Chapter 6: The Gathering Storm

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The gods had returned to the opulent waiting hall of Olympus, the air thick with excitement and eagerness. The defeat of Anderson Silva had invigorated them, and now they clamored for the opportunity to participate in the next match. Their voices mingled in a cacophony of divine fervor, each god trying to assert their claim to the battlefield.

Ares, the god of war, pounded his fist on the marble table, his eyes gleaming with battle lust. “I should be next! Let me show the mortals the true meaning of fear and destruction.”

Hercules, his muscles bulging with raw power, countered. “The next fight is mine! I will crush them with my strength and prove the supremacy of the gods.”

The room was a storm of voices, each god’s argument rising above the others. Even the usually serene Amaterasu had a fiery determination in her eyes as she considered the opportunity to demonstrate her divine prowess.

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted. A presence, ancient and overwhelming, descended upon the hall. The clamor ceased abruptly, replaced by an uneasy silence. Even Ares, who thrived in chaos, felt a shiver of fear run down his spine. The source of this presence stepped forward, his aura commanding and powerful.

Mars, the Roman god of war, stood before them. His armor gleamed with an otherworldly sheen, and his eyes burned with a cold, disciplined fire. His mere presence radiated authority and strength, silencing even the most boisterous of gods.

“The next combatant has been decided,” Mars declared, his voice a resonant command that brooked no argument. “I shall fight for the gods. Let there be no further debate.”

The gods nodded in subdued agreement, their eagerness tempered by Mars’s formidable presence. Mars, known for his strategic brilliance and unparalleled combat skills, was a figure of both respect and fear. Even Ares, bristling with unspent energy, did not challenge the decision.


In a secluded corner of the celestial realm, Eirene sat in quiet mourning. Anderson Silva’s sacrifice weighed heavily on her heart. His courage and determination had been a beacon of hope for humanity, and his loss was a blow to their morale. Yet, she could not afford to dwell on his death for long. The next match loomed, and she had to select another champion.

Her thoughts swirled as she considered the remaining warriors. Each had their strengths, their unique skills, but the decision was not easy. The gods’ victory had shaken her confidence, and she felt the pressure of choosing someone who could stand against their divine might.

As she pondered, her gaze fell upon an ancient scroll, depicting scenes of valor and strategy. Nobunaga Oda, the legendary warlord of Japan, stared back at her from the pages of history. His eyes were fierce and determined, his presence commanding respect. Known for his strategic genius and relentless ambition, Nobunaga had carved his name into the annals of history with blood and fire.

Eirene’s heart quickened. Nobunaga was a leader, a strategist, and a warrior without equal. He possessed a mind as sharp as any blade and a will as unyielding as steel. If anyone could challenge the gods, it was him.

With renewed determination, Eirene invoked the ancient ritual to summon Nobunaga. The air shimmered with mystical energy as the warlord materialized before her, his armor gleaming, his presence imposing.

“Lady Eirene,” Nobunaga greeted her with a slight bow, his eyes scanning his surroundings with keen interest. “I understand the task before me.”

Eirene nodded, her voice steady despite her inner turmoil. “Nobunaga, you are our next champion. You must face Mars, the Roman god of war. The fate of humanity rests on your shoulders.”

Nobunaga’s eyes flashed with determination. “I will not fail. I have faced impossible odds before and emerged victorious. The gods will know the strength of human resolve.”


Back in the waiting hall of Olympus, Mars prepared for the upcoming battle. He stood alone, his thoughts focused and clear. This was not merely a fight; it was a demonstration of divine supremacy. Mars knew that he carried the expectations of the gods on his shoulders, and he relished the challenge.

Meanwhile, in the human world, the news of Nobunaga’s selection spread quickly. Humanity’s hope, which had dimmed with Silva’s fall, was rekindled by the arrival of the formidable warlord. Nobunaga’s reputation was legendary, his strategic brilliance and combat prowess inspiring confidence in those who knew of his deeds.

In the vibrant heart of Azuchi Castle, Nobunaga’s most trusted retainers gathered. Mitsuhide Akechi, known for his cunning, and Hideyoshi Toyotomi, renowned for his loyalty and ingenuity, watched intently as their lord prepared for the battle to come. Their eyes reflected a mix of awe and determination, knowing the stakes of the upcoming fight.

Mitsuhide’s voice was filled with a mix of pride and resolve. “Lord Nobunaga has faced countless enemies, both seen and unseen. He will find a way to overcome this divine challenge.”

Hideyoshi nodded, his eyes never leaving Nobunaga. “His mind is sharper than any blade. If anyone can stand against a god and emerge victorious, it is our lord.”

As both sides prepared for the upcoming match, the tension in the air was palpable. The gods, eager to assert their dominance, looked to Mars with confidence. The humans, fueled by a renewed sense of hope, placed their faith in Nobunaga’s unbreakable will.

The stage was set for the next epic clash, a battle that would once again test the limits of human resolve against divine power. The anticipation was electric, the outcome uncertain. Both gods and humans braced themselves for what was to come, knowing that the fate of humanity hung in the balance.

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