Back At Andy's/Playtime With Sid

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[At Andy's house, the other toys are looking for Trollex with a torch when they heard a rustle in the bushes and shine the light on it]

Rex: Hey, you guys! I think I've found him. Trollex! Is that you?!

[A cat yowls loudly and runs away from the house]

Poppy: Whiskers! Will you get out of here?! You're interfering with the search and rescue.

[Then they heard the Davis's car pull up to the house, and Rex turns off the torch to prevent them seeing the light]

Rex: (whispering) Look! They're home!

[The car pulls up and stops. Andy and his mom get out]

Andy: Mom, have you seen Amy?

Andy's Mom: Where was the last place you left her?

Andy: Right here in the van.

[The toys listened to their conversation]

Andy's Mom: I'm sure she's there. You're just not looking hard enough.

Andy: He's not here, Mom. Woody's gone.

Delta: (gasps) Amy's gone?

Hamm: Ah, boy, the weasel ran away.

Smidge: Huh?! Huh?! I told you he was guilty!

[She and Hamm move away from the window]

Rex: Who would've thought he was capable of such atrocities?!

[As Rex follows Smidge and Hamm, John Dory and Delta look at each other crestfallen at Amy's disappearance]

Delta: Oh, John, I hope she's okay.

John Dory: I'm sure she is. She's a tough gal, like you.

[As the camera shifts to Sid's house, the scene changes to morning]

Sid: (as Pilot with Trollex on a Screwdriver, Spinning Him) He's pullin' some good G-forces now... MAYDAY, MAYDAY! He's breaking up, he's breaking up! (throwing Trollex & Crashed Him on the Floor, Chuckling and Laughing) (as Interrogator, Looking at Amy Hiding Under the milkcrate) Oh, a survivor. (kicks the milkcrate) Where's the rebel base? (grabs Amy and pulls her string) Talk!

Amy's Voice Box: I'd like to join your posse, boys. But first I'm gonna sing a little song.

Sid: Liar! (as Interrogator, slaps Amy to the ground and walks over to the window) I can see your will is strong.

[He opens the blinds blocking the sun]

Sid: Well, we have ways of making you talk.

[He took out a magnifying glass and uses it to aim the sunlight on Amy's forehead, making it smolder]

Sid: (as Interrogator) Where are your rebel friends NOW? [sinister chuckle]

Sid's Mom: Sid, your Pop Tarts are ready.

Sid: Alright!

[He runs out of the room and drops the magnifying glass in the process. Amy unfreezes and feels the burning on her forehead]

Amy: (screaming)

[She runs to a bowl of half-eaten cereal (with milk) on the floor, and dunks her head in. Trollex runs over to Amy, pausing to remove two suction cup darts from his person before pulling Amy out of the bowl. Two colorful Froot-Loops stick to each of Amy's eyes like glasses]

Trollex: Are you all right? I'm proud of you, Deputy. A lesser girl would've talked under such torture.

[Amy picks up a spoon and looks at the smolder in her reflection]

Amy: I sure hope this ain't permanent.

Trollex: (checking his wrist communicator) Still no word from Star Command. We're not that far from the spaceport.

[Amy sees the door in the reflection of the spoon. It was open]

Amy: The door! It's open! We're free!!

Trollex: Amy, we don't know what's out there!

Amy: I'll tell you wha... [screams]

[The mutant toys block the way and Amy ducks behind Trollex]

Amy: They're gonna eat us, Trollex!! Do something! Quick!

Trollex: Stay behind me!

[Trollex points his "trident" At the mutant toys, but they show no fear which surprises and shocks Trollex, when the mutant toys are blocking the way]

Trollex: What? Why aren't they showing fear--

Amy: Oh, you idiot! You're a toy! Use your karate chop action!

[She presses a button on Trollex's back fin which makes his right arm move up and down as they advance around the mutant toys toward the door]

Amy: (to mutants) Get away! Hoo-cha! Hoo-cha!

Trollex: Hey! Hey!! How are you doing that? Stop that!

Amy: Back! Back, you savages! Back!

Trollex: Woody, stop it!

Amy: Sorry guys, but dinner's canceled!

[She drops Trollex and ran out into the hallway upstairs]

Amy: There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home...

[She ran down the stairs but then stopped when she saw Scud sleeping on them. She crept back up the stairs slowly as she could. Trollex's hand grabs her over her mouth and pulls her back behind the wall]

Amy: (muffled gasp)

Trollex: Another stunt like that, cowgirl -- you're going to get us killed.

Amy: Don't tell me what to do!

Trollex: Shhh!

[Trollex checks that Scud is still asleep then darts across the stairwell opening to the other end of the hallway. He motions for Amy to follow. Amy cowardly crawls across the open area behind her to Trollex. As Amy stands up, her pull string gets caught on the curls of the iron railing. The toys start to creep down the hallway, unaware that Amy's pull string has caught on the railing. Then Amy's pull string comes loose and her voice box starts up]

Amy's Voice Box: Yeeeehaaaw!! Giddy-up partner!... We got to get this wagon train a movin'!

[The noise from the voice box wakes Scud up and he follows it up the steps. Amy and Trollex look worried]

Trollex: Split up!

[Trollex dives into a room while Amy jumps into a closet just as Scud reaches the top of the stairs. He heard the door slam and went over to sniff anything suspicious. Trollex skid to hide behind the door. Sensing his movement, Scud walks towards the door as Trollex stood back. Then as Scud moves curiously closer to Trollex, they heard snoring and look up to see Sid's father fast asleep on a La-Z-Boy recliner in front of the TV. Scud then backs out and head down the stairs.]

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