𖤈 Chapter Sixty-Three: Hopeful

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Jeno takes his earphones off when he catches a faint sound of someone knocking on his bedroom door. "Come in," granting the person permission to enter.

The opens and in enters Smithers first, "little prince, Jaemin is here to see you." Smiling all while as he then steps aside to reveal the blond haired boy.

Jeno immediately grins and signals for Smithers to dismiss himself while Jaemin later on closes the door behind him.

The elder boy walks over to where Jeno is, who's on his stomach with earphones plugged in as he was seemingly in the middle of writing something.

"What's that?" He asks, gesturing at the open notes displayed in front of Jeno.

The latter quickly closes the book and pushes it away, "nothing." Mumbling while he then pushes himself up.

Jaemin raises a brow as he watches the brunet boy taking the book in his hand and hiding it inside a drawer.

"Is that some kind of diary or something?" He jokes about, a chuckle escaping his lips as Jeno goes back to his bed.

Knees on the mattress, he snakes his arms around Jaemin's neck and pecks his lips softly. "Maybe." He replies nonetheless, although it made Jaemin even more curious.

Seeing his boyfriend's facial expression, Jeno chuckles and shakes his head. Lifting Jaemin's chin up to meet his eyes, "actually don't worry about it, babe."

"I'm not worried, just... Curious."

"You always are when it comes to me especially." Jeno giggles, winking at him.

Jaemin rolls his eyes in return, placing his hands on Jeno's waist before pulling him along as he lays them both down with his boyfriend giggling even more from the action.

Kissing Jaemin's jawline, he begins to ask about how his boyfriend's day went. "The usual, tiring sometimes but hey, I'm still here." He replies.

"Mm," Jeno hums before continuing the conversation, "heard you and Hakim were partners earlier in English class."

When he gets a nod from Jaemin, he asks, "how did that one go? We both know Hakim likes to complain for no reason." He quips.

Jaemin couldn't help but laugh as he quickly responds with, "not surprised he did it again, but it still honestly went good. Got a great score too."

Rubbing his thumb in circles on Jeno's waist, the brunet boy could only hum as his eyes were starting to slowly flutter close.

"Anything else that happened recently?" He mumbles with droopy eyes, trying to stay awake.

But it's not that easy anymore now that Jaemin's here treating him so sweetly, almost spoiling him even that he low-key feels guilty of.

He was already tired from today's activities, it didn't help when he couldn't even take a short nap around today.

Last night, he sort of slept late too because he had to handle some things first besides his homework.

Adding all of things up, surely Jeno is tired. Initially he wanted to stay awake a bit more for dinner; waiting to be called by any of the house helpers.

However, Jaemin kind of ruined that plan. Unintentionally of course.

Now, his eyes then snap wide open, flustered when his boyfriend suddenly moves beside him.

Jaemin props himself up on his arm and elbow while he looks at Jeno with furrowed eyebrows, "something weird did happen recently..."

"Oh?" Jeno quickly pays close attention, however he couldn't keep the yawn from escaping his lips shortly after.

The blond haired boy chuckles quietly as he gently squeezes Jeno's waist, as if silently saying it was okay and he didn't mind.

"I thought it was just nothing but I don't know, it's a little weird-ish? For me at least." Jaemin babbles.

The brunet boy keeps quiet for the meantime, not wanting to interrupt his boyfriend as he lets him ramble on about something.

"I just noticed it yesterday, I guess but..." Jaemin's face then scrunches up in a split second. "Renjun and Haechan haven't bothered me for a while..."

This time, Jeno sat up too, totally more awake than a second ago. "Really?" Getting a nod right after, he furrows his eyebrows as well.

"But they are still around, right? Just to make sure."

"Of course, I see them almost all the time especially at lunch or a few classes." Jaemin answers.

"But it's just we look at each other but don't say anything. They don't come up to me, drag me somewhere, rant to me and all those things."

"Don't you miss them?" Jeno asks, almost straightforwardly.

"... I guess." Hearing his boyfriend mutter his answer, Jeno frowns and scoots closer to place a hand on Jaemin's knee.

"Babe, don't leave your friends like this... Especially when it's because of me."


"Still, despite those things they have done to us. I believe they can change if they get their senses back, get their head out of their ass." Jeno states.

Jaemin gives him a look, to which he sighs deeply. "Jaem, I don't want any of this drama between all of us. I just hope we can all be true friends one day, no more masks and fake images."

"You surely have a lot of love and faith to give to other people, Jen." Jaemin smiles faintly. "Almost a little too much, despite who the fuck that person is and how fucked up they are."

"Believe me, I know Renjun can change. I don't know how he turned out to be like that after a few months of dating him, but still... Let's just... Wait."

Jaemin could only nod quietly, not bothering or wanting to argue with Jeno who seems to be hopeful of his toxic ex boyfriend til this day.

"Has he bothered you?"


"Renjun... And even Haechan, have they talked to you at all recently?" Jaemin asks, very curious of his best friends' recent behaviors.

His boyfriend thinks for a moment before shrugging his shoulders, "once, but that was when Haechan asked if he could borrow a pen in detention last week."

Pouting, he then adds, "but anything else? I don't think so, it's the same as yours. We see each other but they don't bother me anymore."

Jaemin snorts while Jeno parrots, "indeed it's a little weird," pulling Jaemin by the neck as he lays them down again.

"But let's give each other some time from this tiring drama."

"I'm just worried." Jaemin mumbles out, smiling a little when Jeno pecks his lips.

"You know that moment when things are oddly peaceful, something bad is about to happen later on."

"So a storm is coming?"


Jeno 'tsks' and cuddles closer instead of replying to Jaemin's words. "Let's talk more about this later then, I'm tired and that's too stressful." Whining a little.

"Yeah... I guess we should calm down a bit." Jaemin jokes and kisses Jeno's forehead. "Go take a nap, I'll wake you up when Smithers calls for us."

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