Woody's Hat

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Game over. Rex was playing a video game about Buzz Lightyear and his quest to defeat the evil emperor Zurg, but once again, he lost. Buzz and Felix watched.

Rex: "Oh no! No! No!"

Buzz: "Oh, you almost had him."

Rex: "I'm never gonna defeat Zurg."

Buzz: "Sure you will, Rex. In fact, you're a better Buzz than I am."

Rex: "But look at my little arms. I can't press the fire button and jump at the same time."

Felix: "Well that's where you can ask one of us to help."

Rex: "That's kind of you, but I want to beat him myself."

Felix: "Alright. Then keep trying. You'll get there."

Rex: "Then how come Mike and Alex won on their first or second tries?"

Before Buzz said anything, they saw Woody digging in one of the drawers in the shelf.

Woody: "Where is it? Where is it?"

They look at each other, confused.

Buzz: "Uh, Woody?"

Woody lifts his head after hearing his name. He hits his head on a drawer above him and falls off, hitting other open drawers before hitting the floor.

Buzz, Rex, Felix: "Ooh."

Buzz: "Hang on, cowboy."

He swings on a lamp and jumps on to the Hot Wheels track and uses the car to slide down the track, and leap into the air. He lands on his feet and picks up Woody.

Buzz: "Woody, are you alright?"

Woody: "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine, Buzz. Okay, here's your list of things to do while I'm gone: Batteries need to be changed, toys on the bottom of the chest need to be rotated, oh and make sure everyone attends Mr. Spell's seminar on what to do if you or part of you is swallowed. Okay? Okay, good okay."

Buzz: "Woody, you haven't found your hat yet, have you?"

Woody: "No! And Andy's leaving for cowboy camp any minute, and I can't find it anywhere!"

Buzz: "Don't worry, Woody. In just a few hours, you'll be sitting around a campfire with Andy making delicious hot schmoes."

Woody: "They're called s'mores, Buzz."

Buzz: "Right, right of course. Has anybody found Woody's hat yet?"

Sarge and his troops, plus Calhoun, Nick, and Judy, were digging in Andy's toy chest, taking toys out one by one, looking everywhere for the hat.

Nick: "Why is there so much junk in here?"

Calhoun: "Less talking, more searching!"

Sarge: "Keep looking, men! Dig deeper! Negatory. Still searching!"

Judy: "Just try to relax, Woody."

Hamm, Bluey, Bingo, Ericka, Mighty Eagle, and Lenny the binocular toy were at the window, with Hamm using the blinds to communicate in Morse Code. Ericka looked through Lenny to get a better view outside.

Ericka: "I still don't know why you think it's down there, Hamm."

Hamm: "You never know."

Bluey: "What did he say?"

Hamm: "The lawn gnomes next door said it's not in their yard but they'll keep looking."

Bingo: "Wait, tell Hecuba and Gerald to check the flower bed."

Mighty Eagle: "What's a Hecuba? And who's Gerald?"

Bluey: "That's what we call the gnomes."

Bingo: "They're our husbands."

Ericka, Hamm, and Mighty Eagle look at each other, but shrug it off, knowing it was their imagination.

Bo Peep, her sheep, Eugene, Rapunzel, Manny, Ellie, Peaches, and a doll came into the room.

Bo Peep: "It's not in Molly's room. We've looked everywhere."

Rapunzel: "Under the crib, in the shelves. Nothing."

Peaches: "It's just a hat. It shouldn't matter."

Ellie: "Well you know how Woody is. Very similar to the big man standing next to us."

Manny: "Hey, I am not that panicky."

Eugene: "Hey Max, any luck?"

Maximus was sniffing the floor with Scrat. Sven, Kristoff, Toothless, and Hiccup searched with them, but the two animals avoided sniffing the floor. Scrat then led them to the shelf.

Hiccup: "Hey, he's found something."

Scrat: "Aha!"

Kristoff: "Woody, Scrat sees it."

Woody (rushing over to them): "Oh good going Scrat! I guess he's not as dumb as we...

He snuck himself underneath the shelf and came back out holding an acorn toy. He kissed it and began dancing. Everyone else had an annoyed look on their faces.

