Chapter IX

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Virgil's pen flicked back and forth across the paper, a soft hum coming from his throat as he tested a melody. Like he'd said before, this was his life. Writing on tour between performances and interviews. At the moment he was trying to clear his mind of the interview that had occurred the week prior on a live television show; it was the show that had brought Roman directly back into his primary thoughts, which was incredibly distracting and somewhat painful. It was bothering him to the point of writing lyrics again. 

He was interrupted by a familiar person sitting down next to him. After touring for a few months, the darkly dressed boy had developed a skill of determining whoever sat down next to him without even looking in his peripherals. "Hey De," he greeted.

"Hey Virge," the guitarist replied, leaning toward him and flashing a smile. It made his face flush for him to look at him like that, with affection. He hadn't seen someone look at him like that since Roman, and considering it seemed he wasn't in love with him, he didn't feel comfortable with seeing someone looking at him with that expression. "What's your inspiration for these lyrics?"

To Virgil's surprise, he didn't try to take them; he simply asked what they were about. One thing the guitarist was notorious for so far was trying to steal and read his lyrics. It was exhausting trying to get it into his head that Virgil didn't want anyone reading them until he finalized them; they underwent several stages of development before they were ready to be looked at by anyone other than himself. 

The singer looked down at the words, sighing a little bit. De raised an eyebrow, reaching out to place a hand over his. His eyes shot up to meet his in shock. It took everything Virgil had not to pull his hand away, feeling discomfort prickling along his skin at the touch. "Past lover?"

"Something like that..." he replied quietly, closing the notebook slowly.

The guitarist gave him a sympathetic smile, rubbing circles into his hand with his thumb. "Maybe a show will get your mind off of him," he suggested, pulling him to his feet. Virgil shrugged, knowing he had to perform regardless. "Come on, let's get into costume!"

He was dragged into the band's dressing room, where the other members were already in costume and putting on makeup. De flashed another smile in his direction as he let go of his hand to put on his. Virgil hesitantly showed his own smile as he started to pull on his show outfit. With that, he moved onto his makeup, his personal favorite part. Lots of black, purple, and blue eye shadow later, along with some eye liner of various colors, his eyes looked like they were covered by a night sky. The final touch was a white lightning bolt that went across his eye.

"Damn! Looking pretty sexy over there Black," De called with a whistle.

While the comment made him blush, Virgil still rolled his eyes. This was also a part of their habits on tour. This part he was more comfortable with. "Save it for the stage, Drake," he replied, mimicking his use of the last name with a small smirk as the other band members laughed. "If any of you aren't awake yet, you'll sure as hell be wide awake after those fangirls' piercing screams break your eardrums."

"I can't wait, that might be my favorite part of performing," De said as he crossed the room. He moved dangerously close to the singer, leaning to that his breath was landing on his neck. "Toying with you is the best part."

Virgil felt a chill go down his back, but he smirked, turning to back him up against the wall. "I think you mean getting toyed with is the best part," he corrected smugly. "Everyone knows I'm in charge."

"Just keep telling yourself that," he replied as their faces got even closer. 

The singer felt shock run through his system as he realized De's eyes were slipping closed as if he was expecting them to kiss. He thought they had just been playing. He felt dread settling in his stomach, fearing the possibility of falling in love and being let down again. 

"I THOUGHT YOU SAID TO SAVE IT FOR THE STAGE!" Joan yelled at the two of them, making them flush as they backed away from each other. The other band members laughed, beginning their routine of teasing the two. "Geez Virgil, you just can't keep your hands to yourself!"

He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. He knew it was a joke, but he felt like it didn't excuse it. "And De, I can see you checking out his ass," Luis added, smirking as the singer whipped around. The guitarist smirked, raising his hands defensively.

"Sorry, I'm caught red handed it seems," he said with a shrug, playing it off.

Virgil, however, got even redder, groaning as he his face behind his hands. The other band members all laughed a little, making him remember it was just teasing.

Yet, something was nagging him. He figured it was his relationship with De, which was not a romantic relationship; at least it had never been made official if it was. The flirting... the comments... the way it worked was starting to remind him too much of another he'd left behind.

How hypocritical of you, Virgil, his mind started to whisper as they started to make their way to the stage. Leaving and ignoring your best friend because of something like this, and then immediately doing the same thing with someone else.

He scowled at himself, feeling guilty. It's different, another voice said, trying to comfort him. You and De haven't done anything like you and Roman did. You two aren't nearly as close as you and Roman were.

"That's supposed to make me feel better?" Virgil whispered to himself, feeling his throat suddenly close up. He shook out the thoughts, reminding himself that they were about to put on a show. He took a deep breath as the screaming echoed into the backstage area. The band started making their way onto the stage, beginning the first song's instrumental and earning more screams.

He smiled a little to himself, suddenly feeling more prepared to put on his performance. With a twirl of the mic, he began to sing, entering the stage dramatically to elicit even more screaming from the fans. The show had started, the darkly dress boy singing his heart as he got more and more into the performance. During one of the songs that had particularly sexual lyrics, he played it up, running his free hand down his neck and his body, smirking as the audience screamed. De rolled his eyes with a smile as he did so, making him feel inclined to mess with him. The singer approached him, getting way too close and running a hand down his chest from behind, smirking as more shrieks echoed from the fans.

As the song ended, that's reached close to the end of the show, only having two more songs to play. "ALRIGHT! That was hot wasn't it?" Virgil yelled, pointing the mic toward them as they screamed to say yes. "Well, it's about to get even hotter, because this next song is by one of my personal favorite bands!"

"It's a tragedy," De said, making him smile as he remembered the bit they'd come up with. "It's a tragedy really, what happened to them back in the day. Not to mention, I'm surprised you weren't the one to write a song like this."

Virgil grinned evilly. "You know why I didn't write a song like this, De?" he said, earning a why from the guitarist. The familiar opening of the song had already started to play softly in the background as he spoke. "Because I WRITE SINS NOT TRAGEDIES!"

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