🎭 School Events 🎭

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◎ Art Attack (Late September)

Art Attack is an event made specifically for art kids of, not only Townsville High, but other schools as well. During this event, students from different high schools can come to Townsville High and showcase their paintings, drawings, sculptures, etc. They can also compete in the Art Competiton and if they win, their piece will be bought by a professional artist or collector. Things like origami, recycled projects and DIY items are also allowed in the event. Students can also sell their art and projects to other students, give face paintings and draw paid portraits.

◎ Spook Festival (Late October or Early November)

During this event, Townsville High celebrates Halloween. Like every other Halloween event, everyone in the school gets to dress up, give each other treats and even play harmless tricks on each other. Since student play tricks on each other during this event, the Student Council, guards and teachers are ten times more alert just in case something goes wrong. The clubs can organize their own little activities but the club that stands out the most during this event is the Drama Club since they're the one hosting the haunted house each year. There will also be dance and song numbers during this event.

◎ Christmas Party (Mid or Late December)

Townsville High takes their Christmas Party seriously. Everyone in the school works very hard to make their party perfect. During this event, different dance and song numbers will be held by each sections. Afterwards, they will go to their classrooms and eat with their classmates. If they choose to do so, they can go and join the other sections. Once everyone is done eating, they will go to the assembly hall with their presents and began exchanging gifts. If they want to, they can even give heartwarming messages to their friends, classmates, schoolmates and teachers. Once everyone has received their gifts, the parlor games will begin.

◎ Rising Stars (Early January)

Rising Stars is a competition made for the aspiring singers and musicians of Townsville High. During this event, the school will have every student who wishes to be a successful artist join the event and will have people who work in the music industry as judges. This event usually starts at afternoon then ends around 9 or 10 p.m. The winner will have their picture displayed along with the past winners in the hallway of the school and on the bulletin board near the entrance.

◎ Day of the Bands (Late January)

Another event made for the singers and musicians of the school except this time, it's for bands instead of soloists. It's like a mini concert for the students. Bands from other schools are allowed to join in this event which is why this event often lasts for two or three days. It starts in the afternoon and ends around 9 or 10 p.m.

◎ Heart Day (Mid February)

Heart Day is very special to the students. It's not only for the couples of the school but also for the strong friendships and bonds between the students. This event has the same formula as the Christmas Party. During this event, different sweet dance and song numbers will be held by each sections. Students can also perform individually. After the performances, the students will go to their classrooms and spend time with their beloved classmates. If they choose to do so, they can spend the rest of the event with their partners or group of friends. The event usually ends with new couples or plenty of sweet gifts.

◎ School Festival (Mid or Late March)

The School Festival is inspired by the Cultural Festival in Japan. During this event, each club is given the chance to show what they can do. The Drama Club will have a play, the Cooking Club will have food stands, the Music Club will host a maid cafe, etc. This event is open to the public and actually helps the students show what it is like inside school.

◎ Sportsfest (Mid April)

Sportsfest is an event made for the athletes of the school. The students who participate in this event are usually from the Sports Club like basketball, volleyball, soccer, football, badminton, swimming and martial arts. The event lasts for a week and is full of nothing but sport games.

◎ Fun Race (Late April)

During this event, all students will be grouped based on their Zodiac signs. Then, they will go around the school and do the group activities the teachers and Student Council put together for them as fast as they can (ex. using your mouth to find a coin in tray full of flour, balancing an egg on a spoon). After each activity, the group must collect the flag with the corresponding Zodiac sign to clarify that they've finished the activity. The first group to finish all activities and get back to the start will be declared the winner.

◎ The Night of Gala (Mid May)

The Night of Gala is the prom of Townsville High. During this event, the students get to bring their dates, dress up in elegant dresses and fancy suits, dance, take cute pictures in the booth and vote. The students will vote who gets to win these titles:

- Darling of the Crowd
- Star of the Night
- Prince and Princess of the Night
- The King and Queen of Gala

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