Round Four, Scene Two (Finale)

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"You have agreed that Iceblaze is guilty," Cinderstar announced.

As everyone turned to look at Iceblaze, her amber eyes widened and her fur spiked with shock. But soon, this shock morphed into bitter anger and amusement.

"Didn't take you very long to figure that out, did it? What gave me away; was it just dumb luck?" She hissed, unsheathing her claws.

"So it was you!" Cypressleaf stumbled back, startled at Iceblaze's confession. "I thought I could trust you!"

Iceblaze gave a horrible grin. "Well then, you thought wrong."

Without another word, the she-cat pounced upon Cinderstar, clawing at his sides mercilessly. He yowled out in pain as she tore him apart. Within moments, he lay dead on the ground. Iceblaze sneered at her former leader's body, then turned her back to it.

"This is proof of a Clan cat's weakness," She hissed, a mad light kindling in her eyes. "Cinderstar deserved to die! And I," she purred, licking her lips in anticipation, "will lead you all to greatness. Let an endless flow of blood carve out our path to true strength!"

Behind her, a voice hissed, "I'm afraid I cannot let you do that, Iceblaze."

The white and ginger she-cat whirled around to face Cinderstar.

"You!" She hissed, outraged, but a glint of fear had birthed in her eyes. "You should be dead; that was your last life!"

Amusement sparkled in the gray tom's eyes. "I can stay here just long enough to defeat you. I have love for my Clanmates, can you say the same for yourself?" Cinderstar laughed.

"Old fool! You can never defeat me, never!" Iceblaze flew at Cinderstar, but this time, he was prepared. He dodged her attack and flung her across the clearing, where she landed in the middle of the crowd of warriors. She shakily pulled herself onto her paws, but by then she was already surrounded by her former Clanmates, all ready to kill.

"No..." Iceblaze whimpered. She shrank back, knowing that she was outmatched. "No, please! I-I can change! I can-" Her plea was interrupted by Dawnwing.

"Save it, Iceblaze. How can we ever trust you again?" the golden she-cat meowed, shaking her head. "You don't deserve mercy. You killed Pebbletuft and tried to kill your own leader! Who here would spare you from death?"

Dawnwing unsheathed her claws. With eyes squeezed shut, she dealt the final blow on Iceblaze's head. Iceblaze fell limply to the ground, dead.

The Clan wins!

Thanks for playing Traitor!

Traitor: Iceblaze

Deputy: Dawnwing

Medicine Cat: Brightdapple

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