The Rescue Begins, And The Museum

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At the Martin home, the toys were all gathered in Braedey's bedroom with Naomi, and were looking through the channels to find the 'Al's Toy Barn' advertisement.

So far, they haven't found it. Rex was gently stomping his foot against the channel button on the TV remote, trying to find it, to no avail.

"I can't find it!" Rex cried out. "It doesn't seem to be on any of these stations."

"Keep looking." Buzz told him.

"You'll find it, Rex." Naomi comforted him.

"She's right, Rex." Woody added.

Hamm sighed. "Oh, you're going too slow." He pushed Rex out of the way. "Let me take the wheel." With that, he began to push the button very quickly, and the channels flew by in colourful bright blurs.

"It's too fast!" Rex told Hamm. "How can you even tell what's on?"

"I can tell." Hamm replied back without looking.

"I can't." Naomi wiped her eyes. "Good thing I don't have epilepsy, or else this could be harmful for my eyes."

"Really?" Woody asked in surprise.

Just then, they heard a squawk from Al, but the channel flew by. "Stop!! Back, back, back!" Everyone yelled to Hamm.

"Too late." Hamm began to work through he channels. "I'm in the 40's. Got to go 'round the horn. It's faster."

Then, the channel they were looking for popped up on the TV screen. "Stop! Wait, wait! Stop it!" The others yelled to Hamm, as Buzz and Woody both stepped closer to the TV screen.

"And look for the giant chicken!" Al on the TV spoke out, as the map appeared on the screen.

"Now, Etch!" Buzz told Etch, who drew up the map within a flash. Buzz walked up to the sketch pad, and pointed to the chicken. "That's where I need to go."

"Buzz, that's too dangerous. You might not make it there." Naomi said to Buzz, as he and Woody drew down the map onto some paper.

"Braedimus Prime and Daphne Blake once risked their lives to save me." Buzz told the toys and Martin woman, and looked to them. "I couldn't call myself their friends, if I weren't willing to do the same. So, who's with me?" He announced.

"I'll try and help out if I can." Naomi then had an idea. "What if...I head to Al's Toy Barn in the evening, and wait till morning until I find you, and we can head inside?"

"But, what if Al spots you? He knows you can get him into trouble, and he'll try something." Woody interjected to her.

"Easy, Woody. I'll just have a ski mask over my head, and he won't see my face at all." Naomi smiled.

"I'm packing you an extra pair of shoes, and your angry eyes, just in case." Mrs. Potato Head gave her husband the parts, and closed up the hatch for him.

"Buzz. Take care of yourself and Woody out there. Braedey will be devastated if he saw you two were gone also." Naomi told the Space Ranger toy.

"I will." Buzz nodded to her.

"Mr. Buzz Lightyear." The others looked down, and saw Rocky, and Robot, and they were gently pushing Wheezy up on a flatbed truck. "You and Woody just gotta save my pals, Prime and Blake." He coughed and wheezed.

"We'll do our best, son." Buzz told him.

"Okay, fellas." Mr. Potato Head then placed his moustache on. "Let's roll!"


Soon, the toys were underway. Rex, Buzz, Hamm, Potato Head, and Slinky were up on the rooftop, walking to the edge of it. Slinky walked up first, as Potato Head walked up next, grabbed Slinky's end, and jumped down safely to the ground, then lets go of his tail, sending it back up. Down on the ground, was Mater and McQueen, who used the stairs safely, and were waiting for the others to arrive. Next, Hamm grabbed Slinky's back end, and came down to the ground, and sent Slinky's tail back up.

"You'd think with all my video game experience, I'd be feeling more prepared." Rex commented, but as he reached out for Slinky's tail, he fell off the rooftop! But, he grabbed onto the tail, and bounced up and down four times, much to Slinky's annoyance.

"The idea..." Slinky groaned to Rex. " to let go."

"We'll be back before Braedey gets home." Buzz said to the others, and pushed the button on the side of his helmet, folding it closed over his head.

"Don't talk to any toy you don't know!" Mrs. Potato Head called out, as Bo, Wheezy, Rocky, and Robot waved to them.

"To Al's Toy Barn..." Buzz held up the Vulcan sign, then he and Woody held Slinky's back end when it came back up. "...And Beyond!" With that, they jumped off the roof, and got on the ground safely.

Finally, Slinky grabbed his own tail end, and jumped down off the roof, only to be caught by Buzz and Woody. With everyone on the ground, they begin their long trek off to Al's Toy Barn in the city.

