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Dear Diary,

Cookies are nice.

Yoongi frowned as Hoseok peered down at him, sweat on his brow. He was very unhappy. That much was obvious. Their current situation put him in a worse mood."You said you would pull out this time." Yoongi grumbled."You promised."

Hoseok rolled his eyes, dick still nestled deep inside Yoongi."I changed my mind." Leaning down, he pecked Yoongi's lips."Don't act so disappointed. Would you rather make a mess? You make enough messes around this house. At least let our sex be clean."

"You could use a condom." This was something Yoongi absolutely hated. He despised it whenever Hoseok released inside him. His boyfriend always made sure to release as deep as possible, knowing it gave Yoongi a stomach ache.

With a frown of his own, Hoseok slapped Yoongi harshly."You know I don't like using condoms." He pulled out and moved off of Yoongi with a huff."Why do you always have to ruin the mood? We could have gone for another round, but you're such a little bitch about everything."

Moving a hand up to his reddening cheek, Yoongi rolled onto his side to face away from Hoseok as tears blurred his vision."It was just a suggestion." he spoke with a shaky tone."This gives me a stomach ache."

Hearing Yoongi start to cry, Hoseok laid down behind him, snuggling up to his boyfriend's back."I'm sorry for hitting you, Yoongi-baby, but you know how it makes me feel when you act like this. There's no reason for this behavior."

Again, it was Yoongi's fault. Yoongi was slapped because of his own behavior, according to Hoseok."I'm sorry, Seokie." he whimpered, again apologizing to his abuser.

Pressing a kiss to the back of Yoongi's shoulder, Hoseok felt a smile tug at his lips. This was the way he liked Yoongi. Wounded, submissive, obedient, under his control. How dare his boyfriend have a positive entry in his diary today? If Yoongi got too positive, Hoseok might lose control over him. He couldn't allow even an ounce of positivity."I forgive you. Now take a shower, then we'll get some sleep. No pajamas this time though, baby. I want to cuddle."


"Yeah, yeah, I'll see if he wants to hang out with us tonight." Namjoon spoke into his phone as he was walking to Hoseok and Yoongi's house. He was off work tonight, and so were they.

"I can't stand the thought of him staying home all night with that abusive jerk." Taehyung said with a strong tone."We need to get him out of there to hang with us. We can have fun together, you know, instead of leaving him home with that son of a bitch."

Namjoon was actually more interested in seeing their home lives than actually getting Hoseok to hang with him and Taehyung. All he knew about Hoseok and Yoongi's relationship was what he saw at work and heard from the others, who also never saw what they were like at home. For all he knew, it could be a completely different dynamic in the privacy of their home."I know. I just don't know if he'll want to. He doesn't usually go out much on his nights off, at least from what I've heard."

"His jerkface boyfriend probably doesn't let him."

When Namjoon approached the front door, he lifted his hand to knock but stopped as he heard something."Um, Tae, I'm here, so I'll call you back in a few." Not waiting for a response, he ended the call and slipped his phone back into his pocket. Being the curious man that he was, Namjoon pressed his ear to the front door, focusing hard to hear the conversation that was happening inside. Though, it was more accurately an argument.

"You think it's my fault? That's rich." Hoseok could be heard saying with a huffy tone.

"But you're the one who told them that stuff." Yoongi's tone was much harder for Namjoon to hear, being quieter and wavering.

"It's not my fault that they believe it all, Hyung. They believe it all because of the way you carry yourself. The way you dress, the way you frown all the time, the way you spend your breaks outside as if you're too good to sit in the break room with the rest of us. You don't even try to talk to people, so why should people try to talk to you? You're the one who makes that shit so believable. If you talked more, smiled, dressed like a regular person and not in those stupid baggy black clothes all the time, someone might believe you. But you're too pathetic. You're too much of a sulky loner. That's why everyone believes me and not you. So whose fault is this really? Huh?"

There was a mumble of a response that Namjoon couldn't make out.

"I can't hear you when you mumble, Hyung. You know that. Speak up like an adult."

"It's my fault."

"Yeah. So don't you dare try to pin this on me again. You don't control what I say. I can say whatever I want. It's your fault that people believe you're a bad person. If you didn't act and dress the way you do, maybe people would doubt my words. But they don't."

"I'm sorry, Seokie."

"Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is for me to have a boyfriend like you?" Hoseok continued, unrelenting."You frown all the time. It's like you're completely ungrateful for everything I've done for you. I brought you into my home. I got you this job so that we can work together. And you're ungrateful. All I ask you to do is clean the fucking house, and you can't even manage to do that. You haven't done the dishes in a whole week. It's disgusting. You're disgusting."

"I'm sorry..."

Namjoon could hardly believe what he was hearing, but in a way, it made sense. He didn't want it to make sense. He didn't want to know that his friend was this mean in private. He, like everyone else, had believed that Hoseok was the sweetest person he'd ever met. How could someone so kind be this downright cruel at home?

"So what are you going to do tonight?"

"The dishes."

"And when you're done, maybe I'll reward you with some cuddles or something. Won't that be nice?"

"Yes, Seokie."

Backing away from the door, Namjoon was totally shocked, thunderstruck. He couldn't comprehend what he just heard. If only he had recorded this on his phone, though he doubted his phone's mic would have been able to pick up any clear audio through the door. Yoongi was innocent. Hoseok was the abuser. How was Namjoon going to convince their friends? There was no way they'd believe this without proof. How could he get proof, and how could he help Yoongi? Calling Taehyung back, he walked away from the house."I knocked and got no response. I think they're either sleeping or not home. Maybe Hoseok can hang with us some other time." Namjoon needed to go home and think about this.

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