Chapter 15: A plan that might work.

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(No one's POV.)

After you told everyone what you told Steve and his team, Tony looks at both versions of you in stern yet calm look.

Tony: "So, let me get this straight. Your space and reality counterparts try to get yourselves together when Ultron Phoenix Sigma was leaving the universe reality and space was in but instead, it accidentally merged the worlds and it's irreversible?"

P.S You: "Yep."

Everyone except Sunset and Leahcim looks at each other worry.

Sunset: "Hey, our worlds maybe can't be separated but at least we can protect our new world together, right?"

Leahcim: "Our worlds won't separate after this is over but maybe this world shouldn't be separated."

Bruce: "Sunset and Leahcim have a point."

T.S (Y/N): "You have made a lot of new friends and allies in the past 8 months."

P.S (Y/N) sighs.

P.S (Y/N): "Alright. You convinced me... but how are we going to destroy the big demonic Symbiote and free those innocent souls?"

Tammy: "There is a way..."

Queen Chrysalis: "If, you are willing to trust us."

Just then, Jedah and Grogar appear about to attack the time and power versions of you but Steve grabs his shield and blocks the blows.

Ryu enters his Satsui No Hado state and attacks them.

Leahcim: "Chun-Li. Isn't Ryu suppose to have the Satsui no Hado under control?"

Chun-Li: "Yes, it's unusual."

As Ryu's Satsui no hado takes control of him, The legion of doom sees a lot of potential in Ryu's dark power.

Queen Chrysalis, Tammy and Lord Tirek attack Jedah and Grogar, which caught them off by surprise.

Jedah: "Damn you."

Grogar: "May the Symbiote consume you all!"


(M.S (Y/N)'s POV.)

As the Symbiote puts up a good fight, I use my telepathy to see how far the facility is.

Me: "We're 10 miles to the Avengers facility."

Sonata: "Although in this troubling issue, it would take hours, hours we do not have."

One of Rick's portals open as Tony, Rick, Steve and Sci-Twi walk out of the green portal.

Steve: "(Y/N), we need you and the others back at the Facility."

I then realise if all of us leave the symbiote alone now, it'll try to disrupt the plan on destroying the core.

I look at Stevia with Ghost Rider, Morrigan, Nora, Venom, Wolverine and Dante.

Me: "Is it alright if you fight the symbiote while the rest of us prepare to get rid of the Graviton core?"

Stevia nods her head.

Eddie then transforms into Venom.

Venom: "No problem."

Wolverine: "Let's do this!"

Nora: "We'll break its legs!"

Dante: "Let's get this party started."

Stevia uses her magic to grip the Symbiote as Venom, Nora, Ghost Rider, Dante, Wolverine and Morrigan to fight it.

Most of the group went through the portal to the facility.

As we got there, I saw my two counterparts.

I merge with my counterparts to turn into a part of our original form.

Sunset: "So... how do you feel?"

Me: "I feel almost like myself."

Leahcim: "Sure, (Y/N)."

I then read the legion of doom and Tammy's minds to see their plan & look to see Yang and Thanos.

Me: "Hello Father. Hello Yang. I see that seeing multiple versions of my original form is a little unnerving to you."

Yang: "A little. Hey, at least you're home."

Me: "True. Now, let's head to the roof of the facility."

As we got on the roof, the Symbiote draws closer.

Me: "Sonata, stand here with the mind stone, Yang, go here & hold the power stone and Rick here's the time stone. Wait for my signal to fire its energy at the core."

I gave them a stone each and they get in position.

Me: "Jean, Magneto, do you think you can put the core down gently?"

Jean: "Got it."

Magneto nods his head.

Jean and Magneto then stop the Graviton core and moves the core down, slowly.

As the core moves near the facility, the stones start to glow brighter and brighter.

Unfortunately, the symbiote breaks free of the restraints, charging at the Graviton core and the Avengers Facility.

Lord Tirek: "Now!"

As the Symbiote leaps and the core gets closer, three beams fired from the three stones and form an energy beam, destroying the Graviton core and the Symbiote, unleashing the Sigma Virus and returned all of the souls to their bodies.

Me: 'That's not good.'

Leahcim: "The Sigma virus..."

Steve: "We're too late."


(No one's POV.)

As the virus cloud fades, Rick, Sonata and Yang get back up.

Sonata: "My head. what happened?"

Aria: "(Y/N), is Sonata alright?"

You: "I'm sorry but the massive intelligence boost from me was temporary."

Adagio: "It's alright."

Adagio and Aria hug Sonata with her hugging back, smiling.

Rick then gets up as the effects of the time stone showing him what happened with BirdPerson and Grogar running away.

Rick: "Holy s**t."

A sling Ring portal opens with the others coming through.

Stevia: "What happened? We saw an explosion and the Sigma virus started to spread in the field."