At the same time, Naomi was making her way into the city, driving her dark blue Dodge Neon, a inconspicuous vehicle that nobody would suspect. She pulled to a stop in a nearby alley, about a block away from the Toy Barn, and slept in the car for the night.


Soon, night had fallen, and most of the city had fallen asleep. In Al's collection apartment, Braedimus and Daphne were watching 'Transformers: The Last Ones' with Striker and Grim, along with Scooby and Shaggy, seeing the movie from start to finish. So far, both the new toys were all excited to see what may happen next. At this point, they were watching the epilogue scene, where it's set 17 years ahead of the events of the movie.


The Transformers Home and Base of Operations. Approximately 17 years after the Human Autobots had arrived on Earth, more and more Cybertronians came to Earth, and the humans all welcomed them in with open arms, and Braedimus Prime welcomed them into their family.

Outside of the mansion, nearby some thickly wooded trees, there was someone over inside of an open spot amongst the trees not far from the mansion, and seemed to be doing some meditation in front of a large tree.

The person was female, at 17 years of age, but carried a strong, firm attitude. The first thing anyone would notice about her was the colour of her hair, which was bright orange-red, and reached down to the middle of her back. Her skin was flawlessly white, and her eyes were a mix of bright blue and lavender-purple. Also, a fringe in the middle of her head was in a dark blue. The next thing that stood out is that she was almost completely covered in red and blue painted armour. She wore a breastplate over her torso, which had a blue Autobot emblem over the left breast, and a gold, asymmetrical cross that intersected under that. Her shoulders had three-layered shoulder plates, and she wore greaves on her forearms that ended in a jet wing-like structure at her elbows. She also wore a blue mid-thigh skirt, which was covered slightly by plates of armour attached to black, leather straps connected to her equally black belt. In addition, she also wore black, knee-length boots. Another thing that stood out is that, despite her unusual wardrobe choice, she was remarkably pretty.

This young yet very pretty lady was none other than Jacinta 'Elita' Blake Prima, the daughter of Daphne Blake Prima and Braedimus Prime.

Jacinta has her legs crossed in front of her, whilst small candles were lit around her. In front of her was a picture that had been carved into the tree. The picture was Daphne, but in her Matrix Armour of Cybertron. The redhead in blue and red armour was hoping her father and mother will return home safely from every mission they both go on. She had always looked up to both her Mum and Dad, since they are the King and Queen of the Transformers, and two of the strongest in the universe.

A few minutes later after he finished meditating, Jacinta walked back into the mansion, and headed for the underground base of the mansion. As she does so, she saw one of the Autobots in the base. It was Bumblebee, the young Scout.

Bumblebee stood 20ft tall, with a yellow and black striped colour scheme. Door wings are in his back, similar to that of wings, with two tyres as shoulders, with a Camaro-like front on his chest, whilst the other two tyres are on his ankles. His vehicle mode is known as an Urbana 500, a type of muscle car.

"Hey, Jacinta." Bumblebee beeped and whirred. Since his voicebox had been damaged during the Great War, he could only respond with beeps, clicks, whistles and whirring sounds. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, Bumblebee." Jacinta sighed, and looked to the newly upgraded Groundbridge/Spacebridge. "I just hope Mum and Dad are okay. I get concerned whenever they're gone for more than a day." She held her arms close to herself.

"I am confident both Braedimus Prime and Daphne Prima will be okay, young Jacinta. You just need to believe in them." A deep baritone voice spoke out, accompanied with thunderous footsteps. The two sounds revealed to be the other leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime stood the same height as Braedimus, but has a gray face with a blue helmet and antennas of the same color, heavily detailed and designed with multiple plates and layers of pieces on top of each other. Optimus has two sphere shaped bases for his antennas, with dark blue coloring around it. He has a red chest with windows from his vehicle mode and a dark grey strip on both of his ribs. He has big shoulders that overlaps his arms. 2 wheels are at the back held by his smokestacks. 4 wheels are at the back of his legs.

"Yes. I'm sorry, Optimus Prime." Jacinta apologised to him, and bowed in apology.

Optimus has been a mentor to Jacinta as he was to Braedimus back on Cybertron. He taught her about her newfound powers when she was only 12, and for the five years, Optimus has taught her about the fighting style of a Prime or Prima, along win using her armour to her advantage, sonde it had change it's form to deal with terrain, an enemy, or something else.

