Y/N vs Union, sneak peak of next fight

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Inside the walls of section in Unity city dub the Empire, we find ourselves a smoking building with a hole on the side, in the room, which is styled as a Japanese dinner room, we find multiple dead bodies, piles of dust and men with holes in their chest, like if they were shot by something. A bastard looking old man was getting punched and brutally beaten by tall and muscular individual with purple hair, his face is not shown as his looking down at the old man face and punches it again. Close to them was a Yamaha VMax motorcycle, parked and chilling, but it also had a little bit of dried blood on it

Purple hair guy: Had enough fucker?

Bastard old man: Ple-Please mer- {coughs out blood} mercy please I-I beg {coughs out more blood* I be-beg

Purple hair guy: Mercy? did you give those innocent girls mercy? did any of you're boys give them mercy? {takes out a sawed-off Winchester 1887 lever action shotgun and aims it at the old man's face} there won't be any mercy for you, and I don't have any left to give you

The purple hair man reloads his shotgun and presses it right on the old bastards forehead, the guilty man cries and continues to bleed out from the injuries his been brutally given and closes his eyes like if accepting his fate, the purple hair guy's finger is about to press the trigger until

"Hold it right there!"

He stops and turns around, revealing his white eyes and scar that was on the bottom of his lips

Y/N Blaze

Y/N: Oh great, it's you guys

In the hole he made, when he crashed in the building, two female individuals could be seen standing there casually and with guards down, one had long blue hair, blue eyes, a black symbol on her chest and military grade uniform


And beside Esdeath was a girl with short black hair, black eyes, pale skin, and a black and red sailor outfit 


Y/N: Tsk! Jaegers

Esdeath: By orders of the empire you shall stand down and come with us quietly

Kurome: So, step away from the wrinkly old man please would you? the empire still has—

Y/N: No



The two see the bastard old man fall to the floor with a large bullet hole on his forehead, with a lot of blood coming out of it, as his lifeless eyes looked up at the ceiling

Kurome: Aaaand there goes one of the kings trusted allies, what a shame

Y/N: This is why I'm here, the Empire is rotten with corruption, innocent people are disappearing and dying in instant everyday and no one is—

Y/N stops when all of a sudden blood started to come out his mouth, he slowly looks down and sees Esdeath's sword pierce his chest, all of a sudden he started to feel his knees growing weak and slowly felt his life go away

Esdeath: {smirks} Oh I'm sorry love~ do you see anyone here wanting to listen to your heroic explanation~?

Y/N: Fu—Fuck you bitch {coughs out blood} monster

Esdeath: Oooh~ I know I'm a monster and I love being one~ now just stand there and die okay~?

Y/N hands shake, as he slowly raised them towards the sword, blood coming out of his chest and mouth, Kurome watch the whole scene and sighed

Kurome: Awww why'd you had to kill him Esdeath? he looks cute, I wanted to get to know him better

Esdeath: {turns to Kurome with a smile} Sorry Kurome dear, I just got tired of his starting monologue that I just had to shut him up, but hey maybe you can add him into you're collection right? then he'll always be there for you

Kurome: Hmm {starts walking towards them} you're right hehe why didn't I think of that {unsheathes her katana a little}

Esdeath was going to pull out her sword, but something held her back, she turned back towards Y/N and saw one of his hands holding her blade and holding it tightly

Y/N: You really {haft of his face start burning} shouldn't have done that

Y/N burst into flames which makes Esdeath let go of her sword and jump away with Kurome following her action, they both watch Y/N's transformation, his skin burns and only leaves his skeleton, his jacket and clothes get scorched up with his shoulder growing spikes, and lastly his skeleton head got on fire. Once he was done his soulless eyes look towards the girls and stared at them with an intimidating presence

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider: {summons a chain and wraps it around him} You will both die

Esdeath sword which was still on Ghost Rider's chest now falls with of the blade now gone while the other haft remains on the floor, what's left of the top being shown to have been melted

Kurome: This {grabs the hilt of her sword tightly and gets in a stance} doesn't look good

Esdeath: I know, but no solution comes without challenges {presses a device on her ear} Jaegers, move in

The doors to the room are burst open, as a tall, shirtless, muscular, mask wearing man with a tank and flamethrower enters the room


Bols: Good day, mister skull face {presses the trigger and fires at Ghost Rider} I would kindly ask you to embrace what's about to happen

The flames hit Ghost Rider, but did nothing, as the spirit of vengeance just stands there and grabs his chain which he then launches at Bols who quickly stops firing and moves out of the way in time to dodge the chain which returns back to Ghost Rider who wraps it around his body again

Ghost Rider: Is that all?

Esdeath: {glares} No, it's not {presses the de ice on her ear again} Wave!

Someone burst through the ceiling and Ghost Rider slowly glances back to see a man in a suit of armor holding a sword, as haft his face is shown, but it slowly gets covered by the armor


Wave: I'm here! {unsummon the sword and summons a spear} Take this demon! {lunges towards Ghost Rider}

Wave goes for a downward slash and Ghost Rider still doesn't move from his spot, he actually catches the blade of the spear which surprises Wave, Bols and Kurome, and then backhands wave hard enough that it launches him towards Bols who couldn't react in time as Wave crashes into him, tbey crash through a wall and are then seen slowly falling off the building, but Wave was quick enough to recover and stab his spear on the side of the wall, he reaches out for Bols, but the man was too far

Wave: No!

Bols: {falls} AAAAAH!! {is suddenly caught} huh? oh thank goodness you are here Run


Run: Always a pleasure Bols, I rather not make that sweet daughter of yours fatherless

Bols: Hehe thank you my friend

Run: Did you're teigu harm our target

Bols: No, they did not, I will be useless in this battle

Run: Do not worry my friend I'm sure you will help us in some way

Run sets down Bols on a nearby building and then goes towards Wave to help him, as back inside the room, Ghost Rider still stands where he is, looking away from where he had thrown Wave and Bols and back towards Esdeath and Kurome

Esdeath: Alright then {presses the device on her ear again} Jaegers be ready acid a long night

Dr. Stylish: {through coms} Loud and clear General Esdeath, it's time for a show!

Seryu: {through coms} That's right Doctor! let's bring this bad man some justice

Ghost Rider: The Jaegers are all here hmm?

Esdeath starts making a replica of her sword using ice and floor beneath her begins to slowly freeze

Ghost Rider: You are all guilty

Kurome starts unsheathing her sword, as sparks of purple electricity flew out and on the floor of the room, multiple figures began to come out of the ground

Ghost Rider: Non of you {grabs his chain and slowly in wraps it from himself, as his motorcycle starts to burn and transform} will escape here

Run and Wave enter the room, as Wave starts charging towards Ghost Rider while Run launches sharp feathers towards Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider: You will all {makes his chain burst into flames, as it extends} DIE! {swings his chain forward}

Ghost Rider VS The Jaegers

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