Chapter 18: rebirth, a gift and a test

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In the story, Taiyang's semblance is soul anchoring and Summer's semblance is called Immortal strength which includes immortality and age empowerment.

Think Taiyang as Sam Winchester when he was soulless but with his soul intact and Summer as the human Thor but with immortality and age empowerment.

Now, enjoy the chapter.


(Your POV, July 14th 2024.)

As I took PhoenixPerson and Ultron back home, I turned BirdPerson back into his original state and repaired Ultron with a new body.

As I prepared food for BirdPerson, both he and Ultron wake up.

BirdPerson: "Who are you?

Ultron: "Where are we?"

Me: "You're at my beloved's home. I repaired and healed you because I know you just wanted to do what's right."

Ultron: "Why did you repair me?"

I then installed a file of why life matters and the right way to protect people.

Ultron: "Wow. I never calculated about that before... thank you."

BirdPerson: "I too want to thank you, for bringing me back to my life and healing all of my wounds."

Me: "You're welcome. Follow me."


(No one's POV.)

Just as Leahcim was about to grab some pizza, he hears some noise on his multiverse communicator.

Leahcim: "Sunshine, I'm gonna need a little help."


(Your POV, TimeSkip to Steve's birthday.)

Everyone: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Steve Rogers, happy birthday to you."

As Steve blew out the candles, we all gave him a card telling him happy birthday.

I then walk with Ultron and BirdPerson in the room.

Tony: "Is Ultron alright?"

Ultron: "I'm fine. I'm sorry for my behaviour before."

Steve: "It's ok, you were only doing the wrong thing for the right reason."

Rick then see BirdPerson, dashes over to him, give him a hug and smiles.

Beth: "Wow, I've never seen dad so happy."

Me: "Not as happy as Steve is going to be."

Steve: "What do you mean?"

Me: "Do you know why everyone was giving you birthday cards?"

Steve: "No... why?"

I gave Steve a shoebox with a note on it and whispered what his present is and what he needs to do.

Steve: "Ok. Thank you for the gift."

I then send Steve back in time and we hear a doorbell go off.

Me: "Falcon, aren't you going to answer that?"


(Falcon's POV.)

I walked to the door and opened it to see Steve but a lot older.

I was surprised when I saw Steve again, a lot older and with a wedding ring.

Me: "Cap?"

Steve: "Hi, Sam."

Me: "So did something go wrong or did something go right?"

Steve: "Well, after (Y/N) send me back, I thought about what Tony once said and I thought... maybe I'll try some of that life Tony was telling me to get."

Me: "How was it?"

Steve: "It was beautiful."

Me: "I'm happy for you. Truly."

Steve: Thank you."

Me: "Only thing bumming me out is the fact I have to live in a world without Captain America."

Steve: "Oh, That reminds me."

I look to see Steve taking out his shield.

Steve: "Try it on."

I hold Steve's shield as he smiles at me.

Steve: "How does it feel?"

Me: "Like it's someone else's."

Steve: "It isn't. It's yours"

Me: "Thank you. I'll do my best."

Steve: "That's why it's yours."

Me: "You wanna tell me about her?"

Steve: "No. No, I don't think I will. Can I come in?"

I let him in to see his party.

Tony: "Hey Steve, you're looking great."

Steve: "Thank you."


(Your POV.)

Me: "Steve. It's time."

Steve: "Of course."

I then use the space stone to teleport all of us to amity coliseum with Ruby, Yang and team STRQ in front of me on the arena.

Sci-Twi: "What's going on?"

Steve: "(Y/N) wants to see how much they changed and he thinks this is the way for him to see it."

Ruby: "(Y/N), what's going on?"

Me: "Fight me."

Raven: "What?"

Me: "The only way to get out of here... is fighting me."

Yang: "Are... are you sure?"

I nod my head, meaning yes.

Qrow then charges at me to try and attack me, although I block with a dome-like shield around me, protecting me.

Raven attacks me on the other side, not doing anything to the shield.

I close my eyes and choose to meditate.

I use the space and reality stones to teleport some food and create some meals for the people watching our fight and I listen to the rest of team STRQ, Ruby and Yang.

Yang: "What do we do?"

Taiyang: "We need to counteract the stones."

Ruby: "But the only way for him to do that is..."

