Day Four

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Minx's POV

The waking up bells rings. I changed into nicely fresh clothes. Then i ran outside. I was the second one out. Then fastly everyone went out.

Everyone made that 'Surprise' sound. When everyone saw Deaf's Body. I knew the stupid Mafias killed him. I walked over the body. I grabbed the 'note'. And read it out loud. "If i die. Minx is in charge. She is the new mayor. For now." Everyone commented and say alittle things. I stepped on stage. "Well... I guess I'm the new mayor. So i'll try to be like him. Maybe change alittle." I glanced at Deaf's body. "He was killed by the mafia. And his role was Mayor".

"What about ---- Diction?" asked Dlive. He bitten his bottom lip.

"He was Executioner. And was killed by Mafia. Probably 2 godfathers" i said. I lied with the 2 last parts. I wanted everyone to know that Entoan was the Serial Killer. "So any clues or anything weird last night?"

"I was bought back to life!" said Anthony. He raise his hand and walked infront of the crowd. Everyone grew a happy face that Anthony is back to life. I winked Tesh. Convincing him that I'm Retributionist.

Tesh's POV

Minx is the Retributionist! She wasn't lieing! She kept her dirty little secret.

"Anything Else?" Minx asked. Everyone shooked their heads. "So... time to vote! Any Votes?"

Krism raised her hand. And put it down when Minx glanced at her. Krism evily glanced at Pewds. "Pewds" She said as she looks back to the center.

Ken's POV

I scratched my head. Shit! Krism is catching us. Ohm raised his hand. "Mark". Mark gulped. He was nervous.

I raised my hand quickly. And put it down quick as possible when Minx glanced at me. "Wade".

"Excuse me. I'm the Fucking Doctor Wade" said Wade.

Minx was calmed. She was good at mayor. "Okay. Ken do you have poof? Before anymore fights?" Minx said in a calm voice.

"Yeah! Chill's Note. It says that Entoan is Serial killer. Wade and Mark are the fucking Mafia." i said. I hope this will change her mind.

"Anyone else?" asked Minx.

Dlive raised his hand and said: "Ken". I bitten my bottom lip. Fuck! I was nervous. Then i stopped. And acted like i was just another innocent townies.

"Okay Voting!" said Minx happily. "Hands up for Mark". Ohm and Pewds raised his hand. "Pewds?". Krism and Minx raised their hands. Minx was the SERIAL KILLER! She was good. "Wade?" Me, Tesh, Mark and Anthony raised our/their hands. "And Lastly Ken." Wade and Dlive raised their hands. "Okay Wade. Step up for Trail".

"Shit" i heard Wade said to himself. He stepped up on the stage next to Minx.

"Go stand on the chair" Ordered Minx. Wade went up on the chair. Minx tide the robe around Wade's neck. "Okay what is your defense?"

"I'm the fucking doctor! Doctor Wade! I fucking healed Diction before Cry was hanged from his death. It's fucking true!" Wade complains. "No one is saying they're Doctor. At all".

"That is true" i heard krism muttering to someone.

"Okay voting Innocent?" asked Minx. Krism, Ohm, Tesh raised their hands. "Guilty?". Mark, Pewds and I raised our hands. Minx has to think about it. "I'm going with Guilty. Sorry..". Wade was sad now. He was pretty mad.

You know what. I'm gonna erase his role so he can be Mafia. "Any Last words?" Minx asked Wade.

"FUCK YOU ARE!!! YOU GUYS ARE ALL FUCKED!!! YOU BITCHES WON'T LISTEN TO A REAL TOWNIE!!!" cursed Wade. Minx quickly kicked the chair underneath Wade. So he was hanged to his death. Before Minx can search what role he was. I quickly did alittle magic so anyone but me don't knows which role he was. And he was right he was Doctor. >:3 but for everyone... he was Mafia.

"He was---" Minx hesitated. For once she messed up lieing. But he looking at me. I winked at her. I kinda knew what he was gonna say. "He was Mafia... Godfather. But there another Godfather because of this morning. Well. I guess. Wade's note say 'I WAS THE FUCKING DOCTOR! U R all fucked! Me and my mafia will kill you all!". It was funny how Minx lied the last part. And everyone believed it. "Okay Bitches time for bed!" announced Minx.

Everyone walked to their house. This might be alittle fun to fool every fucking townie.

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