Chapter 3: Julian's Battery

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After the boys gave up for the day, Lucy and Sky spent some time together so Julian could have some space after the disappointment he experienced.  Sky was helping Sarah and Lucy with making dinner for Trinity and the boys.  Of course, Julian and Bubbles weren't going to come over for dinner since Sarah and Lucy only criticizes them for their past mistakes and Sky knew Julian didn't want to hear the same old bullshit. 

When Sky was fixing some chicken, the smell of the cooking meat, suddenly, made her stomach lurch angrily.  Gagging, Sky drops the fork she used and takes off running towards the nearest bathroom.  Sarah and Lucy both look up in alert and worry, chasing after Sky.

"Sky? Sky, are you all right?" Lucy calls out against the door.

But, all they could hear was retching sounds as Sky continues to vomit.  Sarah grimaces at the sound.  

"God! I'm so sorry, Lucy. I don't know what happened.  I haven't been feeling that great over the past few days." Sky says, then gags again.  

"Few days?" Sarah asks, and frowns at Lucy.

"Yeah, I think somethings going around and I must have caught it." Sky says and they hear the water running from the water bottles Lucy keeps in her bathroom.  

Sarah gives Lucy a look that makes her sigh in realization, "Do you think...?"

"Sky?  I need ask you something, Sweetie.   Um...when's the last time you had your period?" Sarah asks hesitantly.

Sky thinks, "Um, I was suppose to have it about a few weeks ago, but I've been late before." She shrugs.

"And when did you and Julian last have sex?" Lucy asks.

Sky blushes and rinses her mouth out, spitting down the drain, "2 days ago." She was growing confused with all the questions. 

"And before then?" Sarah asks.

"...a month..." Sky's voice falters and they both hear a thud.  Suddenly, the door yanks open and Sky stood there, numbed and in shock, "No fucking way!"

Lucy gave Sky a spare pregnancy test she keeps in the bathroom cabinet and the waiting game begins.  

The camera crew spies through the window as Sky was pacing the floor. A few minutes later, they watch Lucy walk into the living room with a shocked look as she hands Sky the pregnancy test.  Sky takes it and falls back to sit on the couch.  The camera zooms in on Lucy's and Sarah's worried faces.  

"Pregnant!" Sky exclaims at the camera crew in complete shock as they interview her. "I'm fucking pregnant with Julian's baby.  How in the hell is that possible?!" She scoffs and rubs her worried face, "Ugh! It's the worst time for this to happen.  Julian is so obsessed with getting his business started and I'm up to my neck in bills cause the bar's fixtures.  I don't know what to do.  I don't know how he's going to react to this." She sighs and looks down at her belly, rubbing it gently.  "God." She sniffles. "I always wanted to be a mom, but...Julian and I aren't even married and I don't want to use this baby as a way to pressure him into something like that." 

Sky looks at Sarah and Lucy in worry, "What am I going to do?" Her voice wobbles and she covers her face and begins to cry.

"Oh, Sky." Lucy sighs and sits next to her, hugging her in support and comfort with Sarah.  "It's gonna be ok." 

"Yeah, we're here for you." Sarah rubs her back.  

After calming down, Lucy calls the local obstetrician and sets up an appointment.

"Ok, Doctor Parks will see you in two days at 10 AM, that's the earliest time he can see you.  This could be a false positive.  You can't always trust these things." Lucy says after she hangs up her phone and tosses the test away. 

"If it's for real...what am I going to tell Julian?" Sky scoffs out.

"Just tell him.  Rip off the bandaid." Sarah states.

"And if he tells me to get an abortion?" Sky asks sarcastically.

"Julian would never say that." Lucy rolls her eyes. "He loves kids.  He was always great with Trinity when she was born."

"Even if he does, fuck him.  It's your body.  You do what you feel.  Just remember you got us and we'll be there for you." Sarah says as she sits close to her and place a hand on top of Sky's.

"Absolutely. We women need to stick together." Lucy says as she sits on the other side next to Sky and place her on top of Sarah's.

Sky laughs and sniffles, "I really appreciate you both." She stops and sighs deeply.  "I never expected this to happen so soon.  I love Julian so much.  I want to be with him always.  I was hoping to get off birth control when his business was running smoothly.  Where we could be financially stable enough to...I don't know.  Live together, talk about marriage one day...start a family." She shrugs.  

