Chapter one

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"ARGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH" I inwardly screamed in my head. I was in my math program class slowly dying of boredom and because of the fact that I barely slept the night before. "When will this class end?" I thought in misery as I slowly nodded off, and my eyelids grew heavy.

There were zombies everywhere. They surrounded the whole train, leaving me no escape, even worseI was the only human that wasn't infected on the train.

I was currently hiding in a cubicle and sat on the toilet seat, hoping they wouldn't find me. I felt the train slowly come to a stop.

I could hear the zombies growling even louder, which made me too nervous to see if I could somehow escape the train. Eventually, my curiousity got the better of me, and I silently opened the door.

It made a slight creaky sound and unfortunately, a zombie cracked it's head around and saw me. It made a gruesome growling sound, lunged at my bathroom door and I screamed in horror.

"For goodness sake will you shut up?"
I woke up, my throat hoarse, and found everyone in my math program class looking at me like I was a total psycho. I gulped when I saw the teacher's disappointed face and I quickly apologized, promising to never sleep in class again. "You better not," my teacher said disapprovingly.

Me: Wyd julikat:3
Julia: nm u?
julia: dayum chill gurl
Me: but u know i had this really scary dream when i was sleeping....wanna meet up at the park so we could talk?
Julia: sure

I shut my phone off and sighed. Thanks to my napping in class, my teacher said that if it happened again, he would have to talk to my mom, and I definitely didn't want that happening. My mom is super duper scary when she gets mad and having my teacher talking to her about my "lack of attention" in class would make her VERY UPSET

I walked to the bus stop and waited there while I thought about my dream. For some reason, it felt more realistic than all my other dreams. Well, except that nightmare I had a few days ago about my math program teacher kidnapping me cause I had magical powers or something and then forcing me to go through a mirror. *shudders* Anyway, I knew that I probably had that nightmare during class because last week, when it was my mom's birthday, my fam and I watched this zombie apocalypse movie called Train To Busan.

Thankfully, it wasn't so scary since zombies are nothing but fluff compared to dolls(which I am EXTREMELY SCARED OF) but it had a strong effect on me. The movie was on my mind for days and I kept on thinking, if only I could change the ending, Seok Woo deserves to be with his daughter alive and unzombified.

Oh well, it's not like I'm some kind of superhero who could change sad endings for stories, I should just get over the movie and just focus on finishing all the math program homework I didn't do. But I still couldn't help but daydream about what could've ended differently in the movie.

"I'm so glad summer is almost over! I can't wait when school starts!" I said, stretching my arms. Julia gave me a "are you kidding me" and a "ew you're not my friend anymore" look. "Look I know it's weird of me to say that kind of shit, but trust me, MY TORTUROUS MATH PROGRAM PUSHED ME TO SAY THIS WE HAVE A QUIZ EVERY DAY ABOUT STUPID POLYGONS AND ALL THAT SHIT SCHOOL WAS HEAVEN COMPARED TO THIS," I exclaimed in one breath.

"A test every day?!! Ok that's just scary," Julia said, shuddering. "Tell me about it," I mumbled miserably. We were both at the park, on the swings, talking to each other. It was a pretty sunny and warm outside, so we took off our jackets. "Anyway, tell me about that dream you had in your math program class...what was it about?" Julia asked me curiously. I told her all about my crazy dream and when I finished telling her about it, she said, "what the fudge? That dream is hecka creepy and messed up."

"Yeah, I probably had that dream cause' last week I watched this zombie apocalypse movie called Train to Busan," I explained. "What's it about?" Julia asked. "Oh you know, just the classic zombie apocalypse, everyone's running for their lives and the main character survives the longest, but IT'S A REALLY GUD MOVIE JULIKAT U HAVE TO WATCH IT I SWEAR U'LL LOVE IT," I said.

"Is the movie on Netflix?" Julia asked. "Oh yeah it is, that's how I watched it, anyway it's really good cause it's not one of those cliche zombie movies with cheap jump scares and it actually makes your heart race," I said. "Okay it sounds pretty good. I'll watch it when I get home," Julia decided.

"Tell me when you finish it okay? I want us to have a LONG talk about it," I said dramatically. "Alright you weirdo," Julia said. "By the way, after you watched that movie did you hear any voices at night or anything scary like that?" Julia asked concerned. I smiled and assured her that I didn't hear any voices thankfully. I'm pretty sure you all are wondering what the heck me and Julia were talking about, well it's kind of a long story, so to make things short, one time in 7th grade I watched this creepy doll movie and the night I watched it, I heard this voice coming from the bathroom that kept on saying, ""

Of course that scared the crap out of me, so I told Julia and all my close friends about it, and my friend Cindy just searched up "hearing voices" on google and she found out that I was just so tramatized by the movie (and the doll's creepy smile) that I heard voices. It sucks that horror movies affects me mentally like that, cause I wasn't able to watch any horror movies after that. After talking about my mental health problems, we just talked about random stuff and the good times in middle school when everything wasn't so stressful. 

We went off the swings and decided to go for a walk like we always did whenever we went to the park. "Hey if there was ever a zombie apocalypse here, how long do you think you'd survive?" I asked Julia. "I don't know, maybe 2 or 3 days?" Julia said. "With my bad luck, I'd probably die within a day," I said.

I reached into my pocket for my smartphone, turned my phone on, saw the time and realized I had to home now. "Sorry Julia I need to go home now before my mom comes back from work and flips out when she doesn't see me," I apologized. "It's okay," Julia said. "Text me later!" I called out as I started walking to the bus stop.