Summer Rose: "Allow him to use each of the stones on us to see who can defeat him depending on which infinity stone he's using."

Yang: "That's a bad idea!"

Ruby: "We can't even get his attention. How do we get him to use the stones one by one?"

Me: 'Come on... figure it out. Please don't prove me wrong.'

Taiyang: "By using his strengths against him and prey on his weakness."

Yang: "But he doesn't have one."

Summer: "Actually, he's got a weakness of any noble hero has, not knowing he's been played until it's too late."

I open my eyes knowing they have started to figure me out.

Ruby: "Aunt Raven, Uncle Qrow, stop scaring him!"

Raven and Qrow look at Ruby in confusion.

Raven: "Scaring him?"

Summer Rose: "There's only one reason why he's doing this, he's afraid."

I stand up, seeing how much they've changed.

Yang: "Yeah but we figured out how to win!"

Me: "I don't see how you will but it's good to have dreams."

Raven: "You have infinite power to hide behind, how fair is this fight?"

TaiYang: "Yeah, if you really can control the gauntlet, you can stop us with one of the infinity stones."

I decimate my shield and only use the soul stone to glow.

Me: 'Alright then, one stone at a time.'

I use the soul stone to absorb Ruby, Yang, Raven, Summer and Qrow's souls.

I tried to absorb Tai's soul but nothing happens to him.

Me: "I'm guessing that your semblance is protecting you."

Taiyang: "My semblance is soul anchoring."

Me: "I see. So the soul stone won't have an effect on you because you're protected."

Taiyang: "Why yes."

Me: "Ok. Oh, one more thing... don't hold back, please."

Taiyang: "Ok."

Taiyang then punches me over and over until I put everyone's souls back.

The others get up as they see me healing my wounds.

Raven: "What happened?"

Taiyang: "(Y/N) used the soul stone to absorb your souls but it had no effect on me because of my semblance."

Me: 'Good one, Father.'


(No one's POV.)

The time stone starts to glow and you fired a green energy wave that sent Summer and the others, making them age rapidly to an age.

You: "The time stone. It's unbeatable because time is something not many people can escape."

Qrow: "Well... if it's our dying breath..."

Taiyang: "We're not gonna go down without a fight."

You: 'Please... win this.'

You then age Taiyang and Qrow into dust.

Raven: "I hope you know what you're doing, Tai..."

You age Raven, Ruby and Yang to dust as you sigh and was then whacked by what appears to be a spear.

You look to see Summer with Gungnir and try to age her but she still stands.

You: "Feel the centuries age you to dust."

Summer chuckles at what you said.

Summer: "My semblance makes me immortal and I grow stronger when I age."

Summer dashes towards you and knocks the time blast to you, ageing you to an old man.

You reverse all of the effects and everyone returns to their original states.

You: 'Clever. Thank you, mom.'

You then use the power stone then pushes Yang and Ruby back with an energy blast.

Taiyang: "Raven, think you can open a portal to send the power stone's energy straight to (Y/N) instead of us?"

Raven looks at you, knowing what Tai means.

You then launch an energy blast at Qrow but Raven opens a portal in front of the blast and behind (Y/N)'s, firing it back at him.

You: 'Nice one, aunt Raven.'

You secretly use the mind stone without them knowing.

You: "You must take great skill to counteract the first three stones."

Ruby: "Not skill, teamwork."

Qrow: "Oh, is that right pipsqueak? You had no clue we would survive that!"

Raven: "You little cur! Do you think you could've redirected that power?! I'll show you how strong I am!"

Taiyang: "Raven, stand down! Our battle isn't with each other."

Some of them start attacking each other as Summer and Taiyang see you using the mind stone.

You: 'Come on.'

Taiyang: "Everyone stop, this isn't you!"

Summer: "(Y/N)'s using the mind stone, fight it!"

The team then see Yang's eyes glow red as she starts to punch the ground, causing it to shake a little.

Yang: "So, are you angry?!"

Raven: "Rage is flaring within me!"

Yang: "Welcome to my world!"

Ruby: "How do you control it?!"

Yang: "I don't control it..."

Yang turns to face you.

Yang: "I aim it!"

Yang then shoots some rounds at you.

Taiyang: "Yang is right! Use the anger but aim it at (Y/N)!"