"Well, looks like someone thinks you should be rushing.  Once the doctor confirms if you are or not, sit down and talk to Julian about all this and see what he wants.  Share your thoughts with him. He's a very understanding person." Lucy states. 

Sky sighs and nods, feeling Sarah stroke her hair in support and comfort. She just hopes that Julian wants the same.  To completely be with her and, if she was pregnant, to be the father of her child.


Meanwhile, Ricky was seeking advice and the only person who seemed like a good idea to go to was his father, Ray.  Ray was released around the same time when the boys were released and, of course, he went back to his home, the dump.  He also found a new 'house'.  An abandoned, broken down tugboat.  

"Hey, Rick!" Ray waves as he sees Ricky arriving at the dump. 

Ricky was in complete shock with the sight, "Oh my, f*ck. Dad! This is it?" He exclaims as he gets out of his car. 

Ray waves him up, "Come on up, man!"

"This is your new house? A fucking tugboat? I love it!" Ricky says as he climbs the ladder to get on the boat.  

Ray smiles, and welcomes his son with a hug, "Ah, Buddy!"

"Hey, man!"

"Watch your step here." Ray says as he leads Ricky down into the boat.  Both of them sigh as they sit down.  Ray could see right there that something was bothering him.  

"So, how are things going? Not so good, I hear. Success isn't doing so good. Is that what it is?" Ray asks, even though he knew the answers already.  

Ricky chews on some bread and shakes his head in despair, with his eyes facing the ground, "Not one customer, Dad. None..." He sighs and looks up. 

"Fuck, buddy, it's...The problem is's Julian, man.  He's...always running off with these crazy ideas.  But that's his dream. Don't you have your own dreams, Rick?" Ray asks. 

"Dad...I mean, I do. I just...I feel so stu...goddamn stupid sometimes, and I don't know if I could do it by myself."

"Don't...I don't wanna hear you say that, Rick. Lucy's telling me you're gonna get your grade 12, Rick." 

Ricky nods, but still unsure, "I am."

"I mean, think about that.  You know, there's nobody in our family who's ever got their grade 12. I've never even met anybody who's got his grade 12. And you're almost there, man. That's smart." Ray says, proud of him for getting his education. 

Ricky sighs, "That's true.  Well, I do have one pretty good idea."


"I don't even know why it came to me, but you know those green bins?  You can get them anywhere, anyone's house.  They're all over the place. You take one of those...Put a light in the top, one plant in the bottom.  Everybody's going to the mall buying this shitty mall dope. There's no good dope around. Especially with me in jail.  I could sell them one of these things, for a couple hundred bucks.  Which I would make at least 150 off that, and they'd have a pound of weed in 45 days."

"Rick, listen to me, man. That's a brilliant idea.  That's a brilliant idea." Ray says, liking what Ricky was thinking. 

"You really think so?"

"Yes, and you can do it." Ray nods, but needed to get something through Ricky if he wants to make his dreams come true.  "Let me just...let me just..." He mutters and moves to grab some jumper cables, "You know what these are, right? They're battery cables.  Just regular battery cables."

Ricky nods, "Mm-hmm." 

Ray holds up the negative and positive clamps, "But here's the thing. All through life, man. You've hooked one battery cable onto your battery, which is good." He explains as he hooks the negative clamp to Ricky's shirt. "You need that. But you've always taken this battery cable, the positive battery cable...and you hooked it to Julian." He says as he hooks it to his own shirt, "Pretend I'm Julian, okay?  So, you hooked it to Julian."

Ricky nods, trying to fully understand, but it was a little difficult for him, "Okay."

"You're startin' your Julian's battery.  You see? See what I'm saying? What you gotta do, Rick. What you gotta do is take this fucking positive cable that's been on Julian's battery, and you hook it there." Ray says as he removes the positive clamp from his shirt and puts it on Ricky's. "Feel it now? Now, start it up."

Ricky felt like his mind was blown, his father was so right on the money, he has been so dependent on Julian, it's time to start his dreams on his own battery, his own path. 

"You are totally fucking right."

"You're out of here. Go."

"Look. Dad, you just make everything make so much sense." Ricky exclaims and gets up to leave, bidding his dad his goodbye as he takes off to start his dream.  

The next morning, Ricky took his car and drove around the neighborhoods, looking for green bins. 

