💢 The Mean Kids 💢

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◎ Princess Sienna Morbucks

Princess was spoiled ever since she was a kid. She first met Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup and Bunny in kindergarten and had been their mortal enemy ever since. Since then, she's been going to the same schools as them. She met Brick, Boomer, Butch and Bandit in elementary and immediately started liking Brick. At the time, Brick was still rowdy and Bell was away so she didn't know what he was doing. Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup and Bunny warned Brick about Princess but Brick didn't listen and became Princess' boyfriend in middle school. She then met the new members of the PPG and RRB. They broke up after a few months later when Princess' cheated on Brick with Mitch. Now in highschool, Princess loves to flirt, seduce and date different boys for attention. She loves making other girls jealous with her riches, looks and hot dates. However, she is awfully jealous of the PPG and RRB, the two most popular and beloved groups in the school. Their popularity is on par with hers and this makes her hate them even more. The members she hates the most are Blossom and Bell. She hates Blossom because obviously, she's been mortal enemies with her ever since they were kids and she hates Bell because she's the closest to Brick. Princess tried and tried to make Brick date her again because he is the hottest boy in Townsville High and dating him would give her all the attention she wants. Unfortunately for her, Brick is no longer interested because of their past and Bell. It was easy to see that Brick liked Bell more than a best friend and that fueled Princess' hatred for Bell. Princess is best friends with Rachel Tucker, another popular mean girl. Rachel is just like Princess but instead of dating boys for attention, she dates them just for sex. She loves showing off to other girls and telling them how she "got laid".

◎ Mitch Mitchellson

He's in Butch's football team. Instead of hating Princess after she cheated on him, he chases after her and tries to make her his girlfriend again. He also serves as one of her henchmen inside the school. Just like Princess, Mitch has known the girls ever since kindergarten and has known the boys ever since middle school.  In kindergarten, he was close friends with Buttercup but when Buttercup became more mature, Mitch started to avoid hanging out with her. As time went on, he messes with the girls but with the boys, he refuses to. He learned that they will beat anyone up if they mess with them and he learned that the hard way. When Boomer was a freshman in middle school, Mitch bullied him nonstop. Brick and Butch caught him verbally and physically bullying their little brother after school and immediately gave Mitch a beating. After that, he refuses to get near them ever again. In highschool, he joined the football team, not knowing that Butch was the captain. Now, he can't get caught by the boys and girls doing anything bad because Butch will not hesitate to kick him out of the team. Butch is serious about the football team and if any troublemaker like Mitch ruins their reputation, he immediately kicks them out.

◎ Rachel Tucker

Rachel is from a wealthy family like most of the students of Townsville High. She's Princess' first henchwoman. Just like Princess, she loves getting attention. She gets attention by acting like the stereotypical mean girl, befriending the best people in school only to backstab them and show her true colors. She also dates guys just to sleep with them and show off to other girls. When it comes to the PPG and RRB, she doesn't care about the consequences. She verbally bullies the girls while flirts with and seduces the boys. Her constant flirting gets ignored though, since the RRB knows better than to date a Princess 2.0. Rachel's top targets are the athletes like Butch, Brett, Bloodshot and Blitz. She also has her eye out for Bull since he's a model. She doesn't bother flirting with Brick since Princess already has her eye out for him. Her number one prey is Butch since he's the second most hottest and popular boy in school, the son of a famous billionaire and the captain of the football team. Since Butch is the one she's chasing after, her worse enemy in the PPG is Brina Megara Danes, the girl Butch is crushing on. She hates her not only because of Butch's crush on her, but because Brina is the third most popular girl in school. She's an athlete like Butch and is constantly surrounded by male and female admirers. Rachel's hatred for Brina doesn't go unnoticed since she insults her whenever she gets the chance.

◎ Gilro Evans

Gilro has a sadistic personality that can par with Blade's. He very intelligent, rude and arrogant. Since he came from a wealthy family, he sees everyone else as peasants or pawns. He dislikes the RRB very much but the one he hates the most is Blade because, just like what was stated before, they have the same sadistic personality. Gilro will often pick a fight with Blade and Blade, knowing that Gilro is not worth it, would just avoid and ignore him. However, there are a few times when Blade can almost lose his temper. Gilro is also quite the playboy, often flirting with girls just to get attention. He likes to target shy girls and play with their feelings. He would put on his best sincere act, flirt with them, ask them out and never turn up. He also likes to humiliate people like Ben or Barracuda.

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