"You should take a leaf out of Prime's book, J." A teenage girl's voice spoke out, making Jacinta look over to the staircase that leads up to the mansion.

The teenager that was up on the staircase was a long blonde haired maiden beauty at 17 years of age. She had four brown streaks in her hair, one on her left side being the longest. She had a blue tie in her hair, making it a high ponytail. She had a brown right eye, whilst her left eye was blue, just like the Autobot's optics. She had a bombshell body, with a curvaceous shape, large breasts, and a slim waist. She was wearing a white sleeveless shirt with blue lining and buttons on the front, and the shirt seemed to show off parts of the sides of the breasts from the arm holes, a blue skirt that reached only halfway down her thighs, along with a blue piece of fabric wrapped around her waist, a brown pocket attached to a grey leather belt that was wrapped around her waist, and black knee-length leather high-heel boots.

This young lady was Lucinda 'Striker Jr' Rogers, the daughter of 'Sally' Striker and Shaggy Rogers.

"You need to chill out, relax, and calm down, J." Lucinda told her, and was about to wrap an arm around her, but Jacinta grabbed her arm, and held it in a position where she could break it. "OW! OW! OW!"

"Even though I may look like I am calm, I'm still alert of my surroundings." Jacinta said to Lucinda in a quiet but threatening voice, and pulled on Lucinda's arm, making her groan in pain. "Are you done now?"

"YES! YES, YES!" Lucinda cried out. Jacinta lets go of her arm, and the blonde maiden fell over. "Ouch..."

Suddenly, any further conversation was put to rest when three beeping sounds came from the communications bay. Then, the deep voice of Braedimus Prime came up over the comm-link.

"Braedimus Prime to base, do you read?"

"We read you, Braedimus. It has been a while since we heard from you." Optimus replied.

"Apologies, Optimus Prime." Daphne's voice called next, and Jacinta sighed in pure relief. "We had encountered a landslide due to the heavy rain here, whilst we were securing the source of Energon."

"We require a groundbridge, old friend." Braedimus added.

"It's on the way, Sir." Bumblebee beeped, as he proceeded over to the groundbridge terminal.

After inputting a set of commands into the monitor, the Scout pulled the lever down, a swirl of light filled the tunnel carved into the wall. The others looked at the portal, waiting for them to come through. Finally, the firetruck form of Braedimus Prime rolled through the vortex and into the base.

The American LaFrance firetruck rolled to a stop, and with a hiss of his brakes, his driver's door opened. Then, out stepped the Queen of the Transformers, Daphne Blake Prima.

She was now 34 years of age, but still looked the same as she was 17 years ago. Her orange-red hair now reached to the middle of her back, and her body was now lean in muscles across her body. She was wearing her Matrix Armour of Cybertron, which has gone under a major upgrade. Her armour had gone through a colour change. It was now painted in red and blue, and in the same design as Braedimus's colour scheme. It gained larger shoulders, whilst the blaster that was arm-mounted had been built into the arm she can deploy with a flick of her wrist, along with her sword, and both her legs and arms were heavily armoured, but the armour was not too heavy for her. Her helm also looked slimmer and sharper than it's last form.

At that moment, Braedimus shifted into human form. He had modified his human form to look older, so he was now looking 34 years of age. His golden brown hair looked shinier than before, whilst his blue fringe stayed it's normal colour, making it stand out more. His body has gotten about five inches taller, whilst his body has become more muscular, but not too much. He now had blue jeans on, a black shirt with the Autobot insignia etched on it, and he kept his red and blue flames jacket.

Jacinta ran down the staircase to the floor, and ran up to her two parent figures. She hugged them, and they hugged her back.

"Hello, Mum and Dad." Jacinta greeted them, and lets go of her parents. "I was getting concerned about you both."

"We understand your feelings." Daphne reassured her daughter, bringing her into a tender hug. "I was like that whenever your father was gone on his missions."

"You two are very alike." Braedey smiled to the two, and gently hugged them both, as they hugged him back. Then, Braedey gently kissed Jacinta's forehead. "You have learnt so much from us, and I am proud of you."

"Thank you, Dad." Jacinta thanked, feeling like she'll get teary, but she kept herself composed and calm.

