The Gamma Quadrant: Sector 4

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Space. The sea of blackness and emptiness, with zillions upon zillions of stars littering across the Black canvas of astronomy.

Out of the darkness, a blue comet rockets straight towards a planet with a cloudy formation atmosphere around it, whilst what looked like the planet Saturn was in the background.

As the blue comet raced through space towards the blue and cloudy planet's atmosphere, the aura around it disappeared, and revealed a brawny Space Ranger within the aura, as the blue aura changed to a red hot aura, as the Space Ranger dived towards the surface.

The Space Ranger looked around 34 years old and has fair skin, blue eyes, an outline of a swirl on his chin, giving it a cleft chin, a purple headcap and collar, a clear space helmet with purple buttons on the sides that open or close it. The green torso consists of a light blue sign that has the words "SPACE RANGER" and a symbol of a slim rocket with two angel-like wings on both sides, purple straps connected to it, three oval buttons - one blue, one green, and one red, a yellow sticker that says "LIGHTYEAR" above a red button. On the back, it has a white jetpack with a purple value and green triangular accents and two black and yellow signs - one says, "DANGER" and the other says "JET EXHAUST". The white arms have gray circular elbows and matching spheres on the end of that upper arms with black rings on it. His hands have purple lines on the knuckles and fingertips and green squares on the back of each. The right arm has a red button on the upper arm with a yellow and black striped mark that reads "LASER" and a red light on his right wrist. The left arm has the same symbol that's on the chest piece on the upper arm and a communicator sticker in the wrist communicator. A black bending with a thin green waist. The white spaceman pants have matching collars at the bottom and gray spheres behind the knees and holds the white shoes with green toe accents and purple soles.

This Space Ranger was known as Buzz Lightyear.

Buzz Lightyear raced towards the surface, the red burning aura around him disappearing, as he began to approach the surface. Then, as he was within 500ft above the ground, he pushed the red button under the word 'LIGHTYEAR'. Suddenly, two foldable wings popped out from behind his back. The plastic wings are purple with candy cane lining on the top of each, and green ends with red and green flashing lights.

Once the wings were deployed, a blue jet afterburner shot out of the jet-pack exhaust ports, and Buzz rocketed a few feet above the surface of the planet, heading towards a certain location.

Buzz raced through a winding narrow canyon, his body twisting and turning left and right, and him performing acrobatic manoeuvres through the unknown and undetectable atmosphere of the planet. After a few more turns, Buzz arrived inside of an open crater. He hovered in place about three feet above the ground, and as he pushed the red button on his chest, the wings retracted, as the boosters shut off, and he touched down on the ground safely.

Buzz however had some kind of device around his waist. It was a blue utility belt, with the Star Command symbol in the centre, like a belt buckle.

Buzz looked left and right, surveying the landscape around him, then opened his wrist communicator. "Buzz Lightyear Mission Log. All signs point to this planet as the location of Zurg's fortress. But, there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere."

Then, Buzz saw thousands upon thousands of red laser sight lights all across his body. He looked around him, and saw over a million Zurg bot drones, all with their laser cannons aimed at him.

Buzz surveyed his surroundings around him, then saw a blue crystal structure nearby. He dove for the ground, and fired his laser at it. Suddenly, the blue crystal went bright red, and as the laser light shot ip to the highest and finest point of the crystal, it shot out in different directions, getting the drones in the centre of the chests. Then, a humungous green explosion erupted from all of the robots, and Buzz was hurtled out of the crater by the explosion.

Buzz landed on the ground safely, and ran to the edge of another crater, as robot corpses fell from the sky. As he waited, a small rock moved next to him, and a camera drone looked around. It looked left, and as it looked right, it was Buzz, and began to blare an alarm. Buzz quickly shot his laser at the drone, disarming it. But then, the ground began to shift and move. It began to open, and it became the shape of a 'Z'.

Buzz jumped in, and as he landed on the solid steel floor, the hole closed above him. Then, he activated the glow-in-the-dark function of his spacesuit, and began to run down a long and empty corridor, heading to where Evil Emperor Zerg could be.


Meanwhile, on 'Zurg-Vision', an orange blink could be seen running down one of the hallways. A menacing figure stood by the screen, and gripped one of the nearby levers.

"Come to me, my prey." A dark and evil voice spoke out, as the clawed metal hand pulled on the lever.


Suddenly, the lights inside the tunnel turn on, and Buzz stopped himself from running any further. He got a bad feeling about this.

Suddenly, a panel dropped down, and deployed a series of massive spikes on it, and started to race towards Buzz!!

The Space Ranger saw them, and began to run like there was no tomorrow. As he reached the end of the tunnel, he leaped through the closing door, and made it through, as the spikes stabbed themselves into the steel door.

Buzz got up on his feet, then saw what would be a better that read 'Source of Zurg's Power'. Buzz knew he was getting close, but as he walks down a catwalk, he saw it lead to a deep abyss below, and there was only a series of metal discs that were floating that was the bridge across.

One by one, Buzz stepped on each of the discs, being extremely cautious of his movements. But, as he was halfway across, the bridge disappeared, and he began to fall into the abyss!!!

Buzz however, had planned for this. He pushed the Star Command logo on his utility belt, and a blue ball shield appeared around him. It was his antigravity servo mechanism.

"To Infinity and Beyond!!" Buzz announced, and flew up to the other side of the abyss. As he reached the other side, he deactivated his antigravity servo, and landed safely.

As he walked over to the battery, he reached out to it, but discovered it was a hologram!! It then vanished from sight, as a panel of the floor moved out of the way, revealing a dark figure.

The form was a very tall alien with purple skin, red eyes, and neon yellow teeth, long gray gloves, wearing purple armor and a fancy dress robe, with a "Z" emblem on the front of the cape. This creature was none other than Evil Emperor Zurg.

"So, we meet again, Buzz Lightyear, for the LAST TIME." Zurg announced, and clenched his left fist in emphasis.

"Not today, Zurg!" Buzz replied back to him.

Immediately, Zurg began to shoot at Buzz, but the brawny Space Ranger kicked up a metal disc, and began to deflect the green shots being fired at him. Then, he deflected three shots at Zurg, making the Evil Emperor to dodge them, but didn't count for Buzz to throw the disc at him, making him groan out.

Then, Buzz jumped up into the air, making Zurg shoot at the Space Ranger, missing him. Then, as Buzz aimed his laser arm at the Evil Emperor, Zurg shot Buzz dead on straight, leaving nothing but the Space Ranger's legs. They fell to the knees, then fell over.

Evil Emperor Zurg laughed maniacally, knowing he has done the unthinkable: kill Buzz Lightyear.

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