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Sid Phillips: Yes!

Slinky: Whoa!

[He ducks under the bed]

Delta: Oh, no.

Slinky: It's Sid!

Sid: Don't move!

[The egg toys jump into each other in fright]

Viva: I thought he was at summer camp.

Hamm: They must've kicked him out early this year.

Rex: Oh, no, not Sid!

[They climb up to the window]

Sid: Incoming!
(throw stuff while the dog barks)

King Quincy: Who is it this time?

Amy: I... I can't..... I can't tell. Hey, where's Lenny?

Lenny: Right here, Amy.

Rex: Oh, no, I can't bear to watch one of these again.

[Amy uses Lenny to see what toy Sid is trying to take out]

Amy: Oh, no, it's a Combat Carl.

[Trollex joins them]

Trollex: What's going on?

Amy: Nothing that concerns you spacemen, just us toys.

Trollex: I'd better take a look anyway.

[He uses Lenny to look at Combat Carl]

Trollex: Why is that soldier strapped to an explosive device?

Amy: That's why: Sid.

[Amy actually points Lenny at the pet alligator]

Buzz Lightyear: Hmm, sure is a scaly fella.

Amy: (realizing her mistake of identifying Scud as Sid to Trollex) No, no, that's Scud, you idiot!
(moves Lenny up to Sid so that Trollex can see him properly)

Amy: That is Sid.

Sid: (cackles evilly)

Trollex: You mean that happy child?

Clay: That ain't no happy child.

Rex: He tortures toys, just for fun!

[Sid throws a block at the soldier]

Trollex: Well, then, we've got to do something.
[He climbs onto the windowsill]

Poppy: (gasps, grabbing Trollex by the arm) What are you doing? Get down from there!

Trollex: I'm gonna teach that boy a lesson.

Amy: Yeah, sure. You go ahead. Stab him with your scary plastic fork.

[She flicks Trollex's trident]

Trollex: Be careful with that, it's extremely dangerous.

[Lenny saw Sid lighting a match and lighting the little dynamite strapped to Combat Carl]

Lenny: He's lighting it! He's lighting it! HIT THE DIRT!!

Viva and Poppy: (shrieks)

Trollex: Look out!

[They all take cover as the dynamite explodes destroying the soldier. They soon are back on the windowsill]

Scud: (hissed)

Sid: Yes! He's gone! He's history!
(laughs with triumph)

Trollex: I could've stopped him.

Amy: Lex, I would love to see you try.
(gesturing to Sid's yard)

Amy: Of course I'd love to see you as a crater.

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