Woody: "Scratch that."

Hiccup: "False alarm everyone. Keep looking."

Mr. Potato Head came out from under the bed.

Mr. Potato Head: "I found it."

Woody: "You found my hat?"

Mr. Potato Head: "Your hat? No. The Mrs. lost her earring. Oh my little sweet potato."

He was calling his wife, Mrs. Potato Head. She was reading a book to Zephyr, Nuffink, and Dennis when she heard him.

Mrs. Potato Head: "Oh, you found it! Oh, it's so nice to have a big strong spud around the house."

She twirled Mr. Potato Head's ear, then he grabbed her and started kissing her side.

Nuffink: "Ew, gross."

Dennis: "I guess story time is over."

Zephyr: "Come on guys let's play a board game."

Nuffink: "Can I choose this time?"

In the closet, the door flung open and out came Ralph, Vanellope, Melman, Dracula, and Sid. They all fell down to the ground. Diego and Astrid walked up to them.

Diego: "You guys okay?"

Dracula: "Well I could be better. I told you all we needed more people."

Ralph: "Maybe you should've had me on the bottom. I wouldn't have been as clumsy as Mr. Brown Spots over here.

Melman: "Hey, I didn't come up with the idea of me carrying you guys."

Vanellope: "Guys cut it out. We still haven't found the hat."

Astrid: "Has anyone seen Slinky, Mater, Anna, and Elsa?"

Diego: "They said they would look in the bathroom. But that was almost an hour ago."

Sid: "Do you think they went downstairs?"

Dracula: "Nonsense. It's too risky."

Astrid: "Well keep looking. It has to be around here somewhere."

Sid: "Guys I really thought that plan in the closet would've worked."

Woody looks in Andy's backpack. Olaf comes out of it without warning.

Olaf: "Surprise!"

Woody: "Gahh!! What are you doing?"

Olaf: "I forgot what I was doing so I decided to play hide and seek with..."

Donkey: "There you are, snowy! Oh hey Woody. Can you believe today's the day you get to go to Cowboy Camp again? I'll bet you are counting down the seconds until Andy comes to get ya!"

Woody: "Not if I don't have my hat he won't."

Olaf: "Oh your hat. That's what it was. Okay, let's go find it."

Olaf crawls out of the backpack and began searching for Woody's hat with Donkey. Woody's frustration continued to grow.

Woody: "Oh great, that's just great. This'll be the first year I miss Cowboy Camp, all because of my stupid hat!"

Bo Peep walked towards him.

Bo: "Woody, look under your boot."

Woody: "Don't be silly, my hat is not under my boot."

Bo: "Would you just look?"

Woody (scoffs): "You see? No hat. Just the word Andy."

Bo: "Uh-huh. And the boy who wrote that would take you to camp, with or without your hat."

Woody smiled. "I'm sorry, Bo. It's just that, I've been looking forward to this all year. It's my one time with just me and Andy."

Bo Peep pulls him closer with her shepherd cane.

Bo: "You're cute when you care."

Woody: "Bo, not in front of Buzz."

Bo: "Then let him look."

As they were about to kiss, they hear her sheep bleating. They see them tugging at the cord of the video game controller, with Rex, Mike, and Johnny on the other side, trying to get the sheep to let go.

Mike: "Let go, that's not food!"

Johnny: "Come on I wanna play!"

Rex: "Uh, Miss Peep, your sheep!"

Bo Peep whistles and the sheep let go, causing the three to fly backwards. Mike flies off the desk, landing in front of Wall-E, Eve, Shrek, Fiona, Bandit, and Chilli. Johnny crashes into a cup filled with pens, and Rex lands on the remote control, turning on the TV. The TV showed a commercial, with a man dressed in a chicken costume.

"Hey kids! This is Al, from Al's Toy Barn..."

Rex screamed at the TV. The other toys heard the TV playing.

Mike: "And then the sheep just started playing tug of war with it and..."

Wall-E: "Uh oh! Eva!"

He pointed up for her to see. Eve began shushing the others and they looked up.

Fiona: "What is that?"

Chilli: "He's turned on the TV!"

Shrek: "But how? He doesn't know how to use the remote."

