Hannah's Tea Party

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[Back upstairs, the doorknob to the closet jiggles. The door opens and Amy fell off the shelves and onto the floor. A bowling ball hit Amy on the head and rolls away]

Amy: (a bit woozy from the ball hit her) Trollex, the coast is clear. (shakes his head to get the wooziness off and look around for Trollex) Lex, where are you?

[Then she heard Trollex's voice box playing from Hannah's bedroom]

Trollex's Voice Box: There's a secret mission in uncharted space. Let's go.

[Amy creep up to the room with the Christmas lights around them]

Hannah: Really? That is so interesting.

[Amy peep into the room and see Hannah playing a tea party with Trollex and her dolls who are headless]

Hannah: Would you like some tea, Mrs. Nesbit?

Amy: (Gasps) (under his breath) Trollex.

Hannah: It's so nice you could join us on such late notice.

[Hannah has placed a tiny teapot in Trollex's severed arm and pours imaginary tea with it to which Woody noticed]

Amy: Oh, no.

Hannah: What a lovely hat, Mrs. Nesbit. It goes quite well with your head.

[Amy got an idea and clears his throat]

Amy: (in Sid's mother's voice) Hannah! Oh, Hannah!

[Hannah looks up, hearing Amy's voice, thinking it's her mom]

Hannah: Mom? (to her dolls) Please excuse me, ladies. I'll be right back.

[She walks out of her room]

Hannah: What is it, Mom? Mom, where are you?

[Amy bolt into her room and go to Trollex]

Amy: Trollex! Hey, Trollex! Are you okay?

[Trollex unfreezes and wails in a drunken despair]

Trollex: (imitating Jean Shepherd from A
Christmas Story) GONE! It's all go-o-one! All of it's gone. Bye-bye! Whoo-hoo! See ya!

[Amy look at his broken arm with curious looks]

Amy: What happened to you?

Trollex: One minute you're defending the whole galaxy...

(pointing at other dolls)

Trollex: ...and SUDDENLY you find yourself suckin' down Darjeeling with Marie Antoinette and her little sister.

[The headless dolls turn and wave at Woody]

Amy: I think you've had enough tea for today.
(helping Trollex up)

Amy: Let's get you out of here, Trollex.

Trollex: Don't you get it?! You see the hat? I am Mrs. Nesbit!!
(hysterical laughter)

Amy: [Imitating Cher from Moonstruck] Snap out of it, Trollex!

[Amy open his helmet and uses his arm to slap Trollex in the face then politely closes it]

Trollex: (sober) I'm sorry. You're right. I'm just a little depressed that's all. I can get through this.

[They walk out to the hallway. Then Trollex drops to his knees in despair]

Trollex: Oh, I'm a sham!!

Amy: Shhhh! Quiet, Lex!

Trollex: Look at me! I can't even fly out of a window! But -- the hat looked good. Tell me the hat looked good! The apron is a bit much, it's not my color...

[Amy look at the window then to Sid's room. They can see Andy's house outside the window]

Amy: Out the window! Trollex, you're a genius.

[Amy pick up the Christmas lights and drag Trollex down the hallway to Sid's room]

Amy: Come on, this way!

Trollex: Years of academy training wasted!

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