A Cool Toy

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As dark clouds began to cover the sky, Woody lain against the window, saddened that the other toys in Andy's house left him for dead. Then he heard Dracula yell something odd.

Dracula: "Now's our chance! Get him!"

Woody turns around to see all of Sid's toys swarming around Buzz. Then he saw Wall-E and Scrat joining them.

Woody: "Buzz! Go away, you disgusting freaks!"

The spider-doll and Wall-E turn around and go for Woody. Woody screams, then the two grab Buzz's arm. Woody fights back, but Scrat jumps on Woody, allowing Wall-E and the spider-doll to take the arm. Woody flew back and hit the wall. He gets up and tries wrestling Sid's toys away. By the time he reached Buzz, he saw that his arm was reattached to his body.

Buzz: "Hey, hey they fixed you."

He shakes Buzz's arm to make sure it was put into place properly.

Woody: "But, but they're cannibals. We saw them eat those other toys."

Mavis: "Cannibals? Woah, you're mistaken."

She moves aside to show Woody that they fixed the pterodactyl toy and Janie the doll. Both had their heads taped back to their bodies. Woody looks around and sees all of Sid's toys, showing him that they are harmless.

Woody: "Uh, sorry. I thought you were gonna... (chuckles) you know, eat my friend."

Dracula: "We've been trying to tell you, buddy. We hate it here as much as you do. Mavis and I have been trying to escape for almost a year now and we have no luck."

Mavis: "We belonged to Hannah, but Sid stole us from her room and kept us hidden, breaking off our limbs every once in a while. She thinks we got thrown in the trash."

Woody: "Oh, I'm sorry. Well, if you want to leave this place, maybe, come with me and Buzz? Andy will take care of you. All of you."

Suddenly, all of Sid's toys, including Dracula and Mavis ran under the bed.

Woody: "No no, hey, hey, what's wrong?"

Then he, Buzz, Wall-E, and Scrat heard Sid coming towards his room, yelling at his Mother.

Woody: "Sid! Buzz, come on, get up! Use your legs."

Wall-E and Scrat run away to hide while Woody tried pulling Buzz. Eventually he gave up.

Woody: "Fine! Let Sid trash you, but don't blame me!"

He leaves him and hides under a crate. Woody watched as Sid ran inside his room, filled with joy.

Sid: "It came! It finally came!"

He held a large box and put it on his table. He turned on the light to open it. When he did, he pulled out a firework in the shape of a rocket.

Sid: "The Big One!" He turns it over to read the warning label. "Extremely dangerous. Keep out of reach of children. Cool. What am I gonna blow? Man. Hey where's that wimpy cowboy doll?"

Sid turns and sees the crate on the floor. Scrat and Wall-E watch as they hid behind the leg of the table. Wall-E began to make nervous noises as Sid picks up the crate, believing Woody was in it, but he wasn't. Or, at least he wasn't seen. Woody hid himself on the underside of the crate, shaking. Then Sid steps on Buzz, while pressing his laser button.

Sid: "Yes! I've always wanted to put a spaceman into orbit."

He puts the crate on the table, and grabs his toolbox, putting it on top of the crate. Woody gets down and hides himself under a piece of paper. Sid finds duct tape and strapped Buzz to the rocket. Woody watches in fear. Just before the worst could happen, lightning strikes and thunder rumbles. A storm had come.

Sid: "Oh no! Aw man!"

He bangs his head against his window. Sid sighs in relief.

Scrat: "Phew."

Sid then pretended to be a news reporter. "Sid Phillips reporting. Launch of the shuttle has been delayed due to adverse weather conditions at the launch site. Tomorrow's forecast: sunny!"

He winds up his alarm clock and sets it for the next morning. He laughs.

Sid: "Sweet dreams."

Back at Andy's house, Andy was in bed, still saddened that he lost Woody and Buzz, his two favorite toys. Andy's Mom was in his room.

Andy's Mom: "I looked everywhere, honey, but all I could find was your hat."

Andy: "But what if we leave them behind?"

