Chapter 3: an old friend and new event

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SideNote: Salem Hasn't Met Hazel RainArt or Arthur Watts in this story.


(Your POV, November 4th.)

Adam: "Dad, when I grow up, I want to be just like you."

Roman: "Me too."

Tyrian: "Me three."

I smiled at my children and gave them a hug.

Me: "when you grow up, you can be what you choose to be."

The kids tuck themselves into bed and I played the songs to get them to sleep.

I was about to close the door until the kids said four words.

"I love you, Daddy."

That warmed my heart and I said: "and I love you all too."

They then got to sleep and I closed the door slowly.

I then got an idea and teleported to Ozpin's Office so I can talk to him.

Ozpin: "(Y/N), what brings you here?"

(Y/N): "I have an idea of how you can end the cycle but there is a risk."

Ozpin: "What is it?"

Me: "I made a deal with an old friend and I think it's time for it to be her way but first... I got to go see someone to look after the kids."


(TimeSkip to 10:35 am, November 5th.)

Me and dad are taking the kids to an "old" home

Me: "Ok boys, I want you all on your best behaviour's with your aunts and uncles while me and dad are away, can you do that for me?"

A/R/T: "Yes Dad/Daddy."

Me: "Roman, remember to wash behind your ears."

Roman: "Yes dad."

Me: "Tyrian, no stinging anyone unless it's an actual emergency and at the right person and time."

Tyrian: "Yes daddy."

Me: "And Adam, always say please and thank you."

Adam: "Yes dad."

I knocked on the door and it opens revealing Tai and Summer.

They were a little shocked when they saw dad but they then saw me and gave me a hug, with tears streaming down their faces.

Summer: "Hello (Y/N)."

Tai: "How's our champ doing?"

Me: "Can me and the kids come in please?"

Tai looks behind me to see the Adam, Roman and Tyrian.

Tai: "Of course."

Me, the kids and dad came inside. Dad looks at some of the pictures with me, Tai and Summer in them.

Dad: "You look nice together."

Tai: "Thank you. What happened to your arm?"

Me: "Kids, could you and uncle Thanos play upstairs while me, aunt Summer and uncle Tai talk please?"

A/R/T: "Yes Dad/Daddy."

Dad and the kids went up the stairs to play some games while you had a sit-down.

Tai: "What do you want to talk about?"

I walked up to Tai and said: "not just talk, show you."

I then put my robotic hand on Summer's head softly and hold Tai's hand and showed them every single memory I had when I met Dad, obtained each infinity stone, how I met Adam, Roman and Tyrian and accidentally turned them into kids and how I forgave Ruby and Yang.

Summer: "Whoa..."

Tai: "You can say that again."

Me: "Just promise me you'll look after the kids while I'm gone, they need a lot of support while I'm away."

Summer and Tai look at each other then at me.

Tai: "for you, anything."

Summer: "we'll look after them well."

Me: "Thank you."

A sound of a smashed bottle caught our attention and we turn to see Qrow and Raven.

Raven: "(Y-Y/N)?"

Qrow: "Kid, about before... it was wrong for us to hurt you physically, it was wrong for us to hurt you mentally, we were wrong. We both understand if you don't forgive us."

I walked up to them and put out my hand.

Me: "I forgive you, maybe we can start over?"

Raven started tearing up and said "why? Why you want to start over, after all we did to you, why did you forgive us?!"

I simply smiled and said "to be honest, I believe everyone deserves a second chance... and I believe that both of you deserve a second chance."

Raven then started to tear up and She brings me in a bear hug while saying "You're the greatest grandson anyone would ask for, thank you."

I noticed Qrow walking into the kitchen and getting something.

He came back and uncovered a cake with 'Happy Birthday (Y/N), our hero'

I looked at it, put the cake on the table and hugged him.

Me: "Thanks Qrow. Really, thank you."

Qrow: "no problem (Y-"

"fede amorevole." I then interrupted.

Qrow looks at me in slight confusion.

Me: "It means loving faith in another language. The reason why I said that's because I always wanted my own nickname, Like how my friend known as Kitty is 'Half-pint'."

Qrow then smiles and said "fede amorevole, thank you."

Raven: "I know you have already forgiven us but is there anything you to earn your forgiveness?"

I look at them and said "just promise me you'll be good role models to my children and help them be grateful people who lead by example."

Qrow: "We'll try our best."

Me: "No trying, just do."

Raven then looks at me, straight in the eyes and hugs me, then whispers "Ok."

I smiled, knowing they have changed after I left.

Ozpin comes in and said "It's time to go."

I then went upstairs to see Dad playing Snakes and Ladders with the kids.

I nodded to dad, he understood the nod and told the kids that he'll be back soon.

We went downstairs and said our farewells.

I then teleported myself, Dad and Oz to Salem's Castle.

Out of nowhere, a Ursa Major grabs me and throws at an Arma Gigas which stabs me at my right shoulder.

Me: "Y... Y.... (smiles and looks at Salem) You should have gone for the head."

I then looked at the gauntlet in my hand and snapped my fingers as a bright light flashes.

Salem: "NO!"


(Spidergirl's POV.)

Me: "What was that?"

As I got outside with the academy, Vision, Wanda, the guardians of the galaxy and the rest of the avengers are already here.

Mr Stark: "Can someone tell what just happened?!"

A blue portal opens up and (Y/N), Thanos, Ozpin and an unknown person come out of it with sad expressions on their faces.

Me: "What happened?"

(Y/N) comes up to me and uses the reality Stone to shows us what happened.

?????: "I take it you lost the bet."

(Y/N): "Hello old friend, it's been a while."


To be continued...

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