At that moment, two large sliding doors built into the roof slide open, allowing the midday sun shine down inside, and the sound of whirring rotor blades could be heard. A few seconds after the doors have moved clear, an orange and white Sikorsky S-92 rescue helicopter flies down slowly, and touches the ground with its wheels gently squeaking on the concrete floor. Then, it rolls forward, as the sound of whirring blades could also be heard coming up also. In ten seconds, a blue and white Sikorsky 76-C helicopter hovers above the hole, and lands down on the concrete safely.

The S-92 copter's cockpit door opened to reveal Fred Jones, the newly wedded husband to 'Rachel' Blades. The copter then shifted form into Blades, standing to her full height, and stretching her arms out. Finally, the 76-C copter's main rotor blades stopped, then folded back and locked into place, as the rest of the body folded in and shifted into place, until it revealed its form.

The form was a nicely tanned Caucasian brunette young woman, at around seventeen years of age; she was a tall, slim young woman with an ample bust and curves. She had long, mid-back length bright orange hair, with two shoulder-length strands of hair framing her face, with the left one starting from a prominent high fringe, making it thick and wavy. She also had large blue eyes, visibly long eyelashes, and she also possessed a very voluptuous figure, with large breasts and curvy hips. Her outfit consisted of a blue bikini top that showcased her cleavage, a pair of blue pants, with two bands hanging from each leg, and a light orange belt loosely tied around the waist. She completed her general outfit by wearing a pair of high-heeled sandals. She also had a pair of metal coloured bracelets adorning her biceps, bearing an incision compose of many 'A's and three simple, round metal blue and orange bracelets on her right wrist.

This lovely lady was Clara 'Switchblade' Jones, the daughter of 'Rachel' Blades and Fred Jones.

"You all enjoying yourselves here?" Clara asked everyone, and showed off her moved in a sexy pose. "I have."

"We have indeed, Clara." Braedey nodded to the girl in blue and orange. "How have you, Fred, and Blades been?"

"Flying is sure a thrill for every day." Fred replied. "Even for Clara."

"Mum and Dad have been the best." Clara agreed, and the two parents felt flustered.

A second later, two revving engines echo out from a nearby tunnel that lead outside to the Valkyrie. A black and green stripe Shelby GT500 rolled into the room, alongside an orange reddish 2013 Dodge Challenger Touring car with a black hood and stripes on the sides.

The Shelby slid to a stop, and out stepped Velma Grim Dinkley. She too had aged, now 34 years of age, whilst her hair was still the same like it was years ago, but she has lost her glasses, since her eyes had been surgically fixed up, and she had perfect 20/20 vision. She kept her original outfit, but at a bigger size for her new body.

The Dodge shifted form, and rose up to its full height. It stood 20ft tall, with the reddish orange and black stripe colour scheme. Door wings are on it's back, similar to wings, with two tyres as shoulders, with a Camaro-like front on the chest, whilst the other two tyres are on the ankles.

This Autobot happens to be the son of both 'Max' Grim and Velma Grim Dinkley; Sam 'Turbo' Dinkley, the young prodigy of the Autobot/Dinobot Wrecker and brains of Mystery Incorporated.

"Glad to see everyone is here and smiling." Sam laughed, walked over to Bumblebee, and patted his shoulder.

"Glad you two are getting along." The Shelby shifted form, and turned into the Human form of 'Max' Grim Dinkley, husband of Velma Grim Dinkley.

He too have modified his human form to now look 34 years of age, and his form looked more muscular than before, and his slick hair had a green streak in the centre of his hair. He also sports a pair of sunglasses over his eyes, whilst he had a green shirt on, a black leather jacket on over it, slick black jeans, and black steel-cap boots.

"You and Bumblebee used to have drag races whenever you two have the chance." Max said to his son.

"Oh, relax." Turbo laughed. "I've changed since then, Dad."

"He's right, you know." Bumblebee beeped to Max.

"You three are just as bad as one another." Velma sighed to herself.

"So, where's Uncle Shaggy and Auntie Sally, Luc?" Jacinta asked Lucinda.

"They've headed off to take a look for some new clothes and extra groceries for tonight." Lucinda replied. "I swear, Daddy is so odd, I wonder why Mummy likes him."

"Tell that to Scoobert and Crystal." Jacinta snickered, just as Scooby walked by, but he was with a yellowish-white furred Great Dane named Crystal.

"I believe our youngest generation is ready for their first Energon run." Braedey said to Optimus, and he shifted into his Autobot form.

"Indeed, old friend." Optimus nodded, as Heatwave rolled up, and shifted into robot form. "Heatwave."

