Wolf on the hunt

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The moon's light did not shine on the city of vale, it was shrouded in darkness with the only lights being those from buildings, houses, apartments, restaurants and stores, as cars drove through the silent night and above the city a lone crow flew and it made its way towards a castle like structure, were the moon did shine or I should say, part of the moon

Y/N: Was I even you're son?

A young faunus boy with wolf ears is seen bandaging his wounds in a room that can't even be considered a room as it only had a mattress and a closet, he was alone, he was crying and no one was there for him

Quill: Ye-Yes you are Y/N, you are my son and I love you, so please come back . . . with me

A much older version of Y/N appears standing in front of his mother Quill Branwen who had tears in front of her eyes as her son had a gun pointed straight at her

Y/N: Did you?

A shot is shown with Quill slapping Y/N in the face while the whole family was looking at them, with Yang and Ruby laughing and the other adults just staring

Y/N: Did you really love me?

Quill: . . . . .

Quill remains silent as she stared into Y/N's cold and broken eyes which held hate, anger, rage and sadness in them as things change to the day Y/N and Yang fought, the moment when Y/N snapped and was beating Yang, as he slams her down and was going to end her live with the claws he had grown

Quill: Y/N . . please understand I . . .

Y/N: Shut up!! *presses the gun to her head*

Quill gasp as she continues to stare into his eyes and then it cuts to a young Y/N's eyes as he stares at the two blades that aimed to kill him, blades that belong to Raven and his own mother Quill



"🎶 I feel you crumbling in my arms down to you're heart of stone🎶"

A young Y/N is seen drowning as his body continues to descend down into the depths of the ocean that is until his eyes open wide

Oum: Y/N you're special and you're death

Young Y/N is seen walking towards a pound that was in the middle of large room that had two sides, one side was filled with light while the other was filled with darkness

Oum: You were fated to do so much and destined for absolute greatness but it seems that the forces of darkness had foreseen you

"🎶You bleed me dry just like the tears you neveeer shooooow🎶"

Young Y/N was seen in a pit on the side of darkness, surrounded by Grimm who looked at him with hunger and hate, as the young g boy looked around him, scared, frightened, but determined

Oum: That is why

Images flash showing different events like Y/N getting his arm cut off and dodging the sword that aimed to cut off his neck, small, large and giant size Grimm kneeling in front of him, him standing in middle while his teammates and pack of wolves surrounded him, Y/N shooting Jacques Schnee in the head and then Y/N is shown colliding fist against Taiyang. But then we go back to the in between as oum pushes a much older Y/N into the pound

Oum: I shall give you a second chance

Y/N body splashes against the water as he slowly submerges under the water's if the pound, he's body then waking up in the forest

Y/N: *gasp and sits up with his expression being one that shows his speechless and shocked*

Shows an image of Summer rose under his feet, beaten, injured, bruised and with tears in her eyes

Oum: So you can make wrong things, right

Then it shows Y/N making out with Blake Belladonna and then it shows him smiling with Weiss Schnee as we go back to the forest he had woken up in, an Ursa appears out of from behind a tree

"🎶I feel you crumbling🎶"

The Ursa pins him down and attempts to crush him, but Y/N screams and punches the Ursa in the face, hard enough that he cracks it's face and then sends him crashing to some trees when he kicks it

"🎶I feel you crumbling🎶"

The Ursa pierces Y/N in the chest, which makes him scream in pain, but he doesn't look like he's dying, he grabs the Ursa's wrist and crushes it, and slowly pushes it back, summons one of his large size wolves that tackles the Ursa and starts shredding it and eating it

"🎶I feel you Crumbling🎶"

Oum: Y/N

Y/N stared down in shock at his body, he's wounds began to heal instantly and go back to the way they used to be like if nothing ever happened to him

Oum: You were given the power of both light and dark

"🎶For heaven's sake🎶"

Y/N stood in between the sisters of light and darkness as they gave him their powers, which seemed to be a painful experience with Y/N kneeling down on the floor while gritting his teeth, as he close his eyes and spread his arms out, opening his eyes ones again to the sky, one eye shined black while the other shined white

"🎶My bones will break🎶"

As back in the forest, a group of other Ursa and Beowolves appear and one Beowulf approaches Y/N who slowly reaches out his hand towards the beast

Oum: You are the balance of both sides, you can do whatever you want

Y/N placed his hand on the Beowulf's head and the Beowulf did not attack him nor did he reject Y/N's touch

Oum: Whether it be something good

Y/N is seen healing himself with his combat clothes almost torn, stands over a defeated Adam Taurus who did not have his mask and his katana was broken haft