"I mean, Julian's thing wasn't working out. I gotta do something for me, and my dad's totally right. I'm not gonna let Julian boss me around. So...I'll help him out when I have time, but I'm doin' my own business now. I came to this neighbourhood. My dad told me to come here. There's green bins everywhere, it's green bin day. And these people live in these houses. you can take whatever you want from them, and they don't care, as long as you be nice to them, they think you're not a criminal." Ricky says as the camera crew interviews him as his car drags about a dozen of green bins behind them.  


Julian was upset about yesterday, but he has faith that his luck will change soon.  But, it was still a slow day.  He still hasn't had one customer.  Other than that, Sky has been acting funny since last night after she got back from Lucy's.  He called her a few times, and he made offers to come and pick her up, but she turned him down.  And when he went to pick her up this morning, there was a tense vibe around her.  She seemed nervous.  He tried to ask her what was wrong, but she would wave it off and change the subject.  When Julian and Sky arrive at the shop, Bubbles could tell something was up.  Sky, dressed in her black, cotton skirt and teal tank top, walks towards the trailer with Julian watching her with concern.  Bubbles frowns at them and gives Julian and questionable look.  Julian just shrugs, he didn't know what was going on.  

"I don't know how in the hell I'm going to be able to keep this from Julian and the boys." Sky says as she leans on the tree that was far from the trailer and far from earshot.  "I just want to wait and see what the doctor says first before I tell him." She sighs heavily and rubs her face, "I don't know if I want to have children at this time.  I mean, Julian as the father of my" She laughs softly, "Of course, I want that.  But would he?" She asks the camera crew. 

Bubbles walks into the trailer, "Hey, Sky, you okay?" He asks as she was stocking up the shelves with more motor oils and tools. 

Sky sighs, "Yeah, just...having another off day.  I'm fine though." She waves it off. 

"Are you sure? Cause Julian seems worried." He asks. 

"Yeah, I promise.  Um, I made a doctor's appointment, trying to keep it quiet around Julian.  Don't want to scare him." She says. 

Bubbles nods, "Ok.  I do hope everything is ok.  But, I would tell Julian." He says.

"I know.  I will." Sky nods and gives him a side hug.  "We should clean up." She mutters and begins to help Bubbles with trash bags, tossing them out.  

But, from the distance, the sound of tires screeching was made.  Everyone looks and sees Ricky's car zooming towards the trailer.  Bubbles grabs Sky and pulls her out of the way fast.  

"Jesus!" Sky yelps when Bubbles picks her up and yanks her out of the way when Ricky backs up.  

Julian paces over, "Ricky! What the fuck!" He exclaims. 

"Ricky, just...hang on!" Bubbles says as he gets out of Ricky's way as he continues to back up from across the trailer, towards his line of weed plants he placed before he went off to his bin binge.  

Ricky wiggles out of the car with a huge grin, "Check these out, Bubs!" He grins as he picks up a plastic box container with weeds growing in it.  He walks over towards his other plans and set them down as Bubbles walks over towards him in shock.  

Julian glares at Ricky as he checks Sky, "You ok?" He asks gently as he strokes her chin. 

Sky sighs softly and nods, "Yeah, I'm ok." She runs her fingers through her hair and watches Julian begin to pace over to Ricky, but she grabs his arm and yanks him back.  "Baby, calm down.  I'm ok." She says as she wraps herself around him, holding him back.  

"Oh, my God!" Bubbles exclaims as he exams the weed plants in amazement. Ricky was always great with growing weed and hash. 

"Those are not fucking around!" Ricky grins. 

"They're not fucking around." Bubbles says as he looks over the plants, examing how healthy they all looked.  How they smelled, "Hi, little fella." He says to the plant. 

After calming Julian down, Sky managed to get him to focus more on the van he had in his trailer.  He needed to figure out a way to hide it better.  Sky suggested him to give it a new paint job to hide the words that were basically screaming to the world that it belonged to the jailhouse.  

Ricky and Bubbles were chattering behind them about he plants and Ricky's new idea for a new business. 

"It's gonna totally work." Ricky states. 

"How much loot is it going to haul in, though?" Bubbles asks. 

"Quite a bit, I think, and if it does, the first thing I'm doing, buddy, is helping you with your cats. So, Don't worry about them." Ricky says as he pats Bubbles' shoulder in assurance.  

