Q&A || Second Edition

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Hi guys

I'm doing another Q&A!

I've noticed that with trailers there are smaller elements that aren't big enough for their own chapter. Also, I'm so used to everything at this point that there are some things I don't even think about to discuss.

I hope these questions below can help you figure some things out and also get to know a little bit more about me because who wouldn't want to, right?

Totally kidding

These questions were asked by @Hungerkittens and @a-dora-ble . I thank you both for taking the time to ask these awesome questions (and I'm sure many others do too!).

Here we go!

  - What's the process of making a trailer?  

There is really no set process. Trailer making allows the trailer maker to do some pretty creative things. If I had to give a basic line up, it'd probably be this:

Find/download clips, find/download music, add text slides, edit those text slides and clips on your software, and finally upload your finished product.

^^ Makes it sound so simple doesn't it? If only it were, haha.

- What program do you use to make trailers?  

I personally use Sony Vegas Pro. I had been using Sony Vegas Movie Studio but I was offered the chance to upgrade and I took it. I'm head over heels in LOVE with my software (and Sony products in general)

-  Do you follow a specific template? (Like Title page, text, scene, text, etc.)

It changes per trailer. It's really up to the trailer maker to decide depending on the genre/theme. I usually find myself doing something along these lines:

Text, at least three clips, text, at least three clips ----- this goes on until I get to the end of the text, then I usually add multiple clips and the credits

- Favorite fonts? Transitions? 

For action trailers, my favorite font is Trajan Pro. For romance/other trailers I tend to lean more towards the font Young and Beautiful.

Transitions wise, I don't find myself using these as much as I used to. I just typically fade clips into one another (on Sony Vegas it's very easy. You just literally shove two clips together. It's a very smooth transition)

- What trailer did you find the hardest to make?

Oh goodness. It's hard to pick just one. I find myself having trouble with most of them. Usually I have trouble with inspiration. I really want to give the person the best trailer I can and most of the time I feel like I'm not talented enough to do that for them. I can admit, sometimes I'm so so proud of a trailer but usually I end up seeing every little mistake.

- Funfacts: Most overused actor/actress/songs/movie scenes (for you, ofc)

Oh gosh. 100% honesty Nina Dobrev is perhaps the most used actor by me. I tend to pick her if I'm ever given the chance. She's very easy to work with for trailers. She no joke has a clip for EVERYTHING. Always makes my life easier. 

For actor, if I had to choose, I'd say Harry Styles (that one direction dude). People try very hard to throw him into every trailer and genre :p 

He's alright clip wise, it just depends on the genre. 

 -  What is the worst part of making a trailer? The best?  

The worst part of trailer making for me is all the doubt. When I'm doing one I find myself spending more time redoing things and hating the text I choose/clip I used etc . . . There's just so many amazing trailer makers out there who are drop dead AMAZING and I always try to make my trailers as realistic as there's and I feel like sometimes I can't.

The best part is, no doubt, the person's reaction when they get the trailer. They're so happy and amazed and it's just the best feeling in the world knowing that someone liked something that you worked very hard on.

-  How long does it take you to make a trailer, on average?

It depends sort of on the time period, haha. School has made it very unpredictable. If I was able to just sit down and had no distractions or nothing to do that would rush or cut me off, I would say about five hours.

It sounds crazy I know. Usually it takes anywhere between 30minutes to an hour to find clips. Usually this is split up. I tend to do a text slide, find clips for it, add another slide, then find clips for that etc . . .

Two hours or so is spent editing. It takes a long time to add everything together and sometimes the software crashes or you end up hating something and you redo it.

I spend probably a total of 30-40 minutes waiting. Either waiting for things to download or load or anything along those lines.

And then it usually takes around an hour for the video to completely upload to YouTube.

- Are you interested in the movie world, or is this just a hobby? 

I'm so in love with editing and movies that I have to work in that field. I'm currently majoring in Film. My dream job is to be a movie editor. 

How many trailers have you made so far? (For Wattpad)

As of right now, I've made 845 [maybe a little more. I'm getting that number from YouTube and a few trailers have gotten deleted along the way]

- Favorite genre to make trailers for.

Probably action. Usually timing face-paced clips to the music can be challenging and fun. I find the trailers came out better too.

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