Andy's Mom: "Oh don't worry honey, I'm sure we'll find Woody and Buzz before we leave tomorrow."

She kissed him good night, turned off the lamp, and left the room. In the room, there was a big box that had Andy's toys with their moving buddies.

Rex: "I need air!"

He jumps out of the box, gagging on a piece of styrofoam. Mr. Potato Head, Olaf, Marty, and Mater come up with him.

Mr. Potato Head: "Will you quit moving around?!"

Marty: "Shh! He's asleep!"

Rex: "Sorry, it's just that, I get so nervous before I travel."

Mater: "We barely travel anywhere, dinosaur. I don't understand your point."

Mr. Potato Head: "How did I get stuck with YOU, as a moving buddy?!"

Rex: "Everyone else was picked."

Olaf: "Question, why can't this stuff feel like snow? It's more comfortable than this."

Mr. Potato Head: "Ugh, you are all idiots."

Mater: "Oh what did I do?"

Marty: "Guys! Close the box. He's gonna wake up."

They do so, with Mr. Potato Head making a frustrated noise. Meanwhile, Bo Peep and Anna stood outside the box, watching Andy sleep.

Bo Peep: "Oh, Woody. If only you could see how much Andy misses you."

Anna: "I just don't understand why he did that to Buzz. I really thought he was a good toy."

Eugene: "We all did. It really is a shame."

He peeked out of another box, holding out his hand to lift them back in. Hiccup and Vanellope were also in the box.

Vanellope: "Why can't he go and get a new Buzz and Woody? Everything would be back to normal, wouldn't it?"

Hiccup: "I'm afraid it won't be the same, kid. Not to us or him."

They pull Bo Peep and Anna back in the box and close it. It continued raining outside while everyone slept. Back at Sid's house, Sid was asleep. Scrat and Wall-E were attempting to push the toolbox off the crate. It was too heavy, so Woody decided to try and call for Buzz.

Woody: "Psst. Psst. Hey Buzz!"

Buzz ignored him. Woody found a washer and tossed it at Buzz's helmet. It hits him and Buzz looks at Woody.

Woody: "Hey. Get over here and see if you can get this toolbox off me."

Buzz shook his head and continued looking down, still upset about finding out the truth.

Woody: "Oh come on Buzz, I... Buzz I can't do this without you. I need your help."

Buzz: "I can't help. I can't help anyone."

Woody: "Well sure you can, Buzz. You can get me out of here, and then I'll get that rocket off you, and then we'll make a break for Andy's house."

Buzz: "Andy's house, Sid's house. What's the difference?"

Woody: "Oh Buzz, you've had a big fall. You must not be thinking clearly."

Buzz: "No Woody. For the first time I am thinking clearly."

Dracula and Mavis peaked out from under the bed and they listened to the conversation.

Buzz: "You were right all along, I'm not a Space Ranger. I'm just a toy. A stupid, little, insignificant toy."

Woody: "Woah hey wait a minute. Being a toy is a lot better than being a Space Ranger."

Buzz: "Yeah right."

Woody: "No it is. Look, over in that house is a kid who thinks you are the greatest, and it's not because you're a Space Ranger, pal. It's because you're a toy. You are his toy."

Buzz: "But why would Andy want me?"

Woody: "Why would Andy want you? Look at you! You're a Buzz Lightyear! Any other toy would give up his moving parts just to be you. You've got wings, you glow in the dark, you talk. Your helmet does that, that, that whoosh thing! You are a cool toy! As a matter of fact, you're too cool. I mean, I mean what chance does a toy like me have against a Buzz Lightyear action figure? All I can do is..."

He pulls his pull string. "There's a snake in my boot."

Woody: "Why would Andy ever want to play with me when he's got you?"

Buzz looks up at Woody, seeing him become depressed. Dracula and Mavis look at each other. Scrat and Wall-E began to feel bad for Woody.

Woody: "I'm the one who should be strapped to that rocket."

