Chapter XXX

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Roman waited anxiously outside his house, checking his watch again and again. They were going to be late if they didn't start driving to the theater in the next ten minutes, and with as long as it had been taking his company to get ready so far, he was beginning to get worried.

Tonight was the premiere of the biggest film of his career. It a huge deal; he, among many other A-List actors, made up the cast of this phenomenal fantasy film that reimagined the very essence of imagination itself.

This was his favorite film by a long shot. It combined the real world as they know it with worlds of fiction beyond anything most people could begin to imagine. He got to play a real person and a fantasy prince in the same film.

The story of the film went a little something like this: Roman played a young writer in his late twenties who was struggling to find motivation to write a good story. He meets this alternative songwriter and immediately becomes infatuated with him. Though the writer assumes the feelings will pass, they continued to see each other, and the draw inspiration from one another's personalities and personal lives.

What was fun about the film was the switches between reality and fiction. In between meetings of the writer and rockstar, the writer would have a burst of inspiration and create a scene for his book; that scene was then acted out as if reality by the same cast of actors playing their alternate reality counterparts, hence where the prince comes in.

It was a fun journey and a challenge for the experienced actor. It had been just the kind of project he'd been looking for during his return to the stage and the screen.

Over the last couple years, Roman Prince had been a touring member of the alternative rock band known as Anxious Storms, Malicious Roses. He'd joined up with them upon taking a break from his acting career, having been childhood friends with its lead singer, who needed someone to fill in the space of guitarist as soon as possible. It had been a bumpy journey, but they'd gotten through an entire European tour together. After the kiss the lead singer and the actor shared during the final show, it was clear they'd continued to work together.

Fans of Prince had been worried he'd been stolen away from the screen forever by the rockstar, but two years of touring and music later, he decided to make his comeback to the acting industry.

"We're gonna be late!" he called for the fifth time.

The person he'd been waiting for opened the front door and locked it behind him, turning to hurry toward him. "We'll be fine, Roman, calm down," Virgil replied, smiling as he reached the car.

He huffed and slipped into the limousine that had been sent to take him and his plus one to the premiere. In the back, he fidgeted with his suit and adjusted his hair pointlessly.

"Hey, are you nervous?" the singer asked, giving him a slightly concerned look. "You've done this before."

"Yeah, but that was a few years ago, and what if I screw up on the red carpet? Or they hate the film? Or I look stupid? Or I say something-mmf..."

He was cut off by Virgil's lips pressed gently against his own. "No 'what if's Princey," he murmured soothingly. "I know what that does to you. You'll do fantastic. The movie will be fantastic. Everything will be fine, I have faith that everything's gonna run smoothly, and you know who taught me to have that faith?"

"Me," Roman mumbled with a bashful smile.

"Yeah, you, you walking Disney prince," he replied nudging his shoulder with his own. "The fans will love it, your acting was through the roof on this one."

The princely man blushed but smiled at his boyfriend. "Hey, but who's band recorded half the movie's soundtrack?"

"I was just trying to make sure my pretty boyfriend had a strong sound behind him so when he was making us all swoon and sob it wouldn't be in silence," Virgil said with exaggerated sarcasm that made the actor laugh.

That was the other thing that Roman loved about this new film. Virgil's band had been requested to score the real parts of the film while John Powell had been asked to score the fantasy sections. It made for a perfect blend of styles that matched the movie's themes and vibes.

As they pulled up to the red carpet, the cheers and the paparazzi rang in their ears. It was nothing compared to the deafening screams they'd experienced over the years of performing as a band, but they were still loud and made Roman tense up. 

He relaxed as Virgil laced their fingers together. "You know, I used to be the nervous one," he whispered in amusement, making him smile as the door of the limousine was opened. 

"I'm so nervous," the princely man breathed, squeezing his boyfriend's hand tightly. 

The rockstar gave him another encouraging smile as he stepped out of the vehicle, pulling him a long with him. He had no idea the real reason why he was nervous, but his comfort was still helpful as he put on his best red carpet smile. Upon seeing them, the fans gathered around the event screamed and cheered, some of them were even crying with happiness. 

Roman smiled at his boyfriend and nodded toward the carpeted path they were to follow into the theatre. It was lined with interviewers and photographers, so they had to stop and talk to several of them before they could go inside.

Once they entered the theatre, the director went up to make a  speech, which reminded the actor that he'd be called up to say a few things before the film would start. He shoved his hands into his pockets, fidgeting with the objects there, one heavier than the others. The princely man hoped this would go well.

"-and now I invite Roman Prince to say a few things before the film begins," the director finished, leaving the stage as the room applauded for him. 

Smiling nervously at his boyfriend, he made his way up onto the stage. "Good evening everyone! It's an absolute thrill to be here tonight! It's been quite a while, hasn't it?" he said, chuckling charmingly as the room laughed a little. "So I just need to thank everyone who worked on this incredible film, from my fellow actors, to our lovely director, down to the unrecognized editors and interns. You all helped this film come to life just as much as I have, so I thank you for that."

"There is one person in particular that I'd like to thank individually," he continued after waiting for applause. "That person is the love of my life, Virgil Black."

The room cheered and clapped as he beamed at the blushing rockstar who was sinking down into his seat with embarrassment. "I'm sure this attention is making him nervous, but it deserves to be said. He's helped me so much in the last few years that a simple 'thank you' isn't enough to show my appreciation for him," Roman said, looking directly at him as he steeled his nerves. "I'd like to call him up here."

His jaw dropped as the audience shouted encouragement and cheered for the darkly dressed man. He blushed and rose from his seat, making his way up to the stage. "I have no idea why I'm up here, but Prince here is always full of surprises," he told the room sarcastically once he reached the mic.

"I brought you up here for a surprise indeed," he said. 

He swallowed nervously and knelt down onto one knee. Virgil, who had been smirking with amusement, looked at him with an expression of incomprehension and shock. The audience burst into applause, cheers, and whistles as the princely man pulled out a small black box. 

"Virgil, I know you and I have been through a lot," Roman began, feeling his heart pounding. "We've fought, we've cried, we've messed each other up really badly in the past, but I've never felt so happy in the presence of another person in my entire life. Over the last couple years, you've made me fall for you all over again, and it's because of your bravery that we're even here together today. Allow me to be the brave one this time."

He opened the box, revealing the shimmering ring as the alternative rockstar covered his mouth with his hands. "Will you marry me?" he said, giving him a wide, hopeful smile. 

"OF FUCKING COURSE!!" Virgil yelled, launching himself at him and pulling him into a crushing hug as the room exploded. They pressed their lips together as Roman smiled in relief and joy, holding his new fiancé close as he willed himself not to cry. "You're always so dramatic."

A laugh escaped his lips as he pulled away from their kiss to slip the ring onto his finger. The audience was giving them a standing ovation as they stood back up, holding each other's hands. The two of them were trying not to cry as they laced their fingers together and smiled. "With that, I hope this movie brings you as much joy to watch as it brought Virgil and myself to contribute to it! Enjoy!!"

They returned to their seats and the movie began to roll. As the lights went down, Virgil leaned his head on the princely man's shoulder. "I love you so much, you know?" he mumbled. "I... I can't believe how far we've come."

"I can," he replied in a whisper, kissing him on the cheek. "I never wanted to give up on you, and I'm glad you never truly gave up on me. I love you too."

Even in the darkness of the movie theatre, Roman could see his fiancé smile.

The End.

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