"Optimus Prime." Heatwave saluted, then looked over to Braedimus. "I heard what you've said, and I agree with what you have said."

"Right." Braedimus turned to Jacinta, Lucinda, Turbo, and Clara. "All of you, prepare yourselves for a Groundbridge to an Energon sight."

"Aye-Aye, Sir." Lucinda saluted, then heads over to the Groundbridge. As she does so, her body changes form, and she transformed into a blue, brown, yellow, and white 2016 Chevrolet Camaro police car.

"Right." Turbo walked over to Lucinda, and shifted into his Dodge Challenger form.

"I'm on my way." Clara gave Braedimus a two-finger salute, ran up to the two muscle cars, and shifted into her helicopter form, hovering in place above them.

"I will lead my team with the upmost of leadership, father." Jacinta announced sharply, and Braedimus gave her a gentle nod.

Finally, with a small kiss to the forehead from her mother, Jacinta walked ahead of the three vehicles, and her body began to change form. After only 20 seconds of shifting parts and components, her body had changed into the form of a red Pagani Huayra with blue highlights on the wheels, aerodynamic flaps, and the cab.

"Next Gen Autobots, let's roll out." Jacinta, now as Elita, announced, and revved her powerful engine.

A moment later, Striker Jr, Turbo, and Switchblade revved their engines, or whirred their blades, and they all raced through the now activated Groundbridge, and disappeared through the portal.



As the movie rolled the credits, both Prime and Daphne were ecstatic and amazed at the film. "That was amazing!" Daphne cried out in amazement. But, to her confusion, the others looked a little glum.

"Let's see the next film." Braedimus suggested, only for Striker to turn off the TV. "Wait a minute. What happens to their kids?" He asked, standing up to look at the turned off TV.

Daphne looked at them in confusion. "Come on! Why don't we see the second movie?" He asked in confusion.

"There never was one." Megatron called out from on top of a shelf nearby, making the two look up at him.

"What?" Daphne asked in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Braedimus asked.

"They never make a second movie after that." Megatron replied with a dark tone of voice, and began to shuffle his box away from the ledge.

"Wait a second." Daphne ran up to the cabinet, but couldn't reach where the Decepticon toy was. "What about the Valkyrie?" She asked him, then Braedimus helped her up to the ledge, and followed after her. "And the Energon Mines, or what about the wedding ceremony?"

"That was an excellent movie!" Braedimus agreed. "Why didn't they make a second one?!"

"Simple: the directors and animators couldn't afford to create another one." Megatron sighed. "All of those animators were all focused about other sequels to other movies that were out years ago. Our movie came out only about three years ago, and we had the best ratings, almost up there with those 'Star Wars' films for 'Best Acting', 'Best Animation', and even 'Greatest Performance of Animated Film' many times. Sadly, it wasn't enough for another film to be created. Thus, the story of the Next Generation Autobots may never be known." He sighed.

"That is a sad feeling." Braedimus sighed, but peeked up a bit. "But, still, our own movie!"

"I mean, look at all this!" Daphne gestured to the many memorabilia standing before her.

"Didn't you two know?" Striker asked, climbing up onto the cabinet, as the others walked up also. "You're both valuable property!"

"Man, I wish the others could see this." Daphne sighed, then saw her face carved into a yo-yo. "Hey, look at that. It's me. I'm on a yo-yo!" She laughed.

Braedimus stood in front of what could be a teeth knockout game. It had Megatron's face etched into it also. He held a blue ball in his hand. "Hey, Megatron. Nice set of teeth." He laughed, and threw the ball at the top row of five teeth, taking out the second tooth. "And yet, still a crazy robot." He snickered, as the others laughed also.

Daphne walked up to an odd contraption that showed her and Prime hugging one another, but then, a Megatron figure popped up with a coin in his right arm. Then, the Braedimus figure spun around, aimed a blaster at him, and with the sound of a blaster going off, Megatron fell over with a roar of pain, and the coin landed inside of a bank nearby. "Oh! It's a piggy bank. That's interesting." She commented, and walked past it.

Braedimus then looked at a Scooby figurine with a blaster in his hands. "I don't understand what to do with this one. Do push down on his head or something-" He pushed down on his head, and the blaster shot out bubbles. "Oh! And out come bubbles from the blaster. Funny." The others laughed, as Scooby and Striker played with the bubbles.

