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I'm the new rookie on my team of ODSTs, our ship was hit and everyone got the hell out but we were the last prepping our pods and then it was time to drop as we were falling there was a large flash from our ship as it went nuclear, we were getting ready to hit the cloud layer by the time the ship exploded but the shockwave knocked us all out but me... when we hit the ground my pods door flew off and landed several feet in front of me as my teams pods landed around me.
There doors all opened but they were all unconscious and I tried to waking them up but they were just unresponsive then I ducked as a phantom flew over and started to unload troops nearby  but then just in case if the covies come here il put them over in the shadows covered by the doors with there weapons to keep them safe as I went into cover to scout out the area to make sure it's safe I gripped the handle of my SMG as I saw covies headed my way I pulled out my sniper rifle and aimed for the brute leading the grunts as I took him out as his grunts all went crazy running all over the place, As I picked them off one by one I could swear I saw confetti come out of some of there heads...
I was heading back to my little"encampment"seeing 2 of my squad mates start moving I moved the doors out of the way and tried to shake one just in case but still no response I saw a pile of sandbags and started to make a bit of a entrenchment to help provide protection,then a couple of pelicans flew east I knew that's where the nearest outpost would be or at least a deployment of soldiers that have transport,then my team leader woke up and walked over to me and asked "what's the situation?"
I said "there are covies on all sides but a deployment of UNSC to the east,and the rest of the team is unconscious and have minor wounds."
"So, were screwed until they wake up."
"That's how I assess the situation yes and also I went scouting a bit and found myself caught in a covies patrol heading for you."
"So they know we're here so that means it's just a matter of time before they find us or the team wakes up"
"There's no way in hell were getting out of here with everyone strapped to us." *I look over to see a entrance to a building that looked easily defensible for a fire fight* "look sir?" *i said as pointing to the building* "that looks like a good starting point." *we moved all of our team and gear over to the building*
-------time skip to the sun setting-------
*I activated my helmets  nightvision mode as I looked over the balcony only to see a marine squad barely holding each other up as they walked into the square*"CAPTAIN!!" I yelled as he ran over to me and saw the squad then he responded "GET THEM IN HERE!" With a commanding tone then I ran outside as fast as I could only to have all there guns pointed at me then I said "Come inside that building we have sort of a small base set up there!" They immediately got up and started helping  each other up as they slowly walked into the building as I went back on watch with my sniper on the balcony aiming down the only way in meanwhile the captain was asking the soldiers what had happened but all he got was moans and grunts of pain then I saw something weird in the plaza it was a sort of puffy thing with tentacles I examined it through the scope looking for a weak point but to my surprise it was full of them then all of a sudden it exploded into a bunch of plasma grenades that woke up everyone in the building as my captain walked over to me"WHATS GOING ON ARE WE UNDER ATTACK?!"
"No but this weird thing exploded into plasma grenades??" I asked shocked at what I had just saw then he went back inside as I looked through my scope only to see a patrol going to the place of the detonation then I quickly but silently went over to the captain and told what was going on outside as I rushed back to the sniper aiming up the brutes head like before getting ready to pull the trigger waiting for my captains command then he yelled "FIRE!!!" As the marines and me unleashed hell upon them as they all dropped dead within seconds then all of a sudden a Tentacle GRABBED MY ARM as I swung wildly and fell backwards ripping my arm out of its hold as I held my SMG at it then it did something I didn't expect it came closer to me and placed something on my arm I dropped my SMG and looked at the thing right as my captain was about to shoot it then I said "NO WAIT STOP!!"
He was about to unload on it as it touched another part of my armor changing it into something else as it began to shake off this belt which had active plasma grenades then I took out my combat knife and sliced the belt off throwing it over the balcony and then you could see the large blue explosion caused by it then I squeezed my fist with the new armor as a red energy sword came out just above my fist as it glowed I Relaxed my fist and the blade dissolved. Then I went inside only to find it giving the ODSTs the same blades and also healing the injured soldiers me and the captain just stared as it healed the soldiers...


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