Chapter 8: explanation and disappearances

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'"This means telepathy."' and I apologise if this chapter took long and I own nothing.

Discord and Gilda are their usual looks and abilities.

The Vision vs Ultron clip belongs to Marvel.

TheLostNarrator belongs to herself.


(No one's POV.)

Chris Redfield: "Where are we?"

Morty: "What's going on?"

Phoenix: "Listen, allow some of us to ex-"

Rainbow Dash (EG): "Alright buddy, what's going on?"

Chun-Li: "What's happening?

Sir Arthur: "What sort of trickery is this?!"

Morty: "What's happened to our parents?"

Twilight: "And my friends?"

Dante: "Who's butt do I need to kick?"

???????: '"Excuse me."'

Everyone looks to see Charles Xavier in front of them.

Charles: "I'm Charles Xavier. I know all of you are confused and very uncertain about this new world but please allow us to explain what has happened just yesterday."

Natasha: "We're not 100% sure how our worlds have merged but we might have a clue on what has happened."

Stevia: "Something or someone stole a powerful item known as the Space Stone and disappeared."

Bruce: "It has also somehow obtained the reality stone in its search and is trying to use the stones to try and take over this new amalgamated universe it has created."

Tony: "I understand if all of you have any kind of trust issues with everyone from other universes and we have only just met..."

Tony plays several clips of every battle from each of their separate universes.

Bruce: "But we've seen what you've each done in your's."

Steve: "Some of them may not be as easy to cope with this new world but you still continue to help people in the biggest and smallest ways possible and I just want to say to all of you something."

Strider: "And that would be?"

Steve: "I trust you. All of you."

Tony: "And if cap trusts you all, then that's good enough for me."

Twilight then walks up to Bruce to ask a question.

Twilight: "I know you said we don't have to trust any of you, but could you show any 'clips' of you in private?"

Bruce: "sure."

Tony gives Twilight, Chris and Rick tablets with all of the information about everyone.

All of their names, powers, origins and all of their battles including each of their worlds before all of them merged.

Vision: "Allow me to send you to different rooms to talk to each other after."

The Humane 7, Twilight and both versions of Spike was sent to the lounge.

Rick, Morty and Summer was sent to the living area.

Chris Redfield along with Dante, Strider, MegaMan X, Sir Arthur, Ryu and Chun-Li was sent to the foyer.


(20 minutes later.)

Bruce: "Easy Tony, we're all new to this amalgamation of a gigantic universe."

Clint/Ronin: "Tony, I'm sure everything will be ok."

Leahcim: "Yeah, don't get too down about it."

Tony: "Vision, could you get the others in our location?"

Charles: "Actually, there is no need for her to do so."

Natasha: "Why is that, Professor?"

????: "Because we're right here."

We turn around to see almost everyone and his teams are at the door.

Bruce: "So?"

Rick: "Normally I wouldn't be helping or joining government assholes like you but since we have no one else to trust and Morty & Summer convinced me, I'll join your cause until the worlds separate. If not, then we'll agree to join your little team and MAYBE do a few missions with you."

Dante: "Same with us."

Sunset: "It took some time to agree..."

Twilight: "But we want to help too."

Wallflower: "We just have one question."

Tony: "Fire away."

Rarity: "Who's the darling wearing that awful gauntlet with the lovely gemstones?"

They all each look at each other with sadden looks.

Just then, Rocket Raccoon comes in with Groot now at his original height with Zero, Gilda and Discord tied up.

Groot: "I am Groot."

Rocket: "Hey Thor, look at who we found."

Thor pretends to smile and greets Rocket and Groot.

(YouTuber reference in Three... Two... One...)

TheLostNarrator: "Everybody fuckin' smiles in this... motherfuckin' story. smile, smile, smile, smile... you smile, I smile, everybody fuckin' smiles. Everybody gets a smile today. Mudderfuckers."

Author: "CUT!!!"


Author: "Take two, marker and action."

Just then, Rocket Raccoon comes in with Groot now at his original height with Zero, Gilda and Discord tied up.

Groot: "I am Groot."

Rocket: "Hey Thor, look at who we found."

Thor: "Tree, Rabbit. So good to see you again."

Groot: "I am Groot."

Rocket: "Alright, what's the problem?"

Thor sighs, knowing that he can't lie about it.

Thor: "Well... Twilight and her friends, people from their universe, know about... him."

Rocket: "Who? Who do they know ab..."

Rocket pauses, realising Thor was talking about (Y/N).

Rocket: "Oh. Him."

Sunset: "Who's him?"

Thor: "A person who used to be with us until he was gone. His name is (Y/N) and he's the most powerful student at Beacon academy."

Steve: "He had to leave our world with Wade and Death."

Chris Redfield: "Death?"

?????: "That would be me."

Everyone turns to see Lady Death and Deadpool.

Deadpool: "Hey everyone, Newcomers, Logan."

Wolverine: "Deadpool."

Tony: "What are you doing here?

Deadpool: "Easy Stark, we're only here because we got some information."

Magneto: "About what?"

Lady Death: "Ultron is back."

Vision: "That's impossible, I destroyed his last body."

Deadpool: "Actually he had a spare body somewhere under Haven that was a little bit damaged during his attack and he stole the space stone."

Tony: "He survived?"

Lady Death: "Yes but we don't know where Ultron's current location is."


(Twilight's POV.)