"Hey! What does this thing do?" Daphne walked up to what might be a tunnel of some description, designed like the Autobot Groundbridge. It was pointing up at the moment. She saw what might be a trigger on the side, and pushed her foot down on it. Suddenly, a red and blue firetruck toy popped out of the tunnel, making her jump back in shock. She looked at her feet, and saw the toy sitting in front of her. She laughed to herself, as she picked up the firetruck toy. "I get it. 'Transformers, roll out'." She quoted one of Braedimus's lines, and placed the firetruck back into the tunnel, as Braedimus and Scooby walked up.

Braedimus picked up the tunnel, and looked to Scooby. "Hey, Scooby-Doo. Go long! Go long!" He called to the Great Dane, and he ran forward. The Prime picked up the tunnel, and fired the firetruck out, sending it flying over Scooby, who didn't catch it. "Whoo!"

Then, Scooby ran into what was a music player, and pushed the 'play' button on the player. As he shook his head to regain his bearings, the sound of music began to play out on the music player, and both Braedimus and Daphne ran up, along with the others.

"It's Linkin' Park's 'New Divide'!" Daphne realised.

"That's my favourite tune, and was used in the movie." Braedimus added, then the two jumped up onto the music player, and began to sing out the lyrics of the song.

I remembered black skies
The lightning all around me
I remembered each flash
As time began to blur
Like a startling sign
That fate had finally found me

And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

(Braedimus + Daphne)
So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross
The distance in your eyes
Give me reason
To fill this hole
Connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide

At that moment, the others join in on all the fun. Fred and Blades sung first, next is Velma and Grim, then Striker and Scooby, and finally, Shaggy and Heatwave.

There was nothing in sight
But memories left abandoned
There was nowhere to hide
The ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in
Between where we were standing

(Braedimus + Daphne)
And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Across this new divide

In every loss
In every lie
In every truth that you'd deny
And each regret
And each goodbye
Was a mistake to great to hide

(Braedimus + Daphne)
And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

So give me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

Give me reason
To fill this hole
Connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide

Across this new divide
Across this new divide!!

"Look at us all! We're a complete set!" Striker announced out loud, as the music dies down.

"Now, it is off to the museum." Megatron added.

"Museum?!" Braedimus and Daphne asked in shock, causing the pyramid they all created out of one another to collapse and fall over. As everyone got to their feet, Braedimus and Daphne stood back from them. "What museum?" They asked in unison.

"THE museum." Megatron explained. "We are being sold to the Konishi Toy Museum over in Tokyo."

"That's in Japan!" Striker added.

"WHAT?!" Daphne screamed out in shock, much to the confusion of the others.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we can't go to Japan." Braedimus told them.

Blades chuckled. "What do you mean, Sir?" She asked.

"We need to go back home to our owner, Braedey." Daphne explained, and Braedimus held up his left foot to reveal Braedey's name written there. "See?"

Striker gasped. "They still have an owner." Then, she began to hyperventilate. "No. Can't go..." She then held her hands against her helm. "I CAN'T DO STORAGE AGAIN! I JUST CAN'T!" She then pounded the ground, screaming out. "I WON'T GO BACK IN THE DARK!!!"

"What's wrong with her?" Daphne asked in shock. "What's the matter?"

"We all have been waiting in storage for a very long time, waiting for you two." Megatron explained, as the others try and help Striker calm down.

"Why us?" Braedimus asked.

"The museum is only interested in the collection if only you two are in it." Megatron replied. "And without you two, we all go back into storage. It is all that simple."

"It's not fair!" Striker yelled out, and stared coldly at the two. "HOW COULD YOU TWO DO THIS TO US?!" She snarled at them.

"Look, we're all very sorry, but there's been some kind of big mistake." Daphne interjected to them. "You see, earlier today, we were both in this yard sale-"

"Yard sale?" Megatron echoed in suspicion. "Why are up both in a yard sale, if you two have owners?"

"We weren't supposed to be there, for your information." Braedimus growled at him. "We we're trying to rescue another toy from there-"

"Is it because she was damaged? Hmm?" Megatron asked, seeing Daphne's broken arm. "Did this Braedey break you?"

"No!" Daphne held her broken arm. "It was an accident-"

"Sounds like he 'really' loves you." Striker mocked.

"It's not like that, okay?!" Daphne snarled. "And no matter what you tell me, we are not getting to any museum!"

"Well, I'M not going back into storage!!!" Striker screamed out, just as the sound of a door opened outside the doors to the room, making everyone freeze, and look to the door.

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