Proluge part 3

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Some characters will have their genders changed.

List of few: MCU (Dr Strange, SpiderMan, Vision and StarLord.) RWBY (Mercury.)

Now, I hope you like the story.

(Your POV.)

Me: "um... dad. How are we going to get the time, Mind and Soul Stone?"

Thanos: "well, we'll have to challenge dr strange and some of his friends and then challenge Vision and a friend together."

Me: "what about the-!"

Just about when I was about to finish my sentence, an alarm went off.

we looked at the surveillance and Dr strange, iron man, the guardians of the galaxy and SpiderGirl was on Titan.

I then got an idea about how we get the time stone but I don't know if it's going to work.

Me: "um... Dad?"

Thanos(Dad): "yes son?"

Me: "I got an idea on how we can get the time stone."


(Dr Strange's POV)

I was waiting for Thanos, a blue and black portal opened and out comes Thanos and his... very attractive son?

Me: "oh yeah, you're much more of a Thanos."

Thanos: "I'm take that Maw is dead."

??: "aw man, that really takes a giant toll on uncle maw."

Thanos: "do you know what planet we're on, Doctor?"

Me: "let me guess, your home?"

Thanos nods his head, then the cute boy excitingly said "can I tell the story dad, please?"

To my surprise, Thanos then chuckles softly and said "alright, (Y/N)."

Me: '(Y/N)... cute name.'

Another thing that really did unexpectedly surprised me, (Y/N) has the gauntlet and used the reality Stone to show what Titan used to be like while he was saying what happened at titan.

(Y/N): "Titan was a beautiful planet but it was like most planets. For an example: too many mouths and not enough to go around. So when the Titans faced extinction, dad then offered a solution."

Me: "genocide."

The reality faded back into its original state.

Me: "congratulations, your dad is a prophet."

(Y/N): "he's a survivor."

Me: "who wants to murder trillions."

Thanos: "What I did is true but ever since I've met (Y/N), 'my life has changed for the better' I believe that's how humans pronounce that sentence."

Me: "well, what would you do when you get all six of the stones?"

(Y/N): "well, dad has allowed me to use them to be a hero. I was thinking of going to Beacon and then we both join the avengers eventually."

Thanos: "compassionate people like him deserve to be a true hero."

I then got ready and then said "well, I think it's about time to pass our hero test."


(No One's POV.)

You: "Our?"

You look up and saw that Thanos was about to be crushed by a giant building, so you used the space stone to teleport him back to the ship to keep him safe.

Then You used the reality Stone to turn the building into a colony of bats to distract Tony.

Then Drax screams in rage and the guardians of the galaxy tries to attack you but failed.

Then you realised something.

you trapped Dr Strange, StarLordess, Gamora, Mantis, Nebula and SpiderGirl in a cage.

Then you trapped Tony, Drax, Groot and Rocket in quicksand thanks to the Reality and Space Stones.


(Your POV.)

Dr Strange: "Stop. If you get all of us out of the cage and quicksand. I promise you, I will give you the Stone."

I used the space stone to got them out of the quicksand and let them out of the cage but I firmly said "no tricks."

The Doctor's magic then reveals the time stone.

the time stone floated to me. I then put the time stone on the gauntlet.

I then used the Space Stone to teleport the guardians of the Galaxy with their ship, SpiderGirl, Iron Man and Dr Strange to Remnant in Vale.

I teleported to dad, when I got back up in dad's ship, he hugged me with some tears streaming down his face.

Me: "I'm sorry I scared you, dad. I didn't want you killed on the very planet you was trying to help."

Dad: "it's ok. Now, two more stones to go."

Me: "could we look for the mind stone next, please?"

Dad: "alright."

Me: "awesome but is it ok if we find the Soul Stone without teleporting to its location, please?"

Dad: "alright."

I then teleport to Wakanda and apparently they expected me, so I used the time stone to pause time for a short period, grabbed Vision, put her in a sleep like state and put her in a special pod that will remove the mind stone but it will keep her alive and her A.I. Will be the same but it will be in a vibranium and adamantium robot body.

After a few minutes, the stone is removed.

I put the stone in the center of the gauntlet and teleported to a hiding spot in a tree where Gamora is.

I used the Mind Stone to read her mind.