Bubbles was shocked to hear that.  He was touched that he was going to this for him, but he was still worried with the time limit he had.  He knew his kitties couldn't stay there much longer, "It's awesome and everything, Ricky, but how long is it gonna take.  Time is... you know..."

Ricky clutches his head, "It's gonna take some time.  My fucking head is driving me nuts! Do you ever get your head like when it just won't shut up, and it keeps talking to itself,'s killing me.  So I started studying, and my dad, it's just yap, yap, yap! Fuck, what is that?" He says as he grips his head, shaking it to get rid of the new, foreign feeling he was experiencing. 

Bubbles was in awe, "That's thinking." Ricky never did this before, he was starting to believe that getting his Grades were doing their job on Ricky's brain.  He was thinking for the first time.  Actually, thinking.  And maybe even smart thinking.

Ricky frowns, "It's what?"

"Thinking. You're thinking.  You know, your brain's probably using parts that have never been used." Bubbles explains.   

"That's all that is?" Ricky asks. 

"Yeah! It's good!" Bubbles exclaims.  Happy for his friend to finally experience this. 

"Well, one of the thinks I had was that you could help me with this, and help me study, and I'll cut you in.  We'd be like a team." Ricky says. 

Bubbles points at all the plants around them, "You'll cut me in on this if I help you study?" He wanted to know if he heard him right.

"It's a fuck of a lot better than what's going on over there." Ricky scoffs as he jerks his thumb over his shoulder, towards Julian's so called business.  After another day, it was just another failure for Julian.  

Bubbles held his hand up in a high-five as Ricky continues to talk, "Look." He points at his hand, waiting for a high five from Ricky. "Deal."

While Ricky and Bubbles were making the deal, Julian gets a call from his phone.  He grimaces at the caller ID and looks over to Sky. 

"Yeah, Jim?" He answers.  

Sky sighs and moves towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she rests her head against his chest.  

"Oh, really?  That's great." Julian mutters and sighs.  "Yeah, I'll be right over.  Thanks.  Bye." He grunts as he slaps his cellphone shut.  

"What did that asshole want?" Sky asks. 

Taking a gulp from his drink, Julian sighs heavily, "The trailer he ordered for me is arriving this afternoon.  He wants me to take a look at it today.  He says he says it'll be installed next to yours." He sighs. 

Sky sighs softly and rubs his chest, knowing he was bothered by this decision.  She didn't want him to give up his dream, but the park was his home...his family all lived there and he cared about them.  and her. 


Julian, Bubbles, and Sky all drove over towards the new park to check out the trailer had ordered for Julian.  As they got closer to Sky's trailer, they could see Lahey and Randy chattering with some of the neighbors...and they didn't look too happy.  

"Jesus, look at Randy's head. The marker hasn't faded at all." Bubbles says as he spies Randy's marked head, "He looks like a goddamn weevil." His voice drops into a whisper. 

"Those people sure look pissed off.  Guess the sewer issue is getting worse." Sky sighs.  

"I never realized until I saw your bathroom.  He's that desperate, isn't he?" Julian asks and scoffs. 

Sky looks over to him, "Very.  So, beware of his bullshit." She scoffs out a laugh.  

Lahey smiles big as he sees Julian's car pull up near him.  He waves off the neighbors, shooing them away so he could work a deal.  

"Hey, Julian." Lahey says.

"Hey, Bubbles." Randy greets. 

"Miss Winter.  Hope you won't mind the new neighbor joining in." Lahey grins with a knowing look.  

"How's it going, Jimmy?" Julian greets back and shakes his hand. 

Lahey gives him a bro-hug, "Good. Nice to see you." Leaning in a little too close.  Sky could have sworn he was smelling Julian's neck.  

"Hey, Sky." Randy greets her.  

"Hey, Randy." She waves and smiles as Julian pulls her close into his arms as Lahey begins to show them around.  

"This is it! Full-treated sun deck with a lifetime guarantee." Lahey says as he spreads his arms open wide with a big smile.  "Piss shack will be going in 2 days." He adds as the outhouse was right next to the steps. "Check this out." He opens the door and leads them all in, including the camera crew, "Full cathedral ceiling. Hallelujah!" He sings as if it was a church, "Vinyl mullions in all the windows, and you won't believe this kitchen." He exclaims as he shows off the small kitchen as Randy checks the dishwasher, double checking the installments, "You've got oak veneer paneling on the doors.  We got matching ebony microwave, and a dishwasher which Bo-Bandy installed this morning. Good work. Bo-Bandy." Lahey grins and pats Randy's belly, then continues with the showing off, "Full electric heating.  You have laundry, second entrance. And a beautiful master bedroom.  With a bathroom en suite." 