Ruby, Raven, Qrow and Summer attack you.

Yang dashes over to you to try and punch you but you send her flying with a kick.

You: "You do realise that anger and wrath is something that can be lethal, right?"

Qrow: "Good thing with Yang's semblance, the more hits she gets..."

Yang then gets back up, ready to fight.

Yang: "The stronger I get!"

Yang attacks more and more until a punch sends you back, making you undo the effects of the mind stone.

Raven: "I'm sorry, I don't think you are a cur."

Qrow: "No problem, I don't even know what a cur is."

You: 'Well done, Yang.'

You get back up, with the space stone glowing and teleport.

Qrow: "Oh come on!"

You appear near Yang and punched her.

Qrow tries to shoot you but misses due to you teleporting.

Qrow: "I hate the space stone."

You tried to attack Taiyang and Raven but only Taiyang got hit by the attack.

Raven: "1, 2, 3."

Raven dodges your attack and attacks you as you teleport.

Raven: "1, 2, 3, Duck!"

Ruby then ducks and dodges your attack as you teleport away.

Ruby: "His attacks aren't random, it's a 3-second pattern."

You then punch Qrow and teleport away.

Ruby: "1, 2, 3."

Ruby shoots a fire dust ammo at you when you tried to attack Yang and teleports.

Ruby: "1, 2, 3."

Ruby then shoots an ice dust ammo when you tried to attack Summer.

Ruby: "1, 2, 3."

Ruby shoots behind her electric dust ammo to paralyse you.

You: 'Nice shot, Ruby. Now, one more to go'


(After a few days?)

Taiyang: "You're going to have to tell us again, Fury. Who exactly disbanded?"

?Nick Fury: "All of them."

?Ozma: "Hydra and A.I.MBrella is finding and helping survivors, Lil' Miss Malachite's Organisation is rebuilding for charity and The Galactic Federation and the Citadel of Rick's want to join S.H.I.E.L.D. The world was nearly destroyed by Ultron Phoenix Sigma and the battle and resistance brought humanity together."

?You: "The world finally at peace? But that's all we ever fought for."

Yang: "No more bad guys? Things are going to get real boring real fast."

Raven: "Boxing lessons with Professor Hulk and Rainbow Dash?"

Yang: "Haha, very funny... maybe."

Qrow was unsure about what he was hearing until he saw Salem run-up to Ozma.

Qrow: "So Oz, any sign of Grimm?"

?Ozma: "You're not going to believe this but the Grimm started appearing to help rehabilitate themselves."

Qrow notices a cell with two Grimm Beowolves with name tags called Mike and Marty and wearing science lab coats.

Qrow: "You're right... I don't believe it."

As you turn around, Qrow runs up to punch you in the face.

Yang: "Qrow, what the hell?!"

?Bruce: "Not cool."

?Thor: "Bruce is right, it is not honourable to attack someone when they don't agree to fight."

Qrow: "The fight isn't over!"

Qrow brings out Harbinger in its sword form and attacks you.

Raven: "Have you lost your mind?!"

Taiyang: "Qrow, we won our fight."

Qrow: "Tai, can't you see it? It's the Reality Stone, creating what we want to see. We have to get out of here."

While Qrow was talking, you start to smile knowing they have changed for the better since you were a child.

Taiyang: "I don't sense anything but if you do, then that's good enough for me."

Ruby, Yang and Qrow then shoot you and the fake reality shattered.

As it did, you said one last thing.

You: 'Well done Qrow. Well done all of you.'


(Your POV.)

As the real reality forms back, the team wake up and I walk over to Qrow to help him up.

Qrow: "That was a test, wasn't it?"

Me: "Correct... and you have passed with flying colours."

Summer: "Why did you give us the test?"

Me: "I wanted to see how much you've changed. As you was sleeping in the reality stone, I used the mind stone to read your memories and I see how much you have."

Ruby: "Wow."

Yang: "Yeah."

Me: "I just hope it doesn't affect our relationship."

Raven: "No. You had every right to look into our memories and I want to say sorry again for..."

Me: "Aunt Raven, it's ok. What's past is in the past, right?"

I hold out my hand as Raven takes it and I pull everyone in for a hug.

Raven: "Yes. Yes it does."


The end...

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