Bandit: "I'll get Woody."

Al (on TV): "Ow, I think I feel a deal hatching right now!"

He acts as if he laid an egg, and the egg opens up to show certain toys for sale.

Woody: "Rex! Turn it off! Someone's gonna hear!"

Rex: "Ah! Which one is off?!"

He gets up and starts pressing buttons trying desperately to turn off the TV.

Marty: "It's got a circle label!"

Rex: "I'm pressing it!"

Johnny: "No that's the record button!"

Hamm: "Oh for crying out loud, it's this one!"

He pushes Rex aside and turns off the TV.

Hamm: "I despise that chicken."

Johnny: "Why do you say that?"

Slinky: "Fellas! Fellas!"

Slinky, Mater, Anna, and Elsa walk in the room, with the two latter catching their breath.

Lightning: "There you are, where have you been?"

Elsa: "Same as all of you. Looking for Woody's hat. Tell them, Slink."

Slinky: "Okay, I got some good news, and I got some bad news."

Mrs. Potato Head: "What news?"

Mavis: "Tell us the good news first."

Slinky: "The good news is, we found your hat, Woody!"

He held the hat with his tail.

Woody: "My hat! Oh Slink, thank you! Thank you thank you thank you. Where'd you find it?"

Slinky: "Well that's the bad news."

Alex: "Come on, the bathroom can't be that bad."

Anna: "We didn't say we found it in the bathroom."

Gloria: "Then where exactly was it?"

Mater: "Let me ask you. What's the number one thing worse than an angry mower?"

They hear barking noises coming from outside the room.

Sulley: "Oh, that is bad news."

Rex: "Ah! It's Buster!"

Ralph: "Ee-oh boy."


All the toy soldiers rush to the door. They were assisted by Rocky Gibraltar, Ralph, Calhoun, Judy, Sulley, Eve, Manny, and Mighty Eagle. Despite their efforts to shut the door, Buster peeked his nose through the door, growling.

Judy: "We're not strong enough!"

Calhoun: "Everyone back to your places! Now!"

Bo Peep: "Woody, hide! Quick!"

Manny: "Incoming!"

Mighty Eagle: "This is gonna hurt."

Buster pushes the door open, flinging the toys that were blocking the door all around the room. The dachshund puppy barks loudly and runs around the room, knocking things down and running into some toys. He knocks down a Lincoln Logs home, revealing the potato heads kissing behind the structure. Buster then see Andy's backpack and jumps at it, grabbing Woody and throwing him. He gets on top of Woody and growls at him. Just when you thought he was gonna destroy the cowboy, the puppy happily licks Woody in the face.

Woody: "Okay okay okay okay okay you found me. Buster, alright! Hey how'd he do, Hamm and Mike?"

Mr. Spell showed the time to the other two toys next to him. Buster clocked in at 13.5 seconds.

Hamm: "Uh, looks like a new record."

Mike: "He's getting better and better."

Woody: "Okay boy, sit. Reach for the sky."

Buster stands on his hind legs, with his front paws up.

Woody: "Gotcha!"

Buster plops on the ground, lying on his back. Woody scratches the pup's belly.

Woody (lovingly): "Oh, great job boy. Who's gonna miss me when I'm gone, huh? Who's gonna miss me? Who's gonna miss meeeee?"

Andy's Mom (yelling from downstairs): "Andy, you got all your stuff?"

Woody stops and realizes Andy is coming upstairs to get his backpack.

Woody: "Okay, have a good weekend, everybody. I'll see you Sunday night."

Rapunzel: "Bye Woody!"

Johnny: "Go have an adventure dude!"

Andy: "It's in my room."

Andy kicks the door open and acts like a cowboy set for a duel towards Buster. Buster rushes to his owner.

Andy: "Stick em up!"

Buster scratched his ear and walked past Andy, pretending to not know what Andy was doing.

Andy: "I guess we'll work on that later. Hey Woody, ready to go to Cowboy Camp?"

Andy's Mom walked upstairs, holding Molly.

Andy's Mom: "Andy, honey. Come on, 5 minutes and we're leaving."

She walks away, giving Andy an idea.

Andy: "5 minutes. Hmm."

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