Chapter 4

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The train came to a stop as we arrived at Daejeon station. My heart was rapidly thumping fast at the sight of the station, knowing the horror that was waiting for us inside. Yong-Suk slowly peeked outside the train doors and stepped outside, motioning for everyone else to follow him.

Unfortunately, Sanghwa and his wife, Yong-guk's friends, Seok woo and Soo-an followed them too, since everyone but Soo-an didn't believe me, but thankfully, Yong guk agreed to stay on the train, cabin 15, while I went to Sanghwa, his wife, Yong-guk's friends, and Seok woo and Soo-an to convince them to stay at the train together. Oh shit I forgot about Jong-Gil and In-gil too. How am I going to convince them altogether?

I decided to convince Seok woo first and ran after him and Soo-an, hearing her trying to convince her dad that they should stay on the train instead.

Yong-Guk's perspective:
I couldn't stand it any longer. I didn't want Jin hee to go on her own, it was going to be dangerous with the infected inside the station, so I decided to convince Sanghwa, his wife and my friends to stay on the train too.

I took a baseball bat and went outside into the station and saw Sanghwa, his wife, and my friends starting to walk towards the main square. I ran up to them, "Stop walking! All the military and police in there are infected!"

"Ya, I told you already, I don't believe you and your girlfriend okay?" Sanghwa said exasperatedly, leading his wife away as they walked away. "Ya, calm down, if the military and police really was all infected, how come I can't hear them growling from the main square?" One of my friends asked me.

"The infected don't make any sounds when they can't see us! But they do when they do see us! Look how it's all empty here! Everyone's all infected here, I'm telling you!" I said in frustration. Everyone around me and my friends started murmuring about what I just said.

"All the military are infected?"

"What is that boy talking about?"

"Should we go back to the train then?"

But before anyone else could think about going back to the train, we all saw the military from the bottom of the stairs of the main square, infected, just as Jin hee had predicted. They all growled when they saw us and we were all taken by surprise, then ran for our lives.

"Appa, we have to go back to the train now!" I heard Soo-an telling her father desperately. Darn, her father still isn't listening to her? "Ajusshi! Please go back to the train! There isn't much time before the infected will come here!" I said frantically. "Look, I'm in a hurry here, so please just go back to your friends and stop bothering me," Seok Woo said, irritated. "Listen to me if you even care about your daughter's safety!" I said angrily, frustrated with Seok Woo's stubbornness.

We heard footsteps behind us, and saw the homeless man from the train walking towards us, and I knew that he was coming to us since he didn't want to be quarintined.

"The main square is that way, just follow the others," Seok woo said. "I'm coming with you. I heard your phone call about pulling you two out. I know the others will be quarintined," the homeless man explained. Soo-an looked at her father in alarm, and Seok Woo said quickly, "It's not true Soo-an."

"I have to warn them," Soo-an said immediately pulling out of her father's grasp. "You can't!" Seok woo said, pulling her back. "I have to!" Soo-an said. "Forget them! We're on our own!" Seok woo said.

Soo-an looked at her father for a moment, with a heartbroken expression. "You only care about yourself. That's why Mommy left," she said with tears in her eyes. Shit the infected are going to come any second now! "Ajusshi! We have to get back on the train immediately!" I said, pulling on Seok-Woo's arm, trying to make him walk back to the train. He pulled his arm out of my grasp and Soo-an, remembering how the infected were in the station, tugged at her father's arm. "Appa! Please listen to her! We have to go back!" She said desperately.

"Soo-an....," Seok Woo said, looking at his daughter, then at me, wondering whether he should believe in me. "Here! Over here!" The homeless man shouted to a frightened bloodied soldier limping towards us. "Please help me..." He said, looking desperate, before tons of infected jumped on him, hungry for a bite of human flesh.

"RUN!!!" I yelled fearfully, forcefully grabbing Seok Woo's arm with all my strength and took Soo-an's hand, and I tugged them both to the glass doors, hundreds of infected and uninfected people running past us, and we opened them to uninfected people, including Sanghwa, his wife, Jong-gil and In-gil, the homeless man, Yong-guk's friends, and at the last minute, Yong-guk. "Why didn't stay inside the train you stupid idiot? I told you all the military was infected!" I screamed in frustration. "I couldn't just leave you alone here!" He yelled back, helping me barricade the doors to all the infected.

"Take my daughter and go!" Seok Woo shouted at Sung-Kyeong, obviously wanting his daughter to back at the train as quick as possible so she could be safe. Sung-Kyeong quickly took Soo-an's hand and they both ran back to the platform to the train.

After that, me, Yong-guk, his friends, Sang-hwa and Seok woo helped barricade the doors to the infected, closing them with all our might. But the glass quickly cracked and started breaking down, so when the glass doors fully started shattering to pieces, Sanghwa screamed at us to run and we all started running.

We then noticed the train starting to leave from the window and we picked up our pace to run faster. When me and Yong-guk almost reached the bottom of the stairs, his friends running towards the train, we both watched in horror as two infected jumped on them and bit them painfully.

"Snap out of it you idiots!" Seok woo yelled, waking us back to reality and we all quickly ran to the train, Seok woo grabbing one of the train doors open, and we all went in, except for Sanghwa. He was still running from the horde of infected behind him and Seok woo held his hand out to him so he could pull him into the train.