Oum: Or something bad

Y/N grabs Ruby by the neck and lifts her up, as he takes out his sword and aims it at her face, which showed an expression of fear, sadness and pleading

"I'm going to fix the world"

Y/N is seen sitting down in Ozpin office, both stared at one another with tension brewing in the air as neither showed any signs of pleasantries

Y/N:And if anyone stands in my way, I'm killing them


Aiming through Crimson Twilights scope, Y/N's target is revealed to be Roman Torchwick, taking aim at the pro thief who was shouting at members of the white fang

"🎶Find my way out🎶"

He then immediately takes out one of his revolvers and aims it at someone who was charging at him, going to pull the trigger before everything goes black

"🎶Find my way out🎶"

Y/N is seen standing in the middle of a burning village, his mask off as he stares at Raven Branwen who also had their mask arm and did not look pleased at all

Raven: You're supposed to be dead

Y/N: Yeah, I was

Cameras were flashing, as fancy cars rolled up to a theater and then we change towards Winter Schnee and James Ironwood who are walking down a hallway in Atlas

Winter: We have a problem General

Y/N is in a warehouse, a light shining down at the blueprints he was looking at which show some kind of facility

Winter: This individual's is going after more than just criminals, he attacked my family

Ironwood tilts his head confused and then it shows Y/N putting on his mask, as he looks at himself in the mirror

"🎶Find my way out🎶"

He takes out his sword and points it at the mirror, tilting his head to the side once he sees he's injured younger self looking at him

"🎶Find my way out (guitar then starts playing)🎶"

Y/N is seen armed and fully suit up while walking down a street with a pack of wolves, citizen run away when they see him

Ozpin: His impulsing with so much anger

Ozpin is seen in a void like realm with two other individuals, one being oum while the other is a pale woman in a black dress

"🎶??????🎶" (Author: I won't lie, there is one part of the lyrics I can't understand)

Y/N walk towards White fang soldiers who started pilling him with bullets, which he tanked, once he got close enough to them he fell to his knees with his head down

Salem: It's not anger you old fool

One white fang soldier got close, his gun still trained on Y/N while being very cautious and nervous, we go back to the void and see Salem smirking at Ozpin

Salem: It's love

Y/N receives flash backs of his father and the girls his brought into his live, Blake, Weiss, Touka and so many others, as he opens his eyes and a wolf sprout out of him, tackling the white fang soldier

"🎶Then take what you want from me🎶"

Different events are shown, first one showing Summer and Y/N clash with one another, then it shows Yang punching him and she goes to punch him again, but he catches her fist,

"🎶Take what you need from🎶"

and lastly it shows him shooting down white fang members with his revolvers while his wolves tackle and bite down many white fangs members on the background

"🎶Take what you want🎶"

Ozpin: Do you not see what you have become Y/N?

Y/N: A protector

"🎶and go🎶"

Y/N cuts down an atlas soldier and gets shot by one, so he shoots the atlas soldier back, killing him, as Y/N is then seen walking into his old room with his hands full of blood

"🎶Take what you want from me🎶"

Salem: Did you know that love only promises pain?

Y/N: It does in a way

Y/N screams at his reflection, as he's seen clashing blades with Raven who's using her maiden powers while he overwhelmed her with his power of light

"🎶Take what you need from me🎶"

Y/N is seen relaxing with the girls, as they all laugh and kiss him

"🎶Take what you want and gooo🎶"

A bloodied Clover crawls backwards, the imposing figure of Y/N walks slowly towards him with his scythe out, he raises it and slams it down on Clover

Ironwood: *weakly* You have no idea

Y/N gets stab in the back by white fang member with chainsaw sword, as he grunts and spits out blood

Ironwood: *weakly* What awaits you L/N

Y/N takes out one his revolvers and shoots himself, which in turn hits the white fang soldiers who dies and falls to the floor

"🎶Take what you want from me🎶"

Y/N and Ozpin charge at one another

Y/N: I do actually

"🎶Take what you need from me🎶"

Y/N scythe clashes with Quills scythe

"🎶Take what you want and—"

Y/N entered the stage and threw two bags towards the crowd


Y/N held his arms to his sides, looking at the crowd of people without fear, but with determination, as then it shows him shooting a Neo that shatters like glass, fighting Ironwood with Crimson Twilight in sniper mode and lastly cutting Tyrian head with his scythe while screaming, as everything goes black





"Have you ever been loved before?"

"🎶I'll never be alone🎶"

Y/N reloads Crimson Twilight while walking slowly towards Vale with an army of wolves and Grimm following being him

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