Chapter 10: Like father, like sons.

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Thank you all for reading this little story and for keeping me going. Also, a big shoutout to sonickev aka SonicKev101 for the inspiration of this chapter.


(Bruce's POV after the others left.)

After the others left, everyone looks at each other.

Adam walks to Thanos while Roman pulls on Discord's tail and Tyrian is on Gilda as she tries to get him off.

Discord: "Excuse me... Mr Thanos? I hope you don't mind us asking but..."

Gilda: "Get this weasel off of me!"

Thanos chuckles softly and nods his head.

Thanos: "Boys."

Roman and Tyrian stand beside Adam.

Thanos: "This is Wallflower Blush, she's new around here and I want you all to be on your best behaviour."

Kids: "Yes uncle."

I then walk up to Adam to see how he's doing.

Me: "Adam, are you ok?"

Adam nods his head and I put my hand in a fist to give him a fist bump.

PewDiePie: "BROFIST!!!"

Author: "CUT!"


(No one's POV.)

Author: "Take two, marker and action."

Bruce: "Adam, are you ok?"

Adam nods his head and Bruce put his hand in a fist to give him a fist bump.

Just as Adam's fist bumps Bruce, his fist turns purple and an energy pulse sends Bruce flying straight into a storage room.

Natasha, Wallflower, Gilda, Discord and Magneto go over to see if he's ok, while Thanos starts comforting the kids.

Adam: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Thanos: "It's ok Adam, no one knew you could do that."

Bruce begins to groan in pain as he puts his hand on a side of the storage door which gets larger and turns green.

Natasha: "Bruce, are you ok?"

Natasha was expecting the Hulk to attack but instead, she gets a response from Bruce.

Bruce: "Yeah, I'm fine."

As Bruce's gets out of the door, he looked like the hulk but still possesses his mind.

Everyone starts to look at Bruce in surprise.

Bruce: "What?"

Magneto then uses his magnetic powers to get a mirror to show Bruce.

The emotions they were expecting was confusion or worry... but he was happy.

Bruce: "It worked... It worked!"

Natasha: "What worked?"

Bruce: "A few years ago after (Y/N) left, I tried to make a formula that will transform me into the Hulk but it will also allow me to think like myself... but it was missing one thing."

Wallflower: "What was missing?"

Bruce: "Blunt force."

Natasha: "That's odd."

Bruce: "Yeah, it was odd that the formula only worked with Adam's strong fist bump but it finally works."

Natasha: "Not that, I mean, how can Adam have so much strength?"

Just then, Roman starts to pull on Bruce's hand.

Bruce: "Yes Roman?"

Roman: "Mr Hulk, can we watch a film, please?"

Bruce: "Sure, what choices are there?"

Roman runs over to the DVD box but as he runs back, a green flash emitted and he was already in front of Bruce.

Roman: "I was thinking the Hunchback of Norte Dame."

Adam & Tyrian then grabs a DVD each from the box and shows them to Bruce.

Adam: "What about beauty and the beast?"

Tyrian: "Or The Lion King?"

Bruce: "Easy boys."

Wallflower: "I think I have a good idea"

Everyone looks at Wallflower.

Thanos: "What's your idea?"

Wallflower: "If we watch all of them, then we won't miss any film out."

Natasha: "That does sound fair."

The kids: "Ok."

Wallflower and Magneto take the kids to a different room while Natasha, Thanos and Bruce Talk.

Bruce: "We need to find out what's happening to them."

Natasha: "Do you think Tyrian might be affected?"

Tyrian then accidentally lifts Magneto in the air, puts him down suddenly and starts to get a little dizzy.

Bruce: "Yep."

Thanos: "We need to keep an eye on them."


(An hour later, Bruce's POV.)

Thanos, Magneto and Wallflower are looking after the kids watching Hunchback of Notre Dame while I pieced together that they have unlocked their semblances.

It's similar to (Y/N)'s but not as powerful and they can only use one of the stones... maybe two if it's possible.

The only confirmed stones are Power, Time and Mind.

