Chapter 4: The Awakening of Mjölnir

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Silva’s golden aura blazed as he pressed his attack, every punch and kick a testament to his indomitable spirit. Thor, now on the defensive, struggled to withstand the relentless onslaught. Silva’s fist connected with Mjölnir in a climactic blow, sending a resonating crack through the air. The sacred hammer, symbol of Thor’s might, splintered under the force.

A collective gasp erupted from the human spectators, their awe-filled cheers echoing through the arena. This was a moment of transcendence, where the mortal had achieved the unthinkable. Silva stood, breath heaving, his eyes locked onto Thor’s. The golden light surrounding him was a beacon of hope, igniting a fire in every human heart watching.

High above, Odin observed the battle unfold with a smirk tugging at his lips. The Allfather’s mind drifted back to a time long past, a memory carved in the annals of Asgardian legend. He recalled the day Thor, younger and less tempered by wisdom, faced the giants of Jotunheim. Mjölnir had cracked then too, under the immense pressure of the battle. It was in that moment of dire need that Thor awakened the true power of his hammer, unleashing a fury so devastating that 358 giants fell before him, their might crumbling like dust.

Odin’s voice, deep and resonant, cut through the murmurings of the gods. “Fear not, my brethren. If Thor wills it, half of Asgard could crumble beneath his might. The mortal’s defiance is commendable, but this battle is far from over.”

The gods nodded in agreement, their confidence restored by Odin’s words. They turned their eyes back to the arena, anticipation and curiosity mingling in their gazes. What they saw filled them with a renewed sense of superiority.

Thor’s eyes blazed with an inner light, his grip on Mjölnir tightening. The crack in the hammer seemed to pulse, as if responding to his will. A low growl emanated from deep within his chest, growing in intensity until it became a roar that shook the very foundations of Olympus. Lightning crackled around him, arcs of electricity dancing across his body and the hammer.

Silva felt a chilling dread wash over him. The power radiating from Thor was unlike anything he had ever encountered. This was no longer just a contest of strength and skill; it was a clash of divine fury and mortal resolve. Despite the fear gnawing at his heart, Silva’s determination remained unbroken. He readied himself, muscles coiled, eyes sharp.

Thor raised Mjölnir high, the hammer now glowing with a fierce, blinding light. “You have shown great spirit, mortal,” Thor’s voice boomed, reverberating through the arena. “But your defiance ends now!”

The awakened Mjölnir descended with the force of a thousand storms. Silva leaped back, narrowly avoiding the devastating blow. The ground where he had stood exploded, shards of stone and dust flying in all directions. Silva’s defense was crumbling under the sheer power of Thor’s onslaught. Each strike was more powerful, more precise, pushing him further to the edge.

In the stands, Ed Soares and Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira watched with bated breath. Their faith in Silva was unwavering, but the tide of battle was turning. “He’s holding his own,” Ed said, voice tight with tension. “But this power... it’s on another level.”

Rodrigo nodded, eyes fixed on the arena. “He’s been through worse. He’ll find a way.”

Thor’s relentless attacks left Silva no room to breathe. The air crackled with electricity, each swing of Mjölnir accompanied by thunderous booms. Silva’s agility was his only saving grace, but even that seemed to falter under the relentless pressure. He felt his strength waning, the golden aura dimming with each passing moment.

Thor’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of respect and contempt. “You are strong, Silva, but strength alone will not save you.”

Silva’s response was a determined growl. He feinted left, then right, using every ounce of his skill to evade Thor’s crushing blows. He landed a few strikes, each one met with diminishing effectiveness against Thor’s godly resilience. The crack in Mjölnir seemed to mock him, a reminder of how close he had come, yet how far he still was from victory.

Thor’s attacks grew even more ferocious. Silva’s defenses shattered under the sheer force. He was pushed back, his body aching, his vision blurring. The gods’ cheers grew louder, their mockery a cruel chorus that filled the air. Yet, through the pain and fatigue, Silva’s spirit burned bright. He could not afford to fall, not now, not ever.

Thor’s next strike sent Silva sprawling, his body skidding across the ground. The world spun around him, the roar of the gods a distant echo. He struggled to rise, his limbs heavy, his breaths ragged. Thor approached, Mjölnir raised for the final, crushing blow.

Silva’s eyes met Thor’s, a defiant fire still burning within them. He would not yield. He could not yield. The weight of humanity’s hopes rested on his shoulders, and he would carry that burden to the very end.

Thor’s hammer came down, the force behind it enough to shatter mountains. Silva moved, his body responding with a final surge of adrenaline. He rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the deathblow. Thor’s frustration was palpable, his rage a palpable force.

With a roar of fury, Thor pressed the attack, each swing of Mjölnir more devastating than the last. Silva’s defenses crumbled, his body battered and bruised. He was on the brink of defeat, the edge of despair looming before him.

Yet, even as the gods mocked and the arena shook, Silva’s spirit remained unbroken. The match was not over. Not yet.

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