Chapter 10: Bloodlust and Resolve

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The atmosphere in the Grand Arena of Olympus was electric with tension. Nobunaga Oda stood, bloodied but unbowed, facing the formidable Mars. The Roman god, sensing the precariousness of his situation, decided to unveil his ultimate trump card, a skill so fearsome it was rarely spoken of: Bloodlust.

Mars's eyes darkened, and his aura shifted, becoming more intense and foreboding. The gods in the stands gasped in shock and disbelief. Bloodlust was a last resort, a technique that consumed Mars's own blood to grant him unimaginable power and speed. It was a double-edged sword; the skill would not deactivate until his opponent was dead, but it also drained his life force until he perished.

"By the gods, he's using Bloodlust against a human," Bellona whispered, her eyes wide with horror.

Mars's body began to radiate a crimson glow as his blood fueled his newfound power. His movements became a blur, and his strength multiplied. Nobunaga barely had time to brace himself before Mars was upon him, striking with a speed and ferocity that seemed unstoppable.

Nobunaga felt the first blow like a hammer, sending him sprawling across the arena. He struggled to his feet, blood streaming from multiple wounds. The world seemed to spin around him, but his mind remained clear. He knew that he had to endure, to survive until Mars's own power consumed him.

Mars pressed his advantage, each strike more brutal than the last. Nobunaga's defenses crumbled under the relentless assault, his katana barely keeping pace with Mars's spear. The gods watched in a mix of awe and horror as Mars, the embodiment of war, unleashed his full might upon the human champion.

The battle became a race against time. Mars's blood was his fuel, but it was also his demise. Each second he fought, his life force ebbed away. Nobunaga, battered and bloodied, fought with everything he had, utilizing every ounce of his skill and willpower to stay alive.

From the stands, Takeda Shingen clenched his fists, his voice filled with both admiration and frustration. "He's pushing himself to the limit. Nobunaga's resolve is unmatched."

Uesugi Kenshin nodded, his eyes never leaving the battlefield. "He embodies the spirit of our era. If anyone can withstand this, it's him."

Mars, feeling his strength begin to wane, unleashed a final, devastating blow. His spear pierced through Nobunaga's defenses, striking him directly in the chest. The impact sent Nobunaga crashing to the ground, blood pooling beneath him. The arena fell silent, every breath held in anticipation.

Nobunaga lay still, his body broken and bloodied. The gods began to murmur, believing the battle over. But then, to their astonishment, Nobunaga stirred. Slowly, painfully, he rose to his feet, his eyes burning with an unwavering determination.

Mars, breathing heavily, stared at Nobunaga in disbelief. "How... how can you still stand?"

Nobunaga's voice was a raspy whisper, but it carried the weight of his indomitable spirit. "I do not like the idea of gods deciding my fate. As long as I breathe, I will fight. In another scenario, perhaps we could have been comrades."

Mars's expression softened, a rare smile crossing his lips. "You have earned my respect, mortal."

Mars's body began to falter, his strength ebbing away as the effects of Bloodlust reached their peak. His time was up. He fell to his knees, the life draining from his eyes. The god of war, who had faced countless foes and emerged victorious, was defeated by the sheer will and resilience of a human.

The gods watched in stunned silence as Mars collapsed, his body crumbling to dust. Nobunaga, his own strength nearly spent, stood tall. The humans in the stands erupted in overwhelming emotion, their cheers and cries a testament to their renewed hope and pride.

Eirene, tears streaming down her face, whispered a prayer of thanks. Nobunaga had not only survived but had triumphed against a god.

The gods, however, were a mix of disappointment, disdain, and shock. Bellona could hardly believe what she had witnessed. "Mars, defeated by a human... impossible."

Nobunaga, his katana still in hand, looked up at the sky, his face a mask of pain and triumph. He had fought for humanity and had emerged victorious. Yet, the battle was not without cost. He knew there were more challenges ahead, more gods to face. But for now, he had proven that humans could stand against the divine.

As the echoes of the battle faded, the world watched and waited, the future uncertain but filled with the indomitable spirit of a warrior who refused to yield. Nobunaga Oda, the unifier of Japan, had shown that even against the gods, the human spirit could not be easily crushed.

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