Chapter 17: The fight that ends Sigma!

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(Your POV.)

As we arrived at Xgard, I sense that the Sigma virus is slowly infecting everyone.

The only ones who aren't infected are Vulture, Shocker and the Tinkerer since they weren't around the Avengers facility at the time.

Me: "Our journey has drained the Bifrost's power."

Captain Marvel: "We were lucky to get this far."

Rarity: "Too bad we cannot leave the way we came..."

Steve: "Now, let's get this son of a bitch."

X: "Any news from Abel City?"

Morty: "Yeah, is Rick ok?"

Captain Marvel: "I'm sure Zero and Rick will make it."

Cozy Glow: "And if he doesn't make it, we'll all be dead in an hour."

Rocket: "So, you know, don't worry about it."

As everyone walks, I sense the virus is starting to slowly affect some of their abilities and bodies.

Ghost Rider: "Do you feel it... a dark void... the absence of life, of souls?"

Fluttershy: "No birdsong, no insects..."

Chun-Li: "Not even air."

SpiderGirl: "My Spider-Sense is detecting... Nothing."

Sunset puts her hand on Twilight's forehead but as she does, Sunset was unable to see her memories.

As Wolverine and X-23's claws come out, the Sigma virus changes them, making them more robotic.

X: "This city is a grave..."

Chris then notices his right hand starting to turn metal.

Chris: "Let's move... or we're all gonna share their fate."

Ultron Phoenix Sigma then appears with multiple infected heroes, villains, Xgardians, huntsman, huntresses and drones.

There was also Ruby Rose, Summer Smith, Rainbow Dash and Thor.

U.P.S: "Heroes and villains alike, I see you have chosen to join us into making a better world."

Steve: "Go to hell."

Just then, I put my right hand on Lord Tirek and gave him some power to change him into his final form.

Lord Tirek: "So much POWER! WELCOME BACK BABY!!!"

Lord Tirek then fires a beam of energy at Ultron Phoenix Sigma, nearly sending him flying.


(No one's POV.)

The space stone teleports Ultron Phoenix Sigma along with Thor, Rainbow Dash, Ruby Rose, Summer Smith and most of the beings that aren't fully infected.

The only ones that haven't teleported are Sunset Shimmer, Vulture, Shocker, the Tinkerer and Steve.

(Play video now.)

???????: '"Captain? Are you there? It's Leahcim."

A Sling Ring portal opens behind with Black Panther, Princesses, the Dora Milaje and the Valkanterlot Army.

Steve: "Is that everyone?"

Leahcim: "Actually, there are more heroes on the way."

Multiple portals open as the Masters of the Mystic Arts along with the Ravagers, the X-men, uninfected huntsman & huntresses from every school, Deadpool, the Nova Corp and Discord with an army of manticores.

Deadpool: "I told you that I'll be back, fellow reader!"

Steve: "Avengers... assemble."



U.P.S: "We have given you a chance of peace... yet, you wish to get rid of it."

Strider: "You gave us hell."

Ultron Phoenix Sigma then walks forward until a green energy blast sends him back showing to be Chrysalis with her new look and Tammy.

U.P.S: "We see you obtain a new form, Queen Chrysalis."

Pinkie Pie throws sprinkles at Thor, which explodes, causing him to lose balance.

SpiderGirl punches Rainbow Dash and Summer, knocking them out as Weiss uses time dilation and shoots projects at Ruby, sending her to a wall.

Pinkie: "Sorry about that, Thor."

SpiderGirl: "We don't need another Mr Stark."

Adam, Tyrian and Roman use their semblances to make a rainbow-like infinity storm against Ultron Phoenix Sigma.

You then use the power and mind stones to send Ultron Phoenix Sigma back, causing them to fall on the floor.

He gets back up, with the Sigma part of their voice chuckling darkly.

U.P.S: "I'm impressed with your control of the mind and power stones... But I find it really pointless... what are you hoping to achieve? For Dante to retrieve the soul stone in the dark kingdom?"

The team looks in shock when he tells them that he knows about the plan to end him.

X: 'Something's wrong.'

U.P.S: "Are you hoping that he would come in at the last second to save you? If you were relying on it, it's to say but that won't happen."

Natasha: "And why is that?"

U.P.S: "Because Dante... is already here."

?????: "Did I miss the party?"

Everyone turns to see Dante in his devil trigger form as Ultron Phoenix Sigma reveals the soul stone in his hand.

U.P.S: "And the soul stone is mine."

Ghost Rider: "You betrayed us?"

Dante: "I can live with that."

Dante then turns into his normal form and sneakily winks at (Y/N).

U.P.S: "Now, prepare to die!!!"

Just as Ultron Phoenix Sigma grasps the soul stone, he then gets forced onto his throne and glows orange.

U.P.S: "What's happening to me?!"

Dante chuckles softly and walks slowly.

Dante: "As Jedah once said, only the noblest of souls are strong enough to control the power of the soul stone... and since you don't have a soul, you don't have a way to channel the stone's power."

