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Holyy Schmidt i didn't realize i had more than fifty followers.

I will do things special everytime i hit a milestone


50+ followers

100+ followers

500+ followers

1000+ followers (heckk llike id ever get that much XD)

So now, for 50+ followers, you get twenty facts about me!

(1) when i was born, my eyes didn't develop properly, so i start crying out of nowhere even when im not in pain or sad

(2) Carl/Candy aren't my real names XD i will not say my name either...i won't say it...yet

(3) i believe in aliens, multi dimensions, ghosts and vampires, and that one day a zombie apocalypse will arise, go ahead and say i'm stupid, its just my opinions...i also believe in unicorns XD

(4) i am bisexual, and i am not embarrassed

(5) i am a smartass. This person said i look asian and said "oh, you look asian! Why do you eats dogs?" I got offended but didn't show it, so i said "yeah, i eat dogs, they taste wonderful, one time the neighbors dog kept barking, i got annoyed so i ate it :D" (no i dont eat dog, but i want to try it.) #doontjudgemeh

(6) i am a girl, but i have always wanted to be a boy, but i would never change my gender

(7) i am the oldest child in my family

(8) i want to be a fulltime youtuber, but im afraid i wont make enough money

(9) if i dont do youtube, i want to create games

(10) basically, i love games, i want to devote my life to games

(11) i am always asked "whats your dirtiest secret?" Bitch, if i said, it wouldn't be secret.

(12) i am always either on wattpad, listening to music while playing FunRun 2 (my name is Carl617), texting someone, or eating

(13) i am a brony

(14) everytime my mom calls me over, i am afraid i might get in trouble...even if i didn't do anything wrong XD

(15) i have many people i hang out with but i have three main friends

(16) i have met many wonderful people in this amazing Wattpad community, my dream had always been to feel loved, thank you guys so much for helping me reach my dream

(17) i have four fears, being alone, being forgotten, being replaced, and spiders

(18) i am addicted to music, im listening to music while writting this

(19) i cAnT deCiDe wHeTheR yOu sHouLd liVe oR diE...i love imagine dragons, and i am currently listening to i cant decide by the scissor sisters XD and fall out boy, and Krewella

(20) i am very grateful for you guys! Thank you for following me, for thinking i am good enough to follow. I love every single one of you, and don't think otherwise! I care for all of you! If i am ever off of wattpad for more tyan a month, i might be dead, or got in trouble, most likely not dead XD.

Thanks for 50+ followers


(I will have that next chapter tomorrow! Sorry if i gave you false hope that this was the next chapter!)

Btw comment any questions you want to ask me! I will answer them in a chapter after the next!


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