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Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem.  

"Pack your bags! Shabna!" squealed  Jesima on the speaker. 

"For what?" asked Shabna quizzically as she folded the pile of clothes in front of her.  

"You know I applied abroad for my post-graduation, right?"  

"Yeah! I vaguely remember that." 

"My application has been selected in the California University." Her voice was filled with so much joy.  

"Mabrook! I am so happy for you." Shabna beamed back.  

"Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah."  

"So when are you leaving?"  

"Next month."  

"That's super! But why did you call me to pack my bags, by the way?" Shabna asked as she arranged the folded clothes on the racks in the wardrobe.  

"That's because you are tagging along," chirped Jesima.  

"No way," Shabna shook her head even though Jesima couldn't see her through the phone.  

"Yes, way." 

"No way."  

"Yes, way Missy."  

"You aren't going to leave me that easily, right?"  


"Hmmm! Why do you want me to tag along, of all the people?"  

"The answer for the question you already know is, you should start breathing again. A change of city is the perfect option for that."  

"Jesima! I am perfectly fine here." Shabna tried to argue.  

"You are not Shabna! Don't try to fool me around. There are so many reasons you shouldn't be here. You have to get back to your previous self. And this society we live in is not helping you in any way."  

"Trust me! I very well know what these people are making you feel, to feel the worst and it's not good for you Shabs." Jesima spoke.  

"I trust you more than myself, Jessie. You don't know how much I owe you for being there with me in this tough situation. And what you are saying is somewhat a brilliant idea. A change of place will help me, perhaps. But will it work out?" 

"Well! I am on my way to make it work out."  

"What do you mean?"  

"Silly! It means I am on my way to your home to talk with your parents and convince them."  

"Jesima! You are unbelievable." Shabna shook her head once again as she closed the door of her wardrobe. 


When a task is given to Jesima to do, it never turns down into a failure.  

Convincing Shabna's parents for her was like icing the cake, a small amount of butter with fresh cream and whip it, and that was enough.  

Shabna needed a break from this life and Allah had answered an unasked prayer of her, knowing just well that this break will change her life. The gloomy clouds filling her sky would eventually fly away, and the area would be filled with vibrant rainbows.  

Patience is tough, but you need to be patient when you lose everything which matters the most for you and that's what you need to do. Allah makes you go through them because he wants you to realise the fact that 'not to hold anything more dear to you than Him'. He loves us so much right, He is possessive for our love.  

The things which were your world would be taken away, and you would be left scorching in pain and agony of your loss, and the time will pass by, hypnotizing you in such a way that, after a while, those things won't matter the way they used to do. You feel the pain raw, but you won't care about it. That's the meaning of the sentence "Time will heal you."  

"Do you think it's going to work out?" Shabna asked her friend who was filling her mouth with samosa.  

"It will In shaa Allah!" Jesima spoke as she chewed the goodies inside her mouth.  

"What would I do there? You would go for college and I would be left alone, right." She felt nervous now that her parents have agreed with her friend that Shabna needed time for herself and she has to be away from here for some time to mend up, soon.  

"Instead of sitting at home, you can search for some job."  

When Shabna eyed her, she then said, "Hey! Don't forget you hold a degree in your hand. And with your good marks, everyone would love to hire you."  

"They would?" She asked doubtfully.  

"Of course they would!" replied her father walking inside the living room and sitting beside his daughter, he added, "Beta! Don't worry about that just yet. You have ample amount of time till you leave, instead of wasting your time here, you can browse for some good openings."  

"Baba! That's a great idea." Shabna smiled.  

"Told you! I always come out with the best of ideas." Jesima said as she fished another Samosa onto her plate.  

"Ahem Ahem! It was Baba who came with the browsing idea."  

"And who ignited the spark? Me na!"  Jesima took a bite.  

"Whatever!" Shabna got up, "By the way you are filling your stomach with the samosas, I am sure you would end up crawling back to your home." she said as she snatched the plate from her friend's hands and ran out the corridor.  

"Hey! They are mine," Jesima called out running behind her.  

For once, Shabna was relieved from the silent torture she was going through.  

She was not sure what the future held for. Because that part has been entrusted to her Creator, her Rabb. And she trusted him enough, that he won't leave her behind, not even in any situation.  

The hardships he made her undergo, is for her good. He teaches her lessons, the hard way around. 

But who does not get tested in this world, after being born as a Muslim?  

The beautiful part was that she would, eventually, open the pages of happiness in her life, again.  

It takes a while for 


Buds to blossom 


The same way 


Their fantasy of love 


Is on the brink to 


Sprout out, and 


Grow into a beautiful tree 


Filled with enchanting flowers 


Spreading their musk like the smell 



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