I then got a call from Ozma, General Ironwood and Winter about the Atlas Military and the White Fang going missing.

Probably the cause of Ultron Phoenix Sigma.

Just as I about to talk to Natasha and ask her out after this is over but I then her talking to Morgan & Pepper.

Pepper: "Bruce. You look different."

Bruce: "Yeah."

Just after a few minutes, Tony & the others return with Tammy gueterman, Cozy Glow, Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek.

Yang throws Cozy Glow and Lord Tirek in one of the containment fields.

Leahcim then gently puts Chrysalis and Tammy Gutermann inside the other containment field.

Morgan: "Hi daddy."

Tony: "Hi sweetie, hey Pepper."

Me: "Tony."

Tony looks at me and takes off his armour.

Tony: "Bruce, I like your new look."

Me: "Look at this."

I handed Tony a few video feed on the boy's surges.

Bruce: "It's their semblances and they're slightly similar to (Y/N)'s."

Tony: "Like Adam getting more stronger with the power stone, Roman sprinted with the power of the time stone and Tyrian lifted Magneto with the mind stone."

Bruce: "Exactly."

Leahcim stole a piece of paper from Tammy before Sci-Twi activates both of the containment fields.

Leahcim than turns to see Laura, Tony & me looking at him in confusion because of the paper he stole.

Leahcim: "What?"


(3 minutes later.)

Tony: "Our theory is right. Ultron Phoenix Sigma has two of the six infinity stones."

X: "So, those were the infinity stones?"

Stevia: "Yes, there's six stones of infinite power..."

X-23: "And probably the cause of all of this."

Strider: "If Ultron Phoenix Sigma has two of the stones, where are the other four?"

Bruce: "That's what we're going to find out."

Yang, Sunset, Leahcim and Morty go to Thor, Summer, Ruby and Rainbow.

Sunset: "Are you ok?"

Leahcim: "Yeah, Ultron Phoenix Sigma did a bit of a number on you four."

Thor starts to chuckle softly.

Thor: "Thank you my friend, but it will take more than a candy-coloured cloud to slay the god of thunder."

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah, we're perfectly fine."

Yang: "Are you alright, Ruby?"

Ruby: "I'm ok, Thank you for asking Yang."

Morty: "Summer, are you..."

Summer Smith: "Morty, I'm goddamn fine!"

Morty jumps at her reaction.

As Morty and the group goes as Ruby, Thor, Rainbow Dash and Summer look at each other in worry with the Sigma virus starting to infect them.

They then join the others as the prisoner's wake up.

Tirek tries to use his ability to absorb the magic of Twilight and her friends but nothing happens.

Chrysalis tries to absorb the love of Tony and Pepper but fails.

Leahcim: "It's magic proof, checkmate."

Cozy Glow then notices Ruby, Rainbow, Thor and Summer infected with the virus.

Cozy Glow: "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Spike: "Why do you say that?"

Tirek notices what Cozy Glow means and laughs.

Tirek: "Because a few of you are with the enemy. To be exact, those four are with Ultron Phoenix Sigma."

He points at Thor and the group as alarms start blaring and their infection takes over.

Yang: "Ruby!"

Morty: "Summer!"

Twilight: "Could that be from the battle with Ultron Phoenix Sigma?"

Leahcim: "Spot on. The gas he sprayed was, in fact, the Sigma virus!"

AppleJack, Arthur, X-23 & Sun go up to Thor, Rainbow Dash, Summer Smith and Ruby to fight them.

Steve: "Take them down easy, there could be a chance that they're still alive in there."

Sun: "Easy? Come on! One of them is a god for crying out loud!"

Before anything happens, Ultron Phoenix Sigma appears on the monitors.

U.P.S: "Why do you resist our help?"

Me: "Ultron Phoenix Sigma, I presume?"

U.P.S: "Why yes. I'm surprised about your resistance to our cause."

Steve: "You'll find we're stubborn like that."