Yang: "We were too late."


(Inside the facility.)

Bruce: "The unleash of the virus was relatively limited."

Vision: "Ten miles have been exposed and at small levels."

Ghost Rider: "And the millions of souls have returned."

Professor X: "Although, we were exposed."

Dr Light: "Confirmed. I'm detecting traces in the system of every one of us... synthetic and organic alike."

Quicksilver: "How much time do we have?"

Thanos: "It's hard to say. Hours, rather than days."

Tony: "There isn't a way to stop the virus."

Leahcim: "Or slow it down."

Bruce: "There's only one way to stop it... we destroy Ultron Phoenix Sigma."

Steve: "You've all fought well and with honour. We've lost allies, family and friends alike. No one could ask any more of you... and yet we must."

Vision: "Ultron Phoenix Sigma has the Reality and Space Stones. We have the Power, Mind and time stones... but to stop him and the virus, we need the Soul Stone."

You: "I telepathically read Grogar's mind and found out they're back at the Dark Kingdom. I could've read both of their minds but since Jedah has telepathy, I didn't want to get caught so I only read Grogar's mind to be safe."

Leahcim: "I'm guessing that reasoning with them won't work this time, ain't it?"

Morrigan: "Their minds have been corrupted by the Stone."

Dante: "I'll handle them."

Captain America: "Are you sure?"

Dante: "Their demons, I'm a demon hunter. It's a match made in hell."

Leahcim: "Ok... then."

Dr Light: "Even if we retrieve the fourth Stone, we cannot yet regulate the Stones' power."

Pinkie Pie: "Bummer."

SpiderGirl: "Thank you, Doctor Downer."

Iron Man: "Much as it hurts to say it, the Doc's not wrong. The device is trashed; the tower's reactor's toast."

Mike Hagger: "Whoa, hold up with the tech-speak there, Stark."

Tammy: "Only the technology of Abel City can save you now."

Rick: "As much as I hate Tammy, she's not lying about Abel City's tech."

Tammy: "Take me and Chrysalis there, and I will help you complete your device."

Chun-Li: "Abel City was destroyed when our universes collided."

Tammy: "Not exactly, Abel City was the centre of the Convergence. Sigma's laboratory survives."

Iron Man: "A suicide mission into the heart of enemy territory? I'm interested... tell me more."

Rick: "We don't have any other options."

SpiderGirl: "There's seems to be a lot that going around.

Rarity: "And what about the rest of us?"

You: "We go after Ultron Phoenix Sigma and keep him occupied."

Applejack: "We barely made it out of there last time."

Chun-Li: "This time is different. The Reality Stone is cracked. He's vulnerable."

Rocket: "And we're desperate."

Twilight: "But this time, we're not alone."

Sunset: "Let's just hope things go according to plan."

You: "Well. If Dante's getting the soul stone and Tony with a small team are going to Abel City, we're going to need more help."

Leahcim: "I know a lot of people."

Leahcim teleports but Tony and Professor X look at you, thinking that's not what you meant.

Tony: "Leahcim didn't know what you meant, did he?"

(Y/N): "No but his protection will help too."

Leahcim returns with Vulture, the shocker and the Tinkerer

Leahcim: "I'm back."

SpiderGirl: "What is he doing here?"

Vulture: "Hey kid. Don't worry, we just wanted to talk to Stark for a bit."

As Vulture, Tony, the Shocker and The Tinkerer go to a room to talk.

After the talk, you go to Leahcim.

You: "You do know that I was talking about some other people, right?"

Leahcim: "Not exactly. Who did you have in mind?"

You: "Them."

You point at Adam, Tyrian, Roman and Wallflower.

Adam: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Why not? I believe you're ready... and don't worry Wallflower, your friends are right here with you."

Wallflower: "Thank you."

Queen Chrysalis: "We must strike now, before he can repair himself and before this virus consumes us all."

Rick, Tony and Dante goes over to Steve and Bruce.

Steve: "Understand that everything depends on you two. On the Soul Stone and the device. If you fail..."

Iron Man: "It's an awesome responsibility."

Dante: "Hey, we're awesome guys.

Dante and Iron man high five as Rick rolls his eyes.

Bruce: "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Rick: "No but it's better then being a robotic d**k for a living."

Rick then goes to Morty and grabs him.

Rick: "Listen Morty... don't let your guard down with those two assholes..."

Morty: "Sure thing, Rick."

Leahcim: "Hope we survive this."

Sunset: "So do I."

You: "Leahcim, you don't mind getting some more reinforcements if things go south, do you?"

Leahcim then teleports out of the facility but not before a kiss on Sunset's lips.

X and Zero shake hands like it's going to be their final time.

X: "This is it, my friend."

Zero: "See you on the other side."


To be continued...

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