Midnight gossip

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Ivykit perked her ears at the sound of a twig cracking. She blinked opening her eyes sleepily. Who would be coming in the nursery this early?"Shh!" A swishing noise sounded from behind Ivykit. She recognized her mothers tone at once. Tallpoppy had always had a rasp since Ivykit could remember. Suddenly Ivykit felt the warm comfort of her mother hoisted up and away from her. It was nearly moon high and the den was almost pitch black. Only light enough for Ivykit to see the light brown silhouette of her mother.


"Did you not hear me say shh? You'll wake my kits and the whole camp with that noise!" Tallpoppy rasped in a low voice.

"My apologies Tallpoppy."

Ivykit could detect the voice of Shadowclan's medicine cat ,Littlecloud, sounding from the nursery entrance. Once she saw her mothers silhouette vanish out the nursery entrance she rose to her paws and stretched wanting to see what was so important that it had to be talked about during moonhigh. Ivykit strained to hear what Littlecloud had come to say to her mother. Yet, she only heard their pawsteps pad away towards the farther side of camp. She prepared herself to follow, but a tiny paw smacked against her hind leg. Owlkit!

"Watch where you put your paws," Ivykit mumbled, afraid he'd wake up to find their mother gone. Then he'd want to get out and explore. She quietly jumped out of the nest to go see where Tallpoppy and Littlecloud had ventured off too.

Before she made it to the nursery entrance Ivykit heard a plump behind her. Owlkit! Her brother had been up! Now he was attempting to follow her. The dark brown kit scrambled to his paws.

"Where are you going?" His tired voice sounded offended that she'd leave him behind.

Ivykit was about to respond until she heard the sounds of voices returning and saw the light brown, tabby pelt under the moonlight just outside the nursery entrance. They were coming back!

"Get back!" Ivykit warned scampering back to their nest picking Owlkit up by the scruff, surprised at how heavy he was and placed him beside her.

"Hey what was-"

Ivykit covered his mouth with her tail, before he could say more and pricked her ears.

"I just don't know Littlecloud, others would be suspicious if I ask Blackstar to apprentice her now." Tallpoppy's voice rasped from the entrance of the nursery.

"What are they saying?" Owlkit mumbled through Ivykits tail.

"Shh," Ivykit meowed straining to hear more.

"She was born moons before her brother," Littlecloud meowed as if they'd discussed this before. "You were out looking for a sunny spot to bask in when she was born and Owlkit never came and we worried he was going to be a still born, but he finally came."

Ivykit couldn't help but realize they were talking about her and Owlkit. She knew the story of her birth and why Owlkit was a lot smaller and younger than she. She could remember the faint sounds of her birth. The shrieks of many cats and remembered being hoisted up high and then felt as if she was being carried on the back of a large cat then dropped and thats as far as she remembered. Once she opened her eyes her mother was petting her head with the tip of her tail smiling. Tallpoppy's belly had been round with Owlkit at the time. Every cat in Shadowclan had said her and her brother were blessings from Starclan.

The sound of pawsteps entering the nursery brought Ivykit back to the present.She quickly curled up as if she were sleeping. "Act like your sleeping!" she hissed silently to her smaller brother. He quickly fell in suit and together they looked as if they'd never moved.

Tallpoppy slowly curled up at the end of the nest and ran her tail over Ivykit's spine and the conversation that Ivykit had overheard came back to her. Would her mother really ask Blackstar for her to be apprenticed before her brother? That couldn't be fair! They were kin!

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