I started looking through a few more clips of footage and saw Vision and Ultron.

I paused the video up to what appears to look like Ultron but without the wings, the gems in his forehead & chest and the blue eyes.

Me: "Excuse me, Vision. I apologise for asking but did this 'Ultron' look like this?"

Vision: "Yes, is there a problem princess Twilight?"

Me: "He infected my friends but he calls himself Ultron Phoenix Sigma. He also has wings & two gems in his chest and his forehead."

Thanos: "What colour were the gems?"

Me: "They're red and blue, why?"

Tony and Thanos look at each other in worry.

AppleJack(EG): "Is somethin' wrong?"

Thanos: "They weren't just gems. They're the infinity stones of space and reality."

Wallflower Blush: "Is that bad?"

Bruce: "Normally it wouldn't be a big problem but (Y/N)'s Semblance is linked with all of the stones."

Rainbow Dash (EG): "So?"

Tony: "So, therefore he can destroy the whole multiverse just by snapping his fingers."

Fluttershy: "Oh my."

Bruce: "(Y/N)'s power over all of the stones is horrifying but he doesn't use it for his own personal gain."

Tony: "He could've enslaved the entire multiverse just because most of his family was abusive to him..."

Steve: "But he didn't, because he knew he will regret it."

Chun Li: "So, what should we do?"

A phone ringtone starts ringing as we all look at Tony and Bruce.

Bruce: "That's mine."

Bruce gets his phone from his pocket and answers it.

Bruce: "Hello?"

Ozma: "Excuse me, Bruce, could you pass me to Tony, please? It's important."

Bruce: "Sure. It's Oz, Tony."

Bruce gives Tony his phone.

Tony: "Oz, what's up?"

Ozma: "It's the students, most of them have gone missing."

Me: "Discord."

Discord: "Don't look at me, I don't know what this new universe has to offer."

Bruce: "It must be Ultron."

Stevia: "With his control of the reality & space stones, he could teleport anyone he wants, anywhere he wants."

Dante: "Then let's go get him."

Leahcim: "There's only one problem. We don't know where metal Pinocchio is."

Just then every monitor switches on, revealing Ultron Phoenix Sigma.

U.P.S: "We are born of five universes, each of them imperfect, afflicted with the cancer of chaos and discord."

Discord: "HEY!"

U.P.S: "From all of the ruins, a new universe has been made, in the fires of the stones of reality and space. We are Ultron Phoenix Sigma. We... are your solution to peace."

The monitors switch off.

Bruce: "He's changed since the attack on Vacuo."

Leahcim: "So, what now?"

Tony: "Well, let's find some of Oz's students."


(No one's POV, 8 months later, 10th July 2024, 1:24 AM.)

Over the past 8 months, no one has ever found most of Beacon's students.

The only students that weren't missing were team RWBY, Nora Valkyrie from team JNPR, Sun Wukong from team SSSN and Velvet Scarlatina from team CFVY.

Qrow and Raven Branwen went missing for a few weeks after team STRQ got the message about students going missing.

Some members of the Avengers, all of the Rick's and Morty's on the citadel of Rick's and other heroes had vanished without a trace.

At the same time, Tony Stark, Rick Sanchez, Sci-Twi and Thanos has been trying to find Ultron Phoenix Sigma.

Rick: "Holy S**t, there's a lot of new places. ValKanterlot, KnowMoon-9, The dark kingdom, Sweet Shoney's, New CanterVale City."

Thanos: "Even all of the other places in other universes that merged with this world but still keep their actual names."

Rick: "Like?"

Sci-Twi: "Ponyville, Camp Everfree, Shawarma Palace, Devil May Cry, Menagerie and Blips and Chitz."

Tony: "Finding Ultron Phoenix Sigma is going to be difficult."

?: "Maybe not."

They turn around seeing X, Twilight and Zero.

Tony: "Sorry kids but no one under the age of eight years old is allowed in here."

Rick: "Yeah, let the actual geniuses handle this."

Sci-Twi: "Maybe they can help."

Rick and Tony look at Sci-Twi in confusion.

Zero: "That's why we're here."

X: "We found something... or someone that might help."

Tony sighs and looks at Rick & Thanos.

Twilight Sparkle: "We do need all the help we can get."

Rick sternly sighs in defeat.

Rick: "Alright. How may you help?"

Zero then shows a disc and inserts it in a holographic projector.

The hologram reveals itself to be a man known as Dr Light.

Dr Light: "Hello, I am Thomas Light but if you like, you may call me Dr Light."

X: "I found a few A.I. discs of Dr light and Zero & I thought it would be the best to give you one to help you out."

Zero: "The original Dr Light made a few to help us out with missions, encrypt and decipher codes, and to find other people and robots before he passed away."

Tony blinked and looked at the hologram of Dr Light.

Tony: "Doc. Can you find a robot known as Ultron Phoenix Sigma?"

Dr Light looks though millions of databases and find that he is in a place called Xgard.

Tony and Rick look at the screen in surprise and shock.

Tony/Rick: "Shit!"

??????: "Shit?"

Everyone turns around to see a little Miss known as Morgan Stark.

Tony: "(whispered) What are you doing up, little miss?"

Morgan: "Shit."

Tony: "No, we don't say that. Only Mommy says that word. She coined it, it belongs to her."

Rick starts laughing and whispers "This is priceless."

Tony: "Time to go to bed, Squirt."


To be continued...

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