Sanghwa grabbed a military shield and stick from the platform, then saw another group of infected running quickly behind Seok woo's head and yelled, "Watch out!"

Seok woo looked behind him, then quickly leaned back into the train once he saw the infected. Sanghwa smashed his stick against one of the infected running towards him, and defended himself as best as he could, before he grabbed Seok-Woo's hand and quickly went inside and closed the door.

We were all out of breath from running so much. But I was shaking and shivering, and Yong Guk looked concerned. "Jin hee ya, are you okay?"
"All those zombies....all those dead people.... Are we going to be like them in the end?" I asked fearfully, my arms hugging my legs to my chest as I kept on shivering.

"Jin Hee ya! Snap out of it!" Yong-guk exclaimed, shaking my shoulders. I looked up at him still in fear...remembering how close Yong Guk and I were to being bitten by those zombies.......growling in was so much worser and horrifying to see them up close instead of at a computer screen...
"I'm....scared," I whispered, my shaking getting even more out of control.

I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me and looked up to see Yong Guk hugging me. "Jin Hee...we're going to be fine okay? We're going to make it out alive, so don't worry," Yong guk assured me, trying to stop my shivering. I immediately felt calm over the warmness of his embrace. "You promise?" I held out my pinky. "I promise," Yong guk said, wrapping his pinky around mine.

I cried and let all the tears I had been holding inside of me roll down my face, hating how weak and fragile I was. Why am I still so scared? I should be used to the zombies already.... How am I going to keep all of these people alive if I can't even keep myself together if a zombie gets close to me?

Thanks to my carelessness, Yong guk's friends turned into zombies! What if seok woo turns into a zombie anyway, even if I try to stop that from happening? No! I must not let that happen.....for Soo an's sake, I will NOT let that happen. I felt refreshed with my newfound strong determination, wiped my tears away and I smiled at Yong Guk, "Thanks for comforting me." He blushed, scratching his neck, "No problem."

But there was still a problem though, pretty soon Sang hwa would receive a call from Soo an and his wife and we'll have to fight our way to get them to safety, but then Sang Hwa and that old lady In-gil will get infected. What should I do?

Maybe I could barricade the door instead and get bitten instead of Sang Hwa, but if I did that, who's going to prevent Seok woo from opening the door on that locomotive train so Yong suk won't bite him?!! Arrrggghhh!!!!! Why is this so frustrating!!!!!!! I felt Yong Guk look at me worriedly, but I was still deep in thought on what I should do.

"Everyone has to make sacrifices sometimes"

I turned around, wondering who just said what I heard. Was that Irene just now? I felt something growing warm on my neck and I looked down to see my amulet glowing warmly. "Jin hee....your necklace is glowing....." Yong-guk said in astonishment.

"Uh, yeah I know, it's just a mood necklace!" I said, covering my amulet with my hand. "A mood necklace?" Yong guk asked skeptically. "Y-yeah! You know, like a mood ring," I fibbed nervously. I knew that it was selfish, but I didn't want Yong guk to know that I wasn't really the girl he was in love with. I already liked him so much to let him go. I'm sorry Jin Hee....

Just then Sanghwa's phone rang and I knew that Su-an was on the phone with him. "What? Why are you answering? Where are you guys?" Sanghwa said worriedly. "WE'RE IN THE LAVATORY IN CABIN 13 GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW!!!" Sung Kyeong screamed from the phone. "Honey? Are you there?" Sanghwa asked, then saw that his wife hung up. "Was that Su-an? Is she okay?" Seok woo asked with concern.

"They're in cabin 13...." Sanghwa said, he and Seok woo looking up at the cabin we were in, "We're 4 cars away from them." Seok woo walked past Sanghwa, looking at the zombies walking about in the cabin ahead of them. Sanghwa gripped Seok woo's shoulder, "Are you going to go pass them? Let's say you did rescue them, but how are you going to get back here without getting bitten?"

I stood up, determined and ready to use my knowledge of this movie and said, "We could go rescue them if we make no noise near the zombies, and go past them when we go through a dark tunnel. They only react to noises and they can't see in the dark," I said, trying to be confident, "And then after we rescue them, we could go to cabin 15, where everyone that's uninfected is at."

"Sounds like a good plan, but how are we going to not get bitten?" Sanghwa asked. I opened a bag on top of the bag compartment and pulled out tape and ribbons. "We could cover our arms with these," I explained. "Alright, then I'll lead when we face those zombies, Seok woo in the middle, you and Yong-Guk in the back," Sanghwa replyed, taking off his coat, Seok woo doing the same.

"We should also get some weapons too," I said, pulling out random bags and thankfully found two sauce pans( Though why anyone would pack a sauce pan in a bag was beneath me). I handed one sauce pan to Seok woo(He also had one of the military shields as his weapon) and took the other in my hand.

After we all wrapped the tape and ribbons around our arms, we were ready. We were still in the dark tunnel, which was when we were going to enter in the cabin with the zombies. We walked to the door to the cabin filled with zombies. "Let's do this," Sanghwa said with determination and we all went in.

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