Soon, Lahey all lead them towards another room that had something covered, "But this is the piece de resistance." He grins and pulls the cover off to show everyone a full stocked bar...with Julian's picture displayed between the bottles and glasses.  "Ta-dah!" He hums.  "Full complementary bar. Let me freshen your drink for you, Julian." He says as he opens a bottle of rum and pours some more into Julian's glass. 

Bubbles and Sky frowns at the picture Lahey had, "Am I hallucinating or does Lahey have a picture of Julian on the bar?" Sky leans in and whispers to Bubbles. 

Bubbles shakes his head, "Nope, Sky, you're not." He whispers back, "Where did you get that picture of Julian, Mr. Lahey?" He speaks up, asking as he points at the picture.  

Julian looks at the picture, uncomfortable with the possibilities of Lahey gaining that picture, but he couldn't say no to free rum.  

Waving it off, Lahey decides to offer Bubbles a chance, "Bubbles, if you wanna drop over, and see me later, I might have a little deal for you, too." He grins.  "Randy, contract." He snaps his fingers and Randy hands him a clipboard with forms for Julian to sign, "Julian, strike while the iron's hot.  What do you think?"

Julian looks around, honestly, he was tempted.  The trailer was bigger and better than his grandmother's trailer, "It's a nice trailer,'s really nice." 

"Great. Sign right here." Lahey grins and holds the board up with a pen. 

"I still have one problem.  What about my business?" Julian asks. 

"What about your business?" Lahey shrugs. 

"He just opened it, Mr. Lahey.  He can't just abandon his business." Sky points out. 

Lahey sighs, "Julian. I can give you 6 months for you rent free here.  I'll sweeten the pot. Look!" He points out to an empty lot across the street, "We could set your business up next door if you want to."

"Yeah, but then, I'll be paying lot fees over there and lot fees here." Julian scoffs as he points out the flaws.  

Lahey holds his hands up, "Ok, how about this...since you and Miss Winter are a couple.  Why not move in together.  That way, when Miss Winter's trailer is sold, you can use the money to help with the lot fees and your business once it starts to grow.  And with Miss Winter's bar, fees will be no problem for either of you.  You both would be financially stable to stay." Lahey grins as he sees they were both seriously thinking about that idea. 

"Julian and Sky, move in together?  Would you guys do that?  Share a place?" Bubbles asks.

Sky stutters and looks at Julian, "Well..."

"It does sound like a good idea." Julian stutters.  

"Yeah, I agree it does." Sky scratches the back of her neck nervously.  

"But..." Julian trails off, making sure he and Sky were on the same page.  Sky nods, letting him continue, "We will need to discuss about private." He clears his throat.  

Lahey wasn't going to let this go, he needed Julian to sign the forms as soon as possible, "Julian, step outside.  There's something I gotta show you.  Look at this wonderful side yard."

Julian watches Lahey and Randy walk away and turns to lean in to whisper to Sky and Bubbles, "This is fucking nice." He was impressed with the trailer.  

"It's fucking nice, all right." Bubbles agrees.  

"Better than mine, to be honest." Sky whispers out a scoff.  Still bothered with the idea that Lahey presented.  He did make some great points.  It would be financially a great idea for her and Julian to live together.  But that was something they needed to talk about.  First, she needed to tell him about the possible pregnancy and her doctor's appointment tomorrow.


After telling Lahey he needed some time to think about everything, especially, when he brought up the idea of he and Sky sharing a place.  At first, it was just buy him some time till he could get the shop running, but in the back of his mind, he wanted to have a serious talk with Sky about that.  

Julian and Bubbles head towards the car, but Julian frowns when Sky follows them since she was already home.  But, before he could ask, she read his mind, "I don't wanna go home yet.  Can I stay with you?" She asks Julian.  

"What about the boys?" Bubbles asks, making sure her cats were ok to leave alone." 

"They'll be ok.  I can call Sarah to check on them for me.  She has a spare to my place." She says and turns to face Julian, waiting for his answer.  

Julian sighs, "Sure, baby." He leans down and kisses her softly.  "You can always bunk with me anytime you want." 