Gamora: '(Y/N) has access to most of the stones and he is obedient to Thanos. if they know that the Soul Stone is on Vormir, then it's over."

I then teleported back to the ship and told dad where the Soul Stone is.

Dad: "well... we got a long way to go, make sure you get some rest, son."

Me: "ok, dad."

I went to bed and started to get some shut eye.


(No one's POV.)

While you was sleeping, the time stone started to glow and it affected your dream."


(Your Dream POV.)



Me: "I love you Dad."

Dad: "I love you too, son."



????/?????/??????: are you my daddy?"

Me: "yes. Yes I am."



Me: "I forgive you."

????/????/?????/????: "thank you."



Me: "You should have gone for the head."

"No!" As a figure shouted as I...



Me: "I love you dad..."

Dad tearfully said "I love you too, son..."


(Your POV.)

I woke up from my dream and I saw we are now at Vormir. I told dad about the really whacked out dream I had.

Dad: "Ok. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Me: "more then anything."

Dad then holds my hand and I used the Space stone to teleport us near the Soul Stone.

Then a wraith-like figure appears and spoke "Thanos, son of A'lars - son of Chronos. (Y/N) - son of Thanos."

Me: "You know who we are?"

The figure replied "It is my curse to know all who seek the soul stone."

The figure reveals his face, a red skull-like face, I read his mind and apparently his name is Red Skull.

Me: "What happened to you?"

Red Skull: "A lifetime ago, I too sought the stones... I even held one in my hand. But it cast me out, banished me here, guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess."

Thanos: "you know where the soul stone is?"

Red Skull: "follow me."

We followed him to the location of the Soul stone.

I looked around and I asked "where's the stone?"

Red Skull: "the Soul has a very special place in the stones, it demands a sacrifice."

Me: "of what?"

Red Skull: "In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. A soul for a soul."

I then realised what he meant and looked at dad.

Thanos hugs me and said in my ear "It's ok little one. I know you don't want me to go but I will see you again."

I looked at him and said "I love you Dad."

Dad: "I love you too, son."

I then use the power stone to throw him off the cliff and... end him. I didn't want to but I didn't have a choice.

I closed my eyes and I felt water around me, I then noticed I was in the water near the island.

I then saw my hand was closed in a fist, I opened it and saw it was the Soul Stone.

I teleported myself and dad's body back on the ship.

I then put the Soul Stone on the gauntlet and I felt power accelerating out through my body.

After that, I teleported the whole ship to Vale.

I then was attacked by the Guardians and Avengers.

SpiderGirl webbed my right arm, one of the Guardians forced me down and Mantis gets on my back and uses her abilities to stun me.

Rocket: "ha, how does it feel to lose and fail Thanos?"

StarLordess: "Speaking of which, where is Thanos?"

Me: "D...Dad..."

Mantis: "he is in anguish. He... he mourns."

Drax: "what does the son of a monster got to mourn?"

Me: "I... I... i'm... So...S-sorry,"

Tears streamed down my face as I remembered times with dad. I love him with my whole heart and I always will.


(No One's POV.)

After you asked Black Panther to replace your arm with a metal one and fuse the infinity gauntlet with it and bonded with the Avengers, you saw a man you never expected to see.

?????: "hello, I am Professor Ozma and I would like to ask if You, Scarlet Witch, Vision and SpiderGirl would like to join Beacon Academy."

SpiderGirl: "Mr Stark, is-"

Tony: "Yes, you may join Beacon Academy."

Vision: "May we, Wanda?"

Wanda nods her head.

The professor looks at me and said "(Y/N)?"

I looked around, I then remembered my original mum and dad back at Patch, then at my Dad.

Me: "Ok, but I'm bringing my Dad's body... because I want to try and resurrect him."

Oz nods his head and said "You four will be enrolled at Beacon, tomorrow."

(A/N): 'Disclaimer: you and Thanos have a very strong father/son relationship and you both love each other as a father and a son would. Spoiler's and P.S, sorry if I'm an absolute jerk about killing Thanos off but don't worry, he will be resurrected soon. I know I said it too soon but the Reader in this story needs plenty of motivation and no one gives the Reader plenty of motivation then the person who took care of him for nine years. I hope you understand what I mean.'

To be continued...

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