Chapter 33

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The sun continued to rise as Zeke and Max stumbled down unfamiliar streets. They had run out of alcohol and were completely exhausted and still quite lost. In short, their situation was growing increasingly desperate. Just when it seemed they were at their darkest hour, Zeke suddenly remembered that his tourist guide book had a map of the city in it. 

A quick check with the nearest street sign indicated they weren't too far from the Galloping Centipede Inn at all, and indeed appeared to have been making wide circles around it for the past few hours. They made their way towards it and Zeke couldn't help but smile a little at the thought of passing out in a nice comfy bed.

* * *

Sarah was awakened by a loud pounding on the door to her room. Her eyes were red and she could feel sticky streaks down the sides of her cheeks from tears. The previous day had been quite possibly the worst day of her life, having lost her boyfriend and her closest relative in quick succession. She had wandered the streets in shock after her uncle had been eaten alive. After awhile she made her way back to the hotel room whereupon she let loose all the emotions she had been holding back. She had cried until she physically couldn't cry anymore and then she had laid down on the bed overwhelmed by a feeling of numbness. Eventually she had drifted off into a restless sleep. 

The pounding on the door continued and she could hear giggling on the other side. "Go away!" she shouted and rolled over on her stomach. 

"Open up, Sarah! It's me Max!" 

"Max?" she said mechanically. "You're just about the last person I want to see right now. Leave me alone." 

"Aw, come on! I've got a surprise for you." 

Sarah sighed and pulled herself slowly out of the bed. "This had better be good," she mumbled as she opened the door. "Zeke!" her eyes widened in astonishment. "You're alive!" She threw her arms around him and squeezed him tightly. 

"Careful, you're gonna make me puke," Zeke said slurring the words together. 

"I can't believe this! How did you escape from that jungle?" 

"Long story," Zeke yawned. "Tell you later. Must sleep now." As much as he was enjoying the hug, his mind was quitting on him rapidly. 

"You guys smell like alcohol. Have you been drinking again?" 

"Jus' a little bit," Zeke mumbled as he climbed into the bed. He had lost consciousness before his head hit the pillow. 

"Where did you find him?" Sarah asked. 

"You know me, baby. I'm such a great detective, I just put my skills to work and I tracked him down. Made sure to bring him back safely. He really wanted to see you again. Wouldn't shut up about it." 

"Aw, that's sweet," Sarah smiled briefly as she looked over at Zeke who was sleeping heavily. The moment passed quickly and she let out a sigh. 

"What's the matter?" Max asked. "Aren't you happy to see us?" 

"Of course, but I'm still upset about Vance and my uncle." 

"Yeah, that was a tough break about your uncle. But really, you're better off without Vance. I told you that guy was a dick. Maybe now you'll put more stock into what I have to say." 

"Would you stop badmouthing Vance?" Sarah frowned. "I know he's a jerk, but I don't need you bringing it up all the time. I'm not going to go to bed with you." 

"Hey, whoah, down sister," Max held his palms up in appeasement. "I'm not trying to get you in the sack. I've seen the light and truthfully I'm not really into you anymore." 

"Good," Sarah said. "And this better not be some sort of reverse psychology trick because it's not going to work." 

"Would you relax? I told you I'm not trying to jump your bones. I understand you're probably a little down on men at the moment, but seriously, why don't you give the kid over there a chance?" 

"Who?" Sarah asked. "You mean Zeke?" 

"Yeah, why not? He's crazy about you. You two would make a great couple." 

"Don't be ridiculous! Zeke doesn't like me like that." 

"Oh I've got news for you, sweetness. Zeke's been in love with you since the first time he laid eyes on you." 

"Oh come on," Sarah said dismissively. "You're making this up. If he's so in love with me, how come he's never said anything?" 

"Because he's Zeke! That guy would get tongue-tied in a convent full of old retarded nuns. But look at him... he's sort of a little bit cute, don't you think? At least when he's passed out drunk?" 

"Well, sure, he's cute, but I've never thought of him in that way. I mean, he's Zeke. He's like a harmless puppy dog or something." 

"Well you'd better start thinking of him in that way because that's how he thinks of you. Yep, hopelessly, obsessively smitten that boy is. Now if you'll excuse me, I, too, need to pass out." Max walked over to the bed and collapsed on it next to Zeke. Soon they were both snoring loudly. 

Sarah sighed and walked into the bathroom to splash some water in her face. She had forgotten about the apparent lack of towels and as she searched around for something to dry off with she heard another knock at the door. "Maybe that's housekeeping," she thought to herself. "If so it's about time." 

She opened the door and let out an involuntary gasp. 

"Hello Sarah," said a very alive Dr. Octavius. "Perhaps I should explain..."

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