, I'd be interested to hear a little bit about you.  Especially if you're a grandmother or a soccer mom or someone who might "seem" to be outside the "target demographic."

I'm also always open to comments, criticisms, and suggestions.  If you noticed any gaping plot holes, typos, factual errors, or anything else that should be addressed please let me know.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Okay.  That should pretty much cover it for now.  Thanks for your help!

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