Woody turns around and doesn't face Buzz anymore. Buzz began to think about what Woody said. As the rain ceased, and the sun began to shine through the window in the morning, he looks down at his foot to see Andy's name on it. He then looks up at Woody.

Woody: "Listen, Buzz, forget about me. You should get out of here while you can. You can take Scrat and Wall-E with you."

Woody turns around to see Buzz was not there anymore. Woody bows his head down, knowing he will never see Buzz, or Andy again. Scrat and Wall-E grab his hand. Wall-E pats it while Scrat lays his head on it, as a way of telling him that they forgave him for what happened days ago. It brought a smile to Woody's face for a few seconds before it disappeared. Then there was a rumbling noise above him. Buzz began to push the toolbox off the crate.

Woody: "Buzz, what are you doing, I thought you..."

Buzz: "Come on sheriff, there's a kid over at that house who needs us. Now let's get you out of this thing!"

Woody: "Yes sir!"

Woody, Wall-E and Scrat help push the crate. Before they made progress, they felt the crate move forward. They look back and see Dracula and Mavis helping them push.

Mavis: "If we're going to escape, we're going to do it right!"

Woody: "We?"

Dracula: "Let's just say we are taking you up on that offer of coming with you. Now come on, push!"

They continue doing so, slowly making progress. Buzz heard something outside. He looks out the window and sees a large moving truck pulling into the side of Andy's house.

Buzz: "Woody, it's the moving van."

Woody: "We gotta get out of here now!"

Dracula: "Not a moment to lose. Hurry!"

All the toys push with all their strength. Scrat got on the other side to help pull the crate. Eventually, the crate got pushed out far enough to where Woody could jump down from the table and land on the ground. Scrat hung on the edge of the crate, until he lost grip strength. Woody caught him.

Woody: "Buzz, Hey Buzz, I'm out."

Buzz: "Almost there."

Mavis: "Wait, where'd he go?"

By the time she noticed, the toolbox was already falling over. Woody and Scrat stared at the falling toolbox and were crushed.

Dracula: "Oh no."

They looked up and saw Sid still asleep, talking in his sleep.

Sid: "I wanna ride the pony."

Mavis: "Wow. He can sleep through anything."

They look down and see the toolbox on the floor.

Buzz: "Woody. Woody, are you alright?"

Woody: "I'm fine, I'm okay."

Scrat wobbles around and gives a thumbs up. Then, without warning, Sid's alarm clock rang. Drac and Mavis ran under the table. Wall-E didn't know what to do, so he formed into a cube, hoping Sid wouldn't notice. Woody and Scrat hide under the toolbox, and Buzz freezes back into position. Sid wakes up, remembering what he planned to do.

Sid: "Oh yeah! Time for lift off! Woo!"

He grabs Buzz and opens his door.

Sid: "To infinity and beyond! Woo-Hoo!"

Woody, Dracula, Mavis, and Scrat rush to the door to try and follow Sid. But Scud waited nearby and ran towards the door. Scrat screamed.

Dracula: "SHUT THE DOOR!!"

Scud's nose poked through the doorway as the toys struggled to close the door. Wall-E saw this and leaped to the bed, then jumped down to the ground and gave a big push at full speed to lock the dog out.

Mavis: "Good work, little guy."

Woody: "Okay, what do I do? Come on Woody, think."

He saw Sid's toys come out of their spots.

Woody: "Guys!"

Scrat: "Aha!"

They all scattered back to hide.

Woody: "No no no, wait. Wait listen please, there's a good toy down there. He, he's gonna be blown to bits in a few minutes, all because of me. We gotta save him. But I need your help."

Mavis: "Listen to him, he's not an enemy."

After a few seconds, the spider doll comes out and listens.

Woody: "Please, he's my friend. And he's one of the last ones I've got."

The spider doll began clanking its leg against a metal stand, which prompted the other toys to come out of their hiding spots and come towards Woody.

Woody: "Thank you. Okay, I think I know what to do. We're gonna break a few rules. But if it works, it'll help everybody."

Dracula: "What kind of rules are we going to break, now?"

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