When the bus arrived and I found an empty seat, I sat down, went on my phone and read some Train To Busan fanfics on wattpad. Yeah, I liked the movie that much. After the bus was at my stop, I hopped off the bus and started walking back home.

There are a few stores near my home, a grocery store, a hair salon, a Walgreens, etc, but a new store opened up near my home, it's called "the mist" and it's basically just a store that sells magic amulets, fortune teller stuff and things like that, but it's not really that popular, so it's been empty on customers.

There was a sign next to the store entrance door that said, STORE CLOSING IN TWO WEEKS. BUY WHAT YOU CAN BEFORE THE STORE SHUTS DOWN.

I never really went inside the store because I wasn't really interested in it, but I was curious to at least look inside and get a peek of it. I went  inside the store, and immediately felt the chills when I closed the door behind me. It wasn't the kind of chills you get when you're enter a haunted house and the door closes behind you on it's own, it's the kind of chills you get when you have a feeling something big is going to happen, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

I looked around and sure enough, I saw tons of typical hocus pocus stuff and a colorful pile of amulets on a elegant gothic looking table. I picked up one that looked like a sun that was drained of it's color in a horrible way. "That amulet, my dear, wards off curses that make you feel sucidal or depressed."

I gasped at the sudden voice, and turned around to see a beautiful woman with sea green eyes, wearing a jewish head covering, wisps of flaming red hair peeking out from it, and a long, flowing purple dress that wrapped around her body. She smiled, "You're my very first customer." The business here was that bad? 

"I am? Umm....Well, I need to go now, cause I have summer homework and I was only going to come here for a peek...," I babbled on nervously. "Oh, you're not going to stay longer?" The woman asked, disappointed. "Well, I could just look around for a little bit..." I said, giving in, feeling a bit guilty. "Alright," the woman said happily.

She introduced herself as Irene and I told her my name. I was mostly interested in the amulets, so I looked at them for a while, and picked up a silver cresent moon amulet. "What does this do?" I asked, feeling it's cool, smooth surface. "Oh this is a new one. It was more specially made than all the other amulets," Irene said. "Why?" I asked curiously. " has the power to teleport you anywhere you really want to be," Irene whispered, as if someone could be eavesdropping on us in the empty store. "Woah! For real? So if I wore it, I could go anywhere I want to go to?!" I asked excitedly.

"You could also teleport inside a book or a movie too," Irene smiled. "You're making that up right?" I asked with one eyebrow raised up. "I'm not," Irene said sincerely. I looked at her skeptically, wondering if I should believe her or recommend a good mental hospital to go to. "I know you're doubting me, but it really works, look!" Irene said, taking the amulet out of my hands and said in a clear voice, "I wish I could teleport behind Hanna," and disappeared.

I slowly looked behind me and gaped in astonishment when I saw Irene grinning at me. "Does it really work then? Or did you somehow use some illusion magic trick to get behind me?" I asked suspiciously. "Why don't you see for yourself, here, you can have this for free," Irene said, plopping the amulet in my hands. "Um, thank you?" I said, then quickly went outside. 

Once I was outside the store, I contemplated whether I should try out the amulet and say I wished to teleport to my favorite book, or not do anything to risk it, just in case the amulet really did work. I decided not to risk it, since I am a cautious person and headed back home.

Once I arrived home, I ate dinner, washed my dish, tried to finish my math program homework and ended up failing when I decided to take a 5 minute nap in my room, which quickly turned into 7 hour nap😅

Before I went to sleep though, I fingered at my amulet, liking how the silver cresent moon didn't look like some cheap necklace, instead it looked like it was made of real silver, the points of the cresent moon sharp and perfectly crafted. I decided to just say where I wanted to teleport to the amulet, besides it's not like magic is really real.

She could've just been joking and used some magic trick to go behind me. "I wish I could teleport to the movie Train to Busan," I said in a loud, clear voice like Irene's to the amulet. I waited for a minute or two for the teleporting to work and since I was tired as heck, I quickly fell asleep after that, not noticing that my amulet glowed bright blue as I closed my eyes shut.

I woke up in the same, cozy bed I woke up in every morning and sighed in relief. I looked at the amulet and said, "What the heck, I'm still at home, so Irene must've been lying! I knew that amulet wouldn't work!" But at the same time I was relieved because if I really did wind up being in Train To Busan, I would've been in HUGE trouble, with the zombies and all, and with my bad luck, my chances of becoming a zombie was pretty high.

The whole fake amulet situation reminded me of the time when I read this comment on a YouTube video that if I didn't copy and paste the comment on 10 videos in 30 min, I would be killed by a ghost girl at night in my bedroom. It turns out the whole thing was just a big load of BS cause I wasn't killed by any random ghost girl that night.

"Hanna! Eat your breakfast and go to your math program! You're going to be late if you don't wake up now!" My mom called out from the kitchen. "I know, I know," I grumbled and stumbled down the stairs to the kitchen to eat my breakfast

The rest of the day went pretty normally, I went to my math program, barely managed to not fall asleep there, and went to the train station so I could go back home. When I entered the train though, something weird happened. I felt like time stopped for just a split second and I felt very uneasy and a bit nervous afterwards.

When I looked around the train, for some reason, the seats were a whole lot fancier, so I thought I got on the wrong train and was about to walk outside the train, when I felt someone's hand grab mine, "Jin hee ya." I turned around in confusion and my mouth nearly dropped to the ground. The person who grabbed my hand was Yong-Guk from Train to Busan.

To be continued.......😏😏😏

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