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Dear Diary,

I'm really hungry.

"Hyung!" Hoseok called as he entered the house in the morning."You didn't pick me up from work! What the hell!"

That raised voice rattled Yoongi from his sleep. He sat up and looked at the digital clock on the nightstand. He had overslept. Crying must have worn him out too much. Getting off the bed, he made his way to the living room, seeing Hoseok, who had plopped himself down onto the couch."I overslept." he stated groggily.

"Of course you did. You're so lazy." Hoseok hated that about Yoongi. Why couldn't his boyfriend just get everything done on time?"You came back home to sleep all night while I worked, and you couldn't even pick me up? Is it really so hard to be nice to your own boyfriend?"

"I'm sorry, Hoseok." No matter what happened, Yoongi always found himself apologizing. Hoseok just had a way of twisting everything to be his fault. Hoseok was never at fault for anything."It won't happen again."

"You know, you should treat me out for breakfast to make up for it." Hoseok was hungry and wanted something tasty to eat."It's the least you could do, especially after you made breakfast so boring yesterday. Don't you like going on dates with me? I'm your boyfriend, but you won't act like it."

With a heavy sigh, Yoongi gave in, as always."Okay. We'll go wherever you want."

Getting back up from the couch, Hoseok stepped over to Yoongi and pecked his cheek."Aw, that's so nice of you, Hyung! See? I knew there was some sweetness in you somewhere deep down!" Happy with this turnout, Hoseok pulled his shoes back on, ready to leave.

"Just let me get dressed." Going back to the bedroom, Yoongi wished he could just crawl back into bed. He didn't want to be awake. He didn't want to go anywhere. He didn't want to interact with Hoseok. He just knew that this was going to make him feel even worse. When he got out an outfit and placed it onto the bed, Yoongi felt eyes on his back, Hoseok watching him from the doorway. It made him feel disgusting.

"Did you put on a few pounds, Hyung?" Hoseok asked as he leaned his shoulder against the door frame.

Yoongi looked down at himself after taking off his pajamas. Did he put on weight? How could that be? How could he put on weight and still feel so hungry all the time?"I don't know. Maybe."

"Maybe we shouldn't go out to eat then." Hoseok let out a sigh of disappointment."Man, I was looking forward to getting something really tasty."

Pulling on his clothes with shaking hands, Yoongi gulped."We can still go. You can get whatever you want. I'll only get something small. Or I...I won't eat. I'm not hungry anyway."

Stepping into the bedroom fully, Hoseok slipped his arms around Yoongi's slender waist from behind."But that wouldn't be fair to you, Yoongi-baby. Would you really make me eat in front of you while you have nothing? You did that yesterday, and the waitress kept staring at us. It was embarrassing. You make me look bad when you do that."

Just wanting a solution to this, Yoongi felt his heart pounding."Um, you can take my money and go with a friend." he suggested."I'll just stay home. Is that okay?"

Hoseok's arms tightened around Yoongi's waist, causing a cramp in the older's empty stomach."Aw, would you really do that for me? That's so sweet of you." Releasing his hold on Yoongi, he turned around to leave the room. He already had access to Yoongi's money, keeping his boyfriend's credit card in his wallet for 'safe keeping.' When he started walking away, he tripped on some of Yoongi's dirty clothes and hit his hip on the dresser."Ow! Fuck!"

Yoongi's whole body tensed as he spun around to face Hoseok."Seokie, are you okay?" He really didn't want Hoseok to be hurt. He would be in so much trouble.

"This is the second time this has happened, Hyung!" Reaching out, Hoseok angrily grabbed a fistful of Yoongi's hair."Pick up these damn clothes while I'm gone! If I get another bruise from that stupid dresser, it'll be your fault! I do so much around here, and you can't even put your clothes in the hamper! You damn child!"

Whimpering at the tight grip on his hair, Yoongi knew he shouldn't argue."I'm sorry, Seokie. I'll pick them up."

"You better." Hoseok released Yoongi's hair then put a hand on his own hip. He hoped it would bruise. If it bruised the same way his side did, he could show it to his friends. They believed everything he told them, and having 'evidence' of the abuse made it all more believable.

Yoongi was left standing there helplessly in the bedroom, just listening to the sounds Hoseok made as he stomped through the house until he went out the front door. Once his boyfriend was gone, Yoongi moved a hand up to rub his scalp gently. He hated it when Hoseok pulled his hair, but he knew why the other did it. Pulling his hair was a way to hurt him physically without leaving any marks. Yoongi could never tell anyone that Hoseok hurt him because the smiley guy was so good at never leaving any evidence. Even when he struck Yoongi, it was always with an open hand to prevent bruising. No one would believe Yoongi if he tried to report it. He knew that. Hoseok made sure he knew that.


"He's not going to be mad at you for having breakfast with me, is he?" Jungkook asked as he entered a small restaurant with Hoseok.

Shaking his head, Hoseok smiled widely."Nope. He's usually super nice after our fights. He always makes it up to me. Since he loves me so much, he feels bad about being mean to me." he lied.

"Okay. Just as long as you won't get hurt for this. You know I would never forgive myself if you got hurt just for having breakfast with me." Of course, that feeling of hating himself if Hoseok got hurt for something like this stemmed from Jungkook's big crush that he had on the older guy. He wouldn't admit it, but he knew it was obvious. He wanted to be Hoseok's hero and destroy the big bad abuser.

"I won't get hurt for this. Really, Kook." Hoseok knew about Jungkook's crush on him, thinking it was obvious. That was what made it so easy for him to manipulate the other. Though, he also did love Jungkook and hold him dear. He simply had to manipulate him in order to keep up his façade of being an abuse victim. If he lost that façade, things would not look well for Hoseok."He even gave me his credit card to buy our breakfast. Isn't that so nice of him?"

Jungkook's expression turned sour as they were waiting for a waiter to seat them."So he's buying your forgiveness? He fights with you and acts so cruel then gives you money to make up for it? What kind of douchebag thinks that's okay?"

Sometimes it was hard for Hoseok to hold back his laughter. It really was."It's not like that, Kook. He loves me and wants to make up for our fight. That's all." A sweet smile came over his lips when a waiter approached them.

"A table for two?" the waiter asked with a polite smile, doing his job well.

"Yes." Jungkook answered before following the waiter with Hoseok. He didn't want to discuss this any more for now. He just wanted to enjoy breakfast with the guy he liked. It wasn't often at all that they got the chance to have some time together like this. Once the waiter stopped by a table, Jungkook watched him place down a couple menus.

"I'll give you two some time to look over the menus and decide on your orders. I'll return in a couple minutes to get your drink orders." That said, the waiter walked away to tend to other tables.

Sitting down at the table, Hoseok made a show of being careful with his hip, letting out a small hiss of pain. Yes, it really did hurt, but he was also playing it up a bit to make sure Jungkook would notice and get concerned.

Get concerned, Jungkook definitely did."Hoseokie-hyung, are you hurt?" Seating himself and lowering his voice to not be overheard by people at other tables, he tried to contain his anger."Did that bastard hurt you again?" His hands closed into fists as he didn't even need confirmation of that suspicion."Even if it's the last thing I do, Hyung, I'll make him pay and get you into a safer environment. I give you my word."

"Thank you, Jungkookie." Hoseok reached across the table to lightly place his hand atop one of Jungkook's."You don't know how much I appreciate you and your kindness toward me."

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