Sky sighs, "Give me a second to grab some clothes." She turns and walks towards her trailer, leaving Julian and Bubbles. 

Bubbles eyes Julian and he watches her walk away.  He could see Julian was doing some serious thinking as he takes a few gulps of his drink.  

"Are you thinking about what Lahey asked?" 

Julian sighs deeply, "To be honest, Bubbs?" He looks over towards him, "I've been thinking about that ever since we were in jail." He turns and goes through his car, opening a compartment and takes out a velvet box.  He holds it up for Bubbles to see, but hides it from sight.

Bubbles' eyes grow wide in shock, "Holy fuck! Are thinking about...popping the question?" He exclaims with excitement. 

"Shh!" Julian hushes him and looks around and make sure Sky couldn't see them.  "Yeah, I am." He gives him a small smile and turns with his back facing Sky's trailer as he opens the box.  "I didn't want to tell Ricky, but this is where the rest of the money went to.  When we robbed the store.  If Sky knew, I know she wouldn't have accepted it." 

Bubbles takes the ring and discreetly looks closer at it, "Deeecent!  Julian, this is bea-utiful!  She's going to love it." He says and hands it back to Julian so he could hide it again.  "When do you plan to ask her?" 

Julian moves and places the ring back where he got it out and turns to face Bubbles, "I was going to wait till the shop was in business..." He clicks his tongue in disappointment.  "But, I'm starting to wonder just how long this is going to take.  Maybe I should ask her tonight." He scratches his beard.  Wondering if he should.  

Bubbles grins, "You should do whenever it feels right.  Sky is very simple.  You could make a romantic setting at your place.  Order in, maybe some flowers and shit.  And ask her from your heart." 

Julian sighs as he thinks about.  He wasn't always one to be romantic.  But for Sky, he can try, "You know me, Bubbs, I never been the romantic type." He scoffs.  

Bubbles grunts, "Maybe it's time to start.  I know you love, Sky.  And I care about her like she's my sister. You always been my best friend, like a brother to me.  Whatever you do...don't break her heart." 

Julian pats his back, "Don't plan to, Bubbs.  Not in a million years." 

Bubbles grins, "Good.  Then get to asking."  He could see Julian was growing nervous about that thought,  "Who's got yer belly?" He asks as he tickles Julian's stomach.  

Julian chuckles and clears his throat as he looks up and sees Sky coming back with a bag over her shoulder.  He takes her bag for her and places it in the trunk.  

Together, the three of them head back to the old park to Julian's trailer/shop.  Julian slows down and stops when he sees Ricky dragging 4 trash bins behind.  He scoffs and pats his door, gaining Ricky's attention.

"Come on, Rick!"

"What?" Ricky scoffs as he continues to drag the bins behind him.  

"Come on, hurry up!" Julian says, urging him to move. 

"Just gimme a second here." Ricky shouts.  

"You should've let me go first." Julian scoffs and, finally, he pulls into the garage and sighs as he shuts off the car.  He turns and faces Bubbles as he had a lightbulb goes off over his head as he looks over his car.  He knew he had to do it.  For Bubbles.  No matter how much he loves the car.  

"I paid 4 grand for this car, you know?" Julian says as he rubs his hand over the steering wheel. 

"Yeah?" Bubbles asks. 

"It's appraised for 7." Julian adds.  

"Well, that's good, Julian."

Julian sighs heavily, "How about I unload it, and give you the cash, so you can put it towards your cats to get them out?" He offers. 

Sky and Bubbles were both surprised to hear that come from Julian, "Really?" Bubbles frowns. 

"Babe, are you sure?" Sky asks.  

Julian nods, "Yeah."

"That would be awesome, but...I know what this limited edition Monte Carlo SS means to you." Bubbles says, he didn't want his best friend to get rid of something he loves for him.  

"Bubs, your cats mean way more to me than this limited edition Monte Carlo SS, that's in mint condition." Julian sighs and scans his eyes over the car again, You mean more to me.  I love you, you big goof."

Bubbles smiles, "I love you too, Julian." He grins.  Happy that Julian was doing this for him.  

Sky moves and takes Julian's hand in hers, giving him a soft smile.  Julian sighs and gives her hand a soft squeeze.  He could see she was proud of him for giving up something he loved, like a big expensive car.  But it was for his best friend.  She knew he would do anything for his friends.  And she admired him for that.  

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