U.P.S: "Yes... but all of you'll understand eventually... as your companions have. The Sigma virus will help you all understand in time. Please accept our help... or stay out of our way."

He teleports Thor, Rainbow Dash, Summer Smith and Ruby back to XGard.


(No one's POV.)

Leahcim: "Ok, is there any good news?"

Ronin: "Hard to put a positive spin on what just happened."

Chris Redfield: "Captain Quinjet 1 is back."

Morty: "That's good news, right?"

Tony: "Depends."

Vision: "both versions of Lyra Heartstrings & Special Agent Sweetie Drops, Star Lordess, Nova, Gamora and Drax ask for permission to be inside."

Steve: "Let them in."

Vision opens the door with Nova, the guardians of the galaxy and both versions of Sweetie Drops & Lyra walk in.

Groot: "I am Groot."

Rocket: "Groot wants to know if you're alright."

Peta Quill: "Oh, we're fine."

Gamora smirks while rolling her eyes.

Captain Marvel: "Nice to see from your mission on KnowMoon-9."

Tony: "What did you find?"

Lyra (MLP): "Nothing good."

Sweetie Drops (MLP): "Ultron Phoenix Sigma has formed an alliance with a being Strider is familiar with."

Strider: "Grandmaster Meio."

Gamora: "His army is growing each day."

Rick: "How many times did that guy bite the dust?"

Wolverine: "Don't know."

Morty: "Don't know or don't care?"

Wolverine: "Pick one."

Lyra (EQG): "There's more."

Nova: "Grandmaster Meio has also been testing out a gas bio-weapon."

Chris: "It must be the Sigma virus."

(MLP) Lyra & Sweetie Drops look to see Lord Tirek and start to shiver behind their counterparts.

Sweetie Drops (MLP): "What's h-he doing here?"

Dr Light: "Don't worry, he can't absorb your magic with the containment field on."

Cozy Glow: "Don't worry, he won't absorb their magic."

Tirek: "I won't?"

Chrysalis: "Release us and we will help you."

Chris: "No deal."

Rocket: "Yeah, if this 'trust' is a two-way street. Right now you're lying in a ditch at the side of the road."

Tirek: "No matter, we have something that can help you but since you're not freeing us, we won't give it to you."

Tammy then tries to look for something in her pockets but nothing was in them.

Tammy: "Where's the map to the infinity stones?!"

Leahcim takes the piece of paper from his pocket and shows them.

Leahcim: "You mean this?"

Rick: "Huh. Guess we don't need them."

Tirek: "Do you know how it works?"

Dante: "Are you gonna tell us?"

Cozy Glow: "Nope."

Chrysalis: "Definitely not."

Tirek: "No way!"

Tammy: "No thanks!"

Tony: "How about this? Give us a cause to trust you and we might compromise on your release."

Twilight: "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Tony: "Trust me."

The captives look at Tony, knowing they have to swallow their pride to be free.

Tirek: "Very well. Open the map and then rip it into six pieces."

Chrysalis: "Each of those pieces will lead to a different stone."

Leahcim opens the map and rips it into six different pieces.

Each of the pieces started glowing the same colours as the infinity stones.

Tony: "Ok, before we all go for our scavenger hunt, let's do a recap of our fight with Ultron Phoenix Sigma."

Fluttershy (EQG): "Well... we know that he has the reality and space stones."

Chris: "So the only infinity stones we need is Mind, Power, Soul and Time."

Chrysalis: "Indeed. assemble your teams, there's much work to be done."

Steve: "I'll get the time stone with Bruce, Twilight & Spike, Ryu, Chun-li, Sunset Shimmer and Leahcim. Stevia, go get the Soul stone with Dante and Arthur."

Tony: "Captain Marvel and Nova will go get the Power stone with X, Zero, Strider, Yang, Rocket and Gamora. Chris, you'll get the mind stone with Jean & Cyclops, Rick & Morty, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie."

Leahcim: "Well then, let's get to it."


(XGard, Ultron Phoenix Sigma's POV.)

Me: "Follow them and bring the stones to us."


To be continued...

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