(Y/N): "Actually, it was my idea."

Applejack: "Come again?"

(Y/N): "I telepathically told my soul stone counterpart to tell Dante to give the stone to Ultron Phoenix Sigma...also, I would just like to say one more little thing."

Dante: "And what's that?"

(Y/N): "I think it's a good idea to take about four or five steps back."

Ultron Phoenix Sigma's bright glowing turns into an orange explosion that pushes the heroes & villains back as it transforms him.

?????: "Dante... Where are you going? I wish to return the favour."

(Y/N): "Dante!"

Just as the being formerly known as Ultron Phoenix Sigma was about to grab Dante, you slowed time down and moved him out of the way of his grasp.

As the dust fades away, the heroes see a new monster and PhoenixPerson on the floor, dead.

?????: "I am the only true justice in this universe... I am Omega Overlord!"

(Y/N): "Spidey, get the stone!"

SpiderGirl fires a web line to grab the soul stone but the Ultron part of Omega Overlord blasts the web line, making the soul stone fly into Thor's hand as he gets up.


(Your POV.)

As it seems like all hope is lost, the soul stone starts to glow and cures Thor along with Ruby, Rainbow Dash and Summer Smith.

Rainbow Dash: "We're not puppets, Omega Overlord!"

Ruby: "You took our will and our strength..."

Summer Smith: "But you shall never have our souls!"

Thor: "You shall pay for the evil you've brought upon us!"

I then see Chris's hand turning back to normal.

Me: 'Wait a minute. Ultron Phoenix Sigma mentioned a hive mind... So if he has a hive mind, that means...'

The door opens, revealing everyone who was infected cured of the Sigma virus.

My other stone counterparts then appear and merged with me.

Stevia alongside Frank West, Tony, Rick, Ryu, Quicksilver, Cyclops, Zero, Leon Kennedy and Sci-Twi then arrive.

Quicksilver: "Are we late?"

Me: "Nope, just in time."

Tony: "Special delivery for Ultron Phoenix Sig..."

Tony looks to see Omega Overlord in surprise.

Cyclops: "What happened to Ultron Phoenix Sigma?"

Me: "I told Dante to give Ultron Phoenix Sigma the soul stone and it turned him into a new being called Omega Overlord but it truly is a part of my plan to defeat him."

Tony: "What should we do?"

Me: "Get the device ready and once it is, pass the stones to me so I can give them to X."

Tony then gets X and puts a new blaster on him.

Me: "Now, pass the stones to Me!"

As I get each of the stones, I put each stone in a slot as the blaster gains power.

Me: "What do you call this thing again?"

Tony: "I call it... the Infinity Buster! Let it rip, kid!"

As Tony activates the blaster, X starts to have problems with controlling the infinity buster so he changes to his strongest form but not even that was strong enough.

Stevia: "Everyone, lend me your strength so X can channel the stone's power!"

Stevia uses a spell to transfer strength to X so he can use the power of the stones.

Omega Overlord: "No, I'm the only solution to true peace!"

X: "And I... am... Mega Man X!"

He fires an energy blast at Omega Overlord, somewhat destroying him.


(X's POV.)

After I blasted Omega Overlord, Tony, Steve and Zero help me up.

Me: "Ultron... Sigma?"

Steve: "Destroyed."

Leahcim: "Not exactly."

We turn to see Ultron's body right beside PhoenixPerson's body.

Chris: "It's over."

SpiderGirl: "Good to have you back, Thor."

Thor: "Thank you my friend."

Thor grabs StormBreaker.

Thor: "Call me Tony Stark again and I'll crush you."

SpiderGirl: "Sorry."

Stevia: "It was a risk to give Ultron Phoenix Sigma the soul stone."

(Y/N): "I'm sorry. I know I should've told you but I didn't want to ruin the future until it was already done with."

We look at each other and gave (Y/N) understanding looks.

Tony: "It's okay, you did the right thing about not telling us."

(Y/N): "You're not mad?"

Leahcim: "Don't worry about it."


(No one's POV.)

While not many were looking, Rocket then takes off a few rocks to see the infinity stones, without a tiny scratch.

Rocket was about to grab one of the stones until...

Captain Marvel: "Rocket."

Rocket: "What? I was gonna... you know... give them back."

You: "I appreciate your intentions rocket but I think it might be best if I grab the stones myself."

Rocket: "You're the boss."

You then put the stones back on your gauntlet and sighed.

You: "I am truly sorry for getting you all into this mess, I should have..."

Yang: "Don't sweat about it!"

Wallflower: "You said it was an accident..."

Leahcim: "And sure, you may have accidentally merged a few world and it cannot be reversed but at least we have some new allies."

You: "Yeah."

SpiderGirl: "So, what now?"

TaiYang: "We rebuild."

Frank: "How?"

Ryu: "By protecting our new world... together."

You then teleport everyone to their homes as Sunset and Leahcim kiss.

You: 'Time for someone to have a birthday gift.'


Ok, so the Marvel vs Capcom infinite arc is